October 08, 2003
monsters [poll]

Apparently, I created a monster. Tonight, I was actually approached on what the next question would be. So, in honor of my Frankensteinien forays:

Q. What movie monster would you want to be, and why?

Damon: Spawn. The cape, the armor... you name it. Nothing beats having weapons zap outta your ectoplasm. So what if you're butt-ugly? You wear a cool mask. OHHH! and! Spiderman when he was possessed and in that black costume. He was BADASS. He looked cool as HELL. All decked out in black with a white spider. But Spawn's still better. I could probably ectoplasmize webs! Plus he's so badass in Soul Caliber 2 on the X-Box. Heh. He's like the best char.

Beth: Freddy. Cuz he lives in nightmares/dreams. And since I never remember my own, I could live wickedly vicariously through them. *L*

Jess: Jack the Pumpkin King! (He counts, right?) Yep, he's a monster, just in a good way Yeah! "I'm.... JACK! *sings* The PUM.kin.KIIIIING".... 'cos he's cool! And nice! *grins*

Rachel: The Cryptkeeper, because he always has a good time.

Bloodmane: Predator. He's strong, intelligent, fast, stealthy and high-tech. He has a skewed sense of honor that makes him more of a character than a slasher film reject.

Ashton: Pinhead! He's just... cooool. *grins* From Hellraiser.

Quasikaotick: Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean. Seeing as for ten minutes or so he was a cursed and undying being. As to why it would be the fact that I respect anyone that confusing. Thus why I play Pooka.

Ken: Jason from Friday 13th because I have never seen a more determined monster so hell bent on just plain out killing.

Courtney: Stripe (lead in Gremlins). Smart and vicious, but started out a cute ball of fluff.

Jacen: Nomak (Blade 2). He was just the shit.

Mercy: Mike, from Monsters, Inc. Round green ball on legs with 1 eye ... great combination!

Darkblade: Godzilla!!!! Cause only other monsters have a chance to beat me.

Wolfe: Jack Nicholson's werewolf, because it's way cool to be a wolf lol in the modern world.

Jazmodeus: Mothra from Godzilla at Monster Island. Because, well, he was a giant moth, he could fly and shoot a killer gamma beam... and the spots on his tail looked like another set of eyes heheh.

Cyan: Stripe, from Gremlins, cause he's got a kick ass attitude.

Neil: Godzilla, from the original movie, and any other, 'cause he's a classic monster and he gets to destroy japan like 30,000 times.

And myself? an Alien (v3.0). Vicious. Deadly. Agile. Bloodthirsty. Acid for blood. What more can you ask?

Posted by Wolf at October 08, 2003 11:37 PM
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