August 04, 2004
.08.04.04. - message from cliona *ac


It has been a very bad week. Very bad. Hellaciously bad.

When it rains, it pours, and by the time they got to the Apartment, Abe was dead and she had a sick and distraught brother to deal with.

While he stared, she made Calls. Lots of them.


First things first. Totemphone Ye kin yell later, right now I dinna want t'hear it. I've got it. Spider dinna catch it, so twas luck o'th'draw I guess. I'm nae sick yet, so will b'workin as best I kin t'find th'cure before th'happens. Sandman - Keep Evie under lock'n key or with yerself. Percy - Tell Meli I said sh'takes time off until tis finished. If'n she's worried about her job, I'll persuade them otherwise when tis over. Take her and ye kin and get'em under lock'n key. I'll put in a call t'th'boys at me place, let'em know t'stay put. I'll nae b'goin to th'ouse and arrange f'them t'send me some clothes etc.

I'll b'holed up at th'Motel 8 *insert address here* for th'time bein. Ye kin call me phone, and totem o'course if'n ye need me. Oh - and tell evie, Chloe tis infected. Ad a healthy dose o'i told ye so when ye do. Percy, keep checkin em all wit'th'rite.

Pause. then. Oh - Mother's Touch, Resitin Toxin - does nae a damn thing. So keep ye nose clean. Call if'n ye 'ave need.


Next. Jukebox's Cell and Voice Mail.

"'Ey, m'lad, tis Cliona. Ran int'eh a couple o'yer kin ye dinna know ye'ad. Now I'm infected with th'shite th'Lords told us about. Th'said th'virus wasna out and about yet, th'lied th'arses off. Th'Strider th'warned us about is in town, I'll be in touch when I know more. Tell ye boys at me place t'stay put. I'm at Motel 8 *insert addy here* and ye kin reach me by phone - effectively quarentined. Th'lads, ye kin ye hadna met yet? they said they dinna have a Momma t'let know about'em. One o'th'boys is dead, th'other sick and gettin sicker. Maybe a wee run though ye message services t'put th'warnin out is in order. Ye boys at me place are nae infected, and feelin fine - locked up nice an'tight. I'll be in touch."


That takes care of the Eagles, Spider will fill in the GW's, and one more call. The Knights. "LeRoy, me lad, and Nelly, lass. Got meself th'wicked STD the Lords were crowin about. Keep ye kin close to ye chest, dinnae take in any dark haird kin who willnae give her name, and watch ye back. When I've got more information on what kin be done, I'll let ye know - as o'now realize Mother's Touch an' Resistin Toxin willnae do a damn thing. Call me Cell if'n ye need me, I'll be in touch."


And one more call. "Sloan. Tis Cliona. Ye find ye lad and get him o're t'me, asap. I need some answers, and likely he's th'only one who kin get em to me. This nae a request - i'll come find ye if'n ye dinna come fast enough."


She has never been so glad that she told Logan to stay across the ocean. Even if she can never get rid of this blight - at least he's safe from contracting it. And now - there's little t'be done but finally get a few hours fitful sleep, before headin out t'find th'bloody Strider.

Did what tis me job t'do. I said no yellin. smirks. I've a call inteh th'strider agin. Will get th'specifics from th'crazy arsed mofo if'n I 'ave t'beat it out o'im.

Then - after thought, call and leave another message for Jukebox.

"'ey lad! I forgot t'mention - ye might want t'make sure Imogen knows th'dangers. I was wearin mask n' gloves when I contracted me little germs here - if'n she sees any come through th'morgue...." shakes head, sigh. "I dinnae know what t'tell ye, jus' be careful. I'm takin care o'th'dead Gnawer so as nae t'get his arse sent under th'knife - but dinnae know who else tis out there...."

((Consider this message passed on by Jukebox to necessary kin, Garou/Council, and Imogen. Cliona will be asked to do whatever's deemed necessary to keep the remaining sick kin either quarantined, or off the public slab. I don't have the time or patience to deal today and by the time I'm back around next week I'll forget about it.))

Posted by james at August 04, 2004 12:00 AM