October 11, 2003
gardenbotanika [alien]

Excerpt from Class:

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury.... yet again, Wolf is stuck on choosing a client. Glad this is my next to last class to have to do this in, else I would probably end up breaking something over the endless indecision and fretting. Glory be the days clients are just handed to me and I'm stuck with dealing with them. For the defense:

GardenBotanika - Basically girly, smelly, beauty stuff that is a definite departure from the types of products I've worked on before. The very fact I just.... stared.... at the website and couldn't come up with an idea for a corp design package right off the bat is the reason the company is so appealing. It's that challenge thang. It's more than challenging. It's quiet literally going where no man in his right mind has or should have gone before. Also, upon reading a little company history, I realize that the original marketing strategy of the company failed miserably and they filed for bankruptcy in the 90s. 2001 brought new ownership. 2003 brings the beginning launches of products in select department stores (mainly Nordstrom's - which already assigns an element of class to the products). So I'm working with a company in recovery. Plus that whole line of beauty products thing is an absolutely ALIEN concept to me yet I'm intrigued by the potential of creating a very, well, botanical and earthly package aimed at a target market that I really haven't explored (or manipulated, heh). Further thought brings more possibilities of where I could go with this so I'm becoming more and more endeared with the company.....if.... still feeling like I"m about to step into the Perfumed Twilight Zone.

Because, if nothing else, it's for the entertainment factor of seeing if I can actually pull this off.

The prosecution was for a totally other end of the spectrum company dealing with transportation safety.... oddly enough called Quixote Corp.... and you can imagine how that inspired a page long rant about the definition of safety. So, my prof replies:

Flowery Wolf...

... I think that even though you are going to be at a Wedding and away from your normal desktop, you should go w/ the Garden Botanika campaign. Why??? I think that you already know, but I will expand...
#1 - The challenge - You. In your career you will get products that challenge you. I have to right up campaigns for data-jacks and wiring duct. Talk about static / boring product. For Botanica, you will have to explore past your real interests and overall personality... as you define yourself to be anything but a girly girl - obviously and by default. Hence, this creates and excellent opportunity and challenge for you.
#2 - Diversification - To have a project for portfolio that is different from the rest shows that you have flexibility and can handle the challenge. I, as an employer, would like to see that.
#3 - I'd like to see what you can do with it. I can't even count how many classes you've been in w/ me. I know your style pretty well, so flat and simple, I'd like to see what you can do with the flowery smelly products that Botanika offers.

You know I couldn't let that be the last word.

You know. I can see right through this. I know you're just suggesting that because you know. You. KNOW. That I'm going to have to go sit in Bath and Bodyworks or other equally smelly store for competition research. You. KNOW. I'm going to be looking around just as frighteningly lost as Livingston was in the jungles of Africa before he came upon Victoria Falls. Except, what will make it worse, is that I will be without my safari team of warrior natives and will be forced to fend off the advances of the Bubbly Tribe of Amazonian Employees that are attempting to actually convince me to buy something... and with what. A pen? I damn well hope that little badboy's gonna be mightier than the sword.
This is purely for your amusement!

Is there any question why I have so much fun at school? Helps the prof and I are buddies.

Posted by Wolf at October 11, 2003 03:59 PM
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