August 09, 2005
.08.09.05. - talespinning [nelly-justin]


just after six o'clock - seems James is just about on time
it's not your typical neighborhood for what's considered the Skid Row part of town
the cul-de-sac presenting a rather well-kept collection of little domeciles
lawns covered with little bits of naturally blooming flowers atop the grass
last house on the left being the one of particular interest to him
the restored three-story bungalow heralding Chicago's heyday back in the 20's or 30's
numbers tacked on the front wall seem to match the one's scrawled on the inside of his left wrist

this must be the place Nelly described during their earlier phone call

only way to find out is knocking on the door and finding out who's home
Corcoran's mutely thumping on the sidewalk leading each step closer
Alice pack shifting on muscular shoulder to the tune of telltale clinking glass
dreads swinging right back to where they were before fingers raked through tangled mop
not that looks truly mattered, in the scheme of things, but old habits die hard
never make a housecall looking more disheveled than you have to, Momma Ruggs always said
and beneath the rugged Adren exterior, the Gnawer is still that little boy she loved and raised
fist curls to rap knuckles against the door..... then he spots the bell button, opting for a more civilized brrrrrrING since, well, it's so conveniently there

Cleaning and clearing held her the majority of the day. Pangea given a myriad of things to do... upstairs... leaving the child free roam of two floors whilst the first floor and basement she knew to be off limits. Emmit and Ted were up there, one sleeping, one 'playing' with the metis.

So the first floor [Compacted of the foyer: to the left the livingroom. To the right, the diningroom. Ahead a long hallway. Just off to the right side of the hallway and diningroom the doorways to the kitchen. Down the hallway further two doors closed off and a turn where stairs ended] held pungent smells of food and coffee. Just under that the mottled scents of Knights trueborn members as well as some probablly unknown Squire sents.

Nelly had even gotten dressed. Yes, gasp now. She had sat in termoil for an hour before deciding Emmit's suggestion was the way to go. Though she destested having to wear clothes in her own damn house, she slipped on the least amount she could. Squeezing her tanned body into a pair of dirty cut up, daisy duke jean shorts. A black tanktop hugging her frame splayed wide white letters that read 'Gozar the Destructor', the material appearing as if any mintue it would burst from the pressure of her breasts. She was even freshly washed, her hair still damp brushed back from her face.

When the doorbell chimed its special tune - "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" - she padded barefoot down to the doorway. Pausing but a moment as if in silent contemplation, then opening the door. A smile brandished across her face, "Hi there! Come on in," stepping to one side and holding the door wide for him to enter.

beneath the raggedy mop of dreads and little, round black sunglasses
there's a forever lopsided grin spreading it's unique curve crookedly across his jaw
for as strange as it may appear in accordance with the regulations of a conventional smile
the characteristic is actually rather boyishly charming considering none other could get away with it
it would appear plastic, disconcerting, or even misplaced on another's features
however, James seems to pull it off as a genuinely warm expression once the door swings open

"Sum'one ord'r room s'rvice?" one fist still leveraging pack's strap over bare shoulder tightens when bicep flexes, causing the interior cargo of beer bottles to rattle in their cardboard carriers "Thank' Nelly."

the Ahroun's attire is certainly less revealing than the hostess Galliard
baggy fatigues slouch around the ankles of dully shined black boots
wifebeater above that plastered to his chest not by sex-appeal, but more the stroll beneath late afternoon sun
fortunately the stroll wasn't long enough to require a hose immediately upon his arrival
though little sunglasses do end up slipping slightly down his nose once inside
deep umber eyes glancing over the top rims as he takes in the first floor then looks back to Nelly

"Tol' me a take a wil'e guess'n th' beer..... so I did."

Across the threshold there then came the oddest sensation. Well, perphaps not so odd to a knowing Elder. Everyone who walked thru the door had a calming sensation affect, having to take a deep breath as if Gaia had breathed her healing love into the air itself. [Black Unicorn dedicated Hearth Stone]. Nerves could calm, rage was lessened and for that moment it felt similar to stepping into the power given off by a Caern.

