July 03, 2004
meliorating procyon lotor [retro]

"Helping Hands"

Raccoons are such helpful creatures.

Stevie Ray and Taz, our resident juveniles that I have been keeper for for the past few weeks (as the regular mammal keeper during the week has been on medical leave) decided, today, they were going to help me work.

Much to the amusement of our Easterly visitors.

First, I must bring in a trashcan, as I gave them weeds and branch clippings for enrichment yesterday, and, as with all things raccooned, most of them ended up in bitty pieces throughout the cage, and a good portion ended up in the pond. These were easily raked.... they were occupied with their diet that I had scattered around the cage.

So I drag the trashcan in, instead of having to navigate the doors with a shovelful of clippings with two rat toons that love exploring the keeper area and fishing in my disinfectant foot tub. The diet, I find, has been finished, or attention replaced by the wonderful new toy I have with me.

OH! What is this?

Taz, it's a trashcan.

But what is INSIDE?

I can't put anything inside if you keep tipping it over.

But I MUST see what's INSIDE!

Taz, quittit, there's nothing inside yet.

Oh but there is! I must see!

*insert, here, frantic keeper both holding the trashcan upright with one hand, and scooping clipping leftovers in with the other, fending off the inquisitive, helpful, creature with one foot*

See!! There is something in there NOW!

Not anymore.... thank you Taz.

But it didn't look convenient over there. I must move it over HERE for you! See? Like this......


Then, now that the pond has mostly drained, I move over (yes, the trashcan finally got filled and quickly moved back outside) and squat down to pick out what's blocking the drain so the rest of the water can go out and I can start hosing what's left into a pile to scoop out. What didn't help is the water went down yesterday so what's in the pond has been there for two days...... meaning two days of them dragging everything they get their cute little hands on within the cage into the pond *chuckles*

Oh..... you are here, you are reachable *feel, prod, poke, pick pockets*

(Stevie, by the way, is blind, hence his name. He was born that way, and orphaned, which is why we have him. Unnatural, maybe, but it gives him a second chance, and we have an animal that people can get close to and learn about. He's adapted so well most visitors don't even know he's blind until I ask them if they can figure out which of the two actually is disabled..... so to speak.)

Yes Stevie...... I'm here. And I've always wanted muddy handprints all over my pants.

Of course you have. Oh? What's this? Your lap is empty..... you must be lonely.

Well, I was actually wanting to remove this stuff here so I could finish cleaning out your pond

No no, you are lonely. Here, I will fix this for you. *then all 20 pounds half climbs in, half drapes itself over my lap..... which is cool, he's never done that before..... but it was a conspiracy, you'll see*

And so proceeds the cuddling by Stevie, just like a big, helpful cat...... until Taz sees my sunglasses.

Those are dirty!

Well yes, that's because you have just stolen them from my pocket with your grubby little hands while I was occupied with Stevie...

So I shall clean them! Look at the wonderful scrubbing abilities the rocks at the bottom of the pond have! All dirt is GONE!

....... thanks.....

And the more I scrub, the cleaner they get!

..... I couldn't have asked for more, Taz.....

See? They are now clean. You look tense..... would you like a backrub?

No Taz, I really don't want to be pushed into the pond...... really! And let's not forget Stevie here

No! You are tense..... I know you are.... see? Doesn't this feel better?

Oh...... muddy pawprints all over the back of my shirt..... how fashionable.

I agree. I will help you relax more. Let me take your shoes off

Stevie? You really don't need to unlace my boots

Yes! I do!

After a bit, I pry myself free. Blessed be thy waterhose and it's many distractions of glee.

OH! Water! I must help you wash the pond out!

It's okay Taz, I can hold the hose by myself, really........

But you've been working so hard, let me do it for you.....

Entry from my original journal .04.15.02. These are the stories I miss telling since quitting the zoo.

Posted by Wolf at July 03, 2004 03:52 PM
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