August 05, 2004
.08.05.04. - meeting request [letter] *ac


two weeks have passed since the Sept gathered at the Warder's request
representatives sent from interested packs and parties to hear what the visiting Garou had to say
missions organized and run, information gathered to aid their mutual goals
unfortunate events delineating the discovery of things not clarified as they should have been
now it is time to facilitate the further steps through the contacts exchanged

a message is left at the number Sirroco provided James
not wanting to divulge more than necessary to an answering service
much less force lengthy deciphering of his battle-scar slur
he adapts intent to explain a lengthier message is waiting for her at the Caern
the Galliard will find a handwritten letter at her disposal
surprisingly neat, given any expectancies from the Omega Tribe

just because he doesn't necessarily maintain any fondness nor trust for the Shadow Lord tribe as a whole doesn't mean the Gnawer Elderman never took the time to understand the intricacies of diplomatic negotiation and expectant formality within the halls of..... alleged...... royalty - he is the pack's Public Relations Garou, after all, and went the extra mile to do his part to keeping the visitor's happy enough to work with the Sept sans hitch or pretentious slight as priceless lives are at stake

Galliard of Storm Winds from the Thunders-Forge Sept of the Appalachians

Several developments suggest another conference would be to our utmost interests.

To minimize the draw of Garou resources from where we most need them, please arrange a time for Imogen Slaughter, MD, to have prompt audience with a knowledgable representative of your interests and research. You will remember her attendance at our initial meeting; and I have ensured she is up to date on our own endeavors.

Directly accessing her medical expertise would expedite potential investigations for both our Septs. Dr. Slaughter is anxious to confer with a member of your pack or the Thunder's-Forge research team at the earliest convenience. I have included her contacts.

Dr. Slaughter will act as liaison to relay information to myself.

James Branson
Jukebox, Drums-on-Skulls, Fostern Ahroun of Eagle's Chosen, Bone Gnawer Elder of Maelstrom's Sept of Chicago


OOC: James included one of Imogen's business cards in the letter, complete with whatever personal contacts she gave permission for him to exchange for the sake of doing things quickly.

Mei, James will set up some hotel room as a place to meet/work/spread papers out/compare notes/whatever outside of her office and any prying eyes if needed/wanted and give Imogen the key. It can also be used to temporarily house visiting reps if needed/wanted. Nothing fancier than a habitable motel (far. away. from. Cliona's!), but it's neutral, private, theoretically secure, easily cleaned out, paid for in cash to minimize connections, etc, etc. She can use it or ignore it or keep it as a bluff meeting place or whatever for as long as needed - he just said he'd make all the arrangements and is to his best ability.

Maddie, you and Mei work out the best time for y'all to run a scene and with whom. Since I'm totally gone this weekend until Monday and I recall weekends work best for you two, I tried to set it up so James doesn't have to be there even if he's the expected contact cause of his status. Ball's in your court, ladies, guttermutt's PR part is done.

Posted by james at August 05, 2004 12:00 AM