Her eyes slid over the Adren from head to foot. A chuckle trembling her body, "No problem, ah ain't too picky once it comes to beer," a shrug of a shoulder. Those ocean blues rounding back to his face, "Thank you for commin, ah know ya'll been bit busy..." She closed the doorway after he entered. A hand gesturing out to the beers, "I'll pop em in the fridge. Common to the kitchen, hope ya hungry, Butta cooked up a storm..."

(justin page-matthews)
Out of all the times she could be cleaning why did it have to be now. But Justin wouldn't just sit on his ass and do nothing, that would be incredibly impolite. But he did offer to clean the living room for her. Then again there was more of watching the Boston, Texas game then there was of cleaning. And when Mueller sent home a run there was a loud cheer. Maybe a stupid one at that, probably giving himself away now.

Hell he was from Boston afterall. And that was Red Sox country.

the guttermutt was certainly a knowing Elder, and had seen his fair share of weird shit
but after taking his first steps into the protective bubble of the dedicated stone
there's a pause as James nearly has to go so far as to re-catch his breath
Ahroun's generous reserve of Rage suddenly introverting upon itself
lingering stresses of the latest ordeals winding him so tight - he forgot what it was like to relax
calming sensation more sensational as it nearly works to throw his balance entirely
it may not be such an odd thing to a knowing Elder, but it was certainly unexpected

"My pleasz're." minor imblanace expertly covered as free hand reaches up to snag the falling sunglasses, drawing them away from his face before settling light wire frames atop the crown of haphazard dreads "Welc'm'd th' chance a pace."

it's when he turns to flash another smile that Nelly can see how true that may be
dark circles shadowing deep umber gaze from the Garou's apparent lack of fitful sleep
other finite details betraying that James is so worn out the break isn't simply welcome
it's goddamned necessary
pack's shifted and top flap opened as he's following her to the kitchen
handing over the Bramha six pack and two Stone Brewery singles for re-chilling
the gesture is punctuated by a rather amused chuff of laughter

"F'rget y'r talkin' to a Gnaw'r, wom'n? Dunna wha' i's like a not be hungry....."

If there was just one single things about the Knights, it was they always had food and folks around. Nelly regarded him as they stood in the doorway. Her eyes focused on his, those signs of fatigue and wear. It caused her bottom lip to pout slightly, but she quickly regained her sunny composure just as he regained his own.

Pausing to glance into the livingroom with a low chuckle. So he was a sports fan, "Bee Gee Elder's here, sugah," just the other kind. A shake of her head and she turned to pad barefoot down the hallway.

Hardwood floors mucked by deep talon marks, espcially around the kichen doorway. Though the kitchen floor was checker tiled, so it did not sustain much damage from the Knights yet. There was a wide stainless steel fridg she sauntered to, "Well, old habits dah hard ah guess," chuckling as she helped stuff the beer into the fridge. She took out two cold beers and turned to thump her hip against the door of the fridg to close it, "Ah ain't sure where the fellas are. Round somewhere. Boston's over yander in the otha room. Squire, ah ain't sure ya meet him yet. Anyways, he's one of the ones ah was inquirin bout crossing ya'lls pad to get to the hospital not long ago..."

The kitchen counters held piles of food. LeRoy's famous ribs piled high in a pan, marinated chicken breasts, a bowl of mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, black eyed peas, turnip greens, greek salad, butter rolls, and a blueberry pie.

Then there came the voices of those within the kitchen. Well a different voice than he is used to hearing. But could he really pull away from the game right now? Ortiz was having a time at the plate right now and with Damon on first it was probably a good chance he could score. And the Yankees were down as well. Oh sweet bliss.

No, no. Must be polite, especially to an Elder. Say hello. Maybe turn up the television a bit to hear it in the background. Just in case...

