July 22, 2003
moving [mayhem]

Taken from an email written to a close friend (why rewrite it?):

Things have been busy for me (explaining the length of time to reply to you, heh). Been REAL busy with the move. Escrow finally closed last Friday and so I've been working, doing homework, then spending the rest of my day moving. It's amazing how much shit two people can accumulate. Hell, it amazing how much shit _I_ have accumulated by myself, much less my wife's stuff piled on top of it. Moved most of the den yesterday.... I've made a vow to NEVER buy another hardback book unless I have no other choice. Endless laundry baskets full of hardback books up a staircase into a lofted office that has no semblance of moving air until I get a fan up there is not fun. Especially when the staircase, we have found, is barely wider than the laundry baskets themselves.... it's a lesson in juggling, I tellya. Moving the bookcases up to the office was another lesson: this one in ducking. We're all pretty tall, and the ceiling is slanted because it was the attic at one time. I think we were all risking concussions by the end of it.

So far, I think the highlight of the movie was my wife's attempts to put together my new desk. The one I have here was left here by my bro because it's impossible to move, and doubtfully we can actually get it out of this room anyway. It's one of those Wal*Mart pressboard put it together yourself specials. NICE desk. But big, and not exactly the sturdiest thing, so we'd probably break it by moving it. So mother in law and I went down a few weeks ago and hunted for a desk for her computer, and picked up a new one for me on clearance for like.... 20 bucks. Niiiiiice desk, too, came down from 170. On Sat, wife thought she'd surprise me and put it together at the new house while I was at work in the morning. Sweetest thing. Except she put it together while still in the living room... downstairs. Have I mentioned that we've found the staircase to be incredibly thin? That's how. The look on her face was priceless.

((Ed note: We cannot move into a house without breaking something in it first day. Moving into this one I broke the window frame... thingie. Our new one now has a dent in the wall that's missing paint. Well, it's not missing. The paint is a nice white slash on the edge of my new black desk. Simply adore her for putting out the effort to surprise me, though. Just adore.))

Nearly had a heart attack yesterday, too. Been borrowing Susan's Liberty to move things cause you can fit more stuff into the back of it than my Wrangler. Logical, right? Unearthed the crate of spraypaint I used to paint my bookcases. Had it all loaded up in the back and neglected to notice my wife had put something on top of the crate. Hit a bump at the top of the dirt road leading to the new place and suddenly heard SSSHHHHHHHHH and smelled the paint chemicals. I figured then and there I was a DEADMAN and could kiss seeing 31 goodbye. Out of all the colors, there was ONE black can, the rest were like... neon orange and day-glo green and whatnot. So with my luck? I just started making the pewter and black car suddenly have a wild streak of blazing orange. Slammed on the brakes in the middle of the damned road and veritably fell/leapt out of the Liberty to scramblybolt around back and just rip the hatch doors open... praying the crate wasn't buried. Saw a box just COVERED in bright bloody fireengine RED and thought about starting to look for something to just kill myself instead and avoid the fury that my mother in law was about to become. Two boxes literally flung onto the road later.... just a drop on the black interior of the Liberty, and on the plastic bumper, no less. One. Single. Freakin. DROP. Holy shit babe... after wiping that away, I had to just sit down (in the middle of the road, still) after that one, all shaking and pale and my heart about to beat it's way out of my chest. My wife was ahead of me in the Tacoma and had NO clue what or why I was jumping out of the car a half-block before the house then collapsing into the road... just crept up looking all horrified. Another absolutely priceless moment. I'm sure I just made a fantastic impression on my new neighbors.

So now... off to see what's up next in the contiuing saga of Wolf moving...

Posted by Wolf at July 22, 2003 11:48 AM
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