August 05, 2004
.08.05.04. - sandbur: mission prep [angie-spider-binary] *ac


(angie kelly)
((Man, I hope I got the right sl name! if not, just call me a dumbhead and I'll edit the whole goshdarn thing!))

Angie Kelley

~The address of the mark had been checked, and brief recon of the area had been accomplished, noting the houses, the kinds of cars driven, the clothing worn by people going to work, if they went to work; all in all the general ambiance of the surrounding blocks. She hadn't begun to tail the mark specifically, hadn't even planned to this morning. This was prelim prep, a gathering of knowledge to make the operation more successful. If you are going to tail someone, after all, you don't want to drive a Pinto to Cadillac country, and vice-versa; Don't want to wear a bra top to a black tie, and vice-versa.~

((A quick drive in a mid-range rented car through the neigborhood (Using Leonida tricks to augment the relevant stat) id'd in the information Binary gave her reveals what information to her that will help her with the tracking job?))

~Prelim eyes-on completed, she goes back to command (Binary, Spider) to brief them and to arrange for a Safety, be that safety spirtual items or companionship, be it secure realtime communication, or be it a team. When the safety is secured, she awaits a final briefing from command before embarking on the mission.~

((Spider, B, let me know what support/objectives/SPECIFICS Angie will receive from you guys))

((Lastly, if I've jumped the gun here, call me off! If any of you need more info, or have questions/comments, post 'em here, or mail me. I'm working a bit in the dark, but I know that time is of the essence...and hey, I was *tagged* hee...))

The Mark: Mathew P. Johnston.
Address: [Enclosed]
Social Security: [Enclosed]
Date of Birth: [Enclosed]
Chauffer License No: [Enclosed]
Current Employer: [Enclosed]

Mathew P. Johnston is a white male, dead twenty years. Somewhere in the last 30 days, Mathew P. Johnston left his grave and applied for a chauffer license in the city of Chicago. The Mark is a black male working under the alias of Mathew P. Johnston. He uses his job as a taxi/limousine driver to find his victims (See Nursery Rhyme Murders). Known affiliaties include Johnny Piel, white male formori, and another unnamed white male formori. The Mark is believed to be the leader of the group. All necessary precautions should be taken.


Spider swiveled in his chair to look up at Angie to see if she was satisfied. Command central was filthy. Spider didn't even need to look at Binary to feel her growing agitation - so he didn't. He insisted on leaving the room dirty, poorly lit, with food occupying unlit corners and crushed roach motels hanging from the ceiling.

The War Theurge has finally lost his mind.

"There's a map in there too," Spider says, gesturing to the manilla folder that contained 20:10's information. Enclosed were two printouts from a pay internet map service. The first focused on the mark's home, the second on his place of employment, with both locations marked with a red circle.

"We don't know what, if any, powers they have. So I included a one-shot baneskin." A modified version of the original - a talen. You'll only get a couple hours out of it. And when its spent, it will release a very agitated and very weakened bane. So be aware of that."


What a nice way of putting the state of affairs [0-1] considered. Not that she greatly disliked roaches, okay maybe just tthe physical ones. THe creepy, crawly, grimy, filthy insects that spread germs on everything they touch. Binary tolerates them, she doesn't have to agree with the manner of their existance - cockroach's own - ugh. And so, its is just outside of the Command Center that Binary stands her head bowed briefly to hear the words of the Spider a clean handkerchief hovering in her left pocket.

[ ...He insisted on leaving the room dirty, poorly lit, with food occupying unlit corners-- ]

From behind Spider the woman's [0-1] arms tighten as if pulling herself up and away from the dishevelment of Control, to wrap across her form. Neat. Freak. Waiting for Spider to give his orders she is stilled - contemplative. And then comes the low toned subtitles - Jarheads perhaps had a language all their own. "Its a standard recon mission. Primary Objective: Locate Johnstone. Avoid Detection until the guillotine." Her chin lifts to the baneskin before her hands creep up to scratch at the skin behind her ear, almond shaped eyes lowering briefly with the motion.

"Protocal is as follows:

(1) Meet up with Local Contact: Drums on Skulls. alias James Branson [@ insert address] you have your locations.

(2) Both of you are to stay in contact with each other and command at all times.

(3) Contact Command with positive ID and await further instructions. Do not threaten mark until the order comes in from Command. The Crows--"

Blink. "The Dragon's Flight will likely be in the area during their recon--" A glance to Spider thoughtfully. "If shit hits the fan." Which it usually does. "Assume biological-warfare, take bio gear, and an extra mask for your contact. " And it went without saying, wearing masks in the street would be a bit too conspicuous - but rage could often make al the differnce between breaths. A gaze flick to spider making sure she had accurately translated his orders...

"Bravo Team will likely be in the area as well--" Binary's lips press together as the scartching stops her attention fixed on the wyrmfoe. "How do you want the Piel situation handled?"

["Assume biological-warfare, take bio gear, and an extra mask for your contact. ... Bravo Team will likely be in the area as well--"]

Sometimes Spider felt like his life was a movie.

The Random Interupt had to wonder sometimes, Who talks like this? The contact. Bravo team. [My life is a movie to which I am most definitely not the star.]

"You and Sarah want to take care of Johnny Piel?" This should be interesting. To say the very least.

[preliminary info for james' involvement in 'maxwell's silver hammer' scene]

Posted by james at August 05, 2004 12:00 AM