And from the living room came Justin, sans his black rimmed glasses. And it was amazing to see that he did own a t-shirt that wasn't dressy. Amazing.


A polite smile to match his Boston accent.

there's a bit of a delayed reaction to the rousing ballgame cheer
James is looking back just in time for introductions' sally forth
chin tipping in the Eagle's trademark nod-up greeting the sports fan

"S'up." direction changed to offer Justin hand for shake "Jamezz."

while the raggedyman may be known as his pack's representation of PR
there are some things which instantly negate even the most ingrained of manners
such as the veritable feast just waiting around on the counter
still semi-recovering from the packhouse's aura that packs a better punch than Decker's best weed
the sight of such bounty does have an effect on the born and bred Hood
moment or three passing before he's clicked back into the present
presence of Bramha bottle in the line of his vision helping greatly
battlescar slurred New York accent taking a minute to catch up from the distraction
vocal cadence slowed deliberately so the impediment isn't quite so unintelligable

"Dunn think I met any a yours save yew, LeRoy, 'n Ba'ny. Though woul'n mine gettin' a know th' ones passin' through Eagle's turf so I c'n reco'nize'm a th' stree'."

He shook the man's hand when offered and moved over towards a vacant portion of the kitchen. Nelly and James probably had business to deal with and it was better that he stayed aside for now.

If he was needed he would be right there, his attention somewhat diverted back to the game in the living room.

She grinned and poped the top off of one beer to hand to Elder. Upon tiptoes she seemed to walk, which was the key factor in her ever present hip swing gaite, as she moved to fix a plate of food for the Bee Gee.

Setting the second bottle of beer down, "Well, Boston here is one of em. Then there is... Liz, ah think her name is? Lost kin, doesn't know too much or squat about the whole...there are werewolves..." breifly waving a dismissive hand, "She's a nurse there ah belive. At the hospital. Ya know her yet?" glancing from the filling plate to Justin and back again, "As far as I know those are the only two, but ya might wanna ask Butta next tahm ya see him cause there are so many of the Coggies I have a hard time keeping track..." finally she turned back to James and offered out plate to him, heavy laiden with food, "Sit, relax, eat, enjoy..." a chuckle.

Justin's pager went off and he looked down, the hospital again. It was better if he took the call in the other room. Just incase they had nation business to speak of.

"I can' ev'n keep track've my own blood, much less Eagle's attach' kin, so th' hell'm I s'ppose a learn all y'r folk 'f ev'n yew git los' in th' lis'?"

the catty remark is nothing of the sort, really
not with the warm smile that reaches all the way to tired eyes
he's already made himself quite at home on the nearest seat within reach of open counter space
looking at Nelly with something akin to reverance as the plate gets offered and accepted

"Bless yeh, Miz Crensha', s'one've th' mos' welc'me thing' I seen all day."

good thing he saw it, too, cause that plate's clearing fast

She turned to fix a second plate without thought, "Well, how bout ah tell Harry then to get on it. He's one of ya tribesmen anyways, so ah'll levy it to him," chuckling softly with the thought, "So shit storm out there huh? Well, ya always welcome to weather it in here, sugah, for whatever reason," another hand waved dismissivly then picked up the bottle of beer.

She pivoted around a counter and poped the top on the edge of a drawer. Then took a long needed sip. It was a breath after that she continued fixing the second plate, "Oh, does everyone know already bout ya'lls achievements? Ah mean the rumors go around but lahk officially?"

"S'a storm, allrigh'.... but I'm no' sure've quite wha'." muscular shoulders shrug, flexing the white fabric against tanned flesh, iridescent patterns along his inner right arm keep catching oblique light with each movement of either fork or beer towards mouth and back again, dark eyes slipping up to the Walker at her last question "Whi'sh 'chievements?"

"Your new higher level, another bar across the shoulder. Ya know, ya rank," