September 24, 2003
beware [the cans!]

Straight out of AIM with Beth, simply because it can happen to no one else:

d (19:30:43): hey good lookin
G (19:30:49): hey ther
d (19:31:07): how's you?
G (19:31:36): head huts
G (19:31:38): sorry
G (19:31:40): ty[ig one handed
d (19:31:46): ah...
G (19:31:48): (obviously)
d (19:31:52): *L*
G (19:35:52): icing a split lip *chuckl*
d (19:36:48): *arches brow......*
G (19:37:08): woudl you believe.....wayward coke can?
d (19:37:30): ....well. as it's you? yeah... *L*
G (19:37:48): heh
d (19:38:02): but I've been known to be gulible. *winks*
G (19:38:15): *chckle*
d (19:38:18): *grni*
G (19:38:23): (taht reads chickle, w/o the u...)
G (19:38:44): n did i mention....the painkilelers?
G (19:38:50): *oooh lordy the typos*
d (19:38:57): *cracks up* oh my..
G (19:39:18): n they haven't kicked in ye t, either.. ..
G (19:39:20): whee
d (19:40:10): good god man. *cracking up*
G (19:41:27): yeh, an i'm attempting to finsih my fucking project like this. christ.
G (19:41:30): *LMAO*
d (19:41:40): whohoooo! *LMAO*
G (19:42:49): nooooot gooooodo
G (19:42:52): okay
G (19:42:55): it IS good
d (19:43:04): *cracking up*
G (19:43:05): jus..... not foi r the roject
G (19:43:12): *gives up*
d (19:44:26): *just ROLLING*
G (19:46:58): all this cus've a fuckin coke can!
G (19:47:02): an EMPTY one!
G (19:47:11): (wihch we're all still amazewd atthe damage)
d (19:47:26): *LMAO* who threw a coke can atcha?
G (19:47:32): who you THINK?!
d (19:48:13): well with YOU you never know man! this is why i ask these things instead of assuming! *LMAO*
G (19:48:36): tha asshole i'm married to *L*
G (19:48:50): "*fling*..... oh SHIT!"
d (19:49:03): *just DIES*
G (19:49:03): then me.....actually FLOORED by this
G (19:49:29): (more out of shcok than anything)
d (19:49:47): *picturing this, and jsut laughing*
G (19:49:48): cause ididn't see it coming
G (19:49:56): wihch is why i didn't,
G (19:50:05): *puts the ice down*
G (19:50:07): thus!
G (19:50:25): we figure my lip must've gotten caugh on my incisor or something
G (19:50:34): cause the inside is just.... so purply bruised it's BLACK
G (19:50:39): all swollen and shit
G (19:50:49): i'm talking sorta like James with the slur and all
G (19:51:01): it's so not pretty
G (19:51:13): (remember to breath, dear)
G (19:51:31): i look like I've been beat like a red headed stepchild
G (19:51:32): I swear
d (19:51:38): *inhales! and cackles MORE*
G (19:51:46): Was offered a black eye, just to complete thelook *L*
G (19:51:58): (I declined, it'd be a yellow eye by the time Disneyland got here)
d (19:52:00): oh, she loves you so. *LMAO*
G (19:52:13): Oh. Yeh.
d (19:52:24): *just ROLLING8
G (19:53:01): As you well should be.
G (19:53:05): It's funnier than shit NOW.
G (19:53:10): Boy I was pissed earlier.
G (19:53:31): "th' fuck you doin' flingin'a can wi'out WARNING?!"
G (19:53:52): Interspersed with laughter, drool, and blood as appropriate
d (19:53:53): *oh just DYING*
d (19:54:01): naturally!
G (19:54:51): Yeh.... so for god's sake woman..... BEWARE THE CANS!
d (19:55:36): Oh i WILL!
d (19:55:39): *just DYING*

And yes, just for the record, I was endlessly kissed to make it better. Woman loves me so. Think she did it on purpose just to have an excuse to cuddle *grin*

Posted by Wolf at September 24, 2003 07:36 PM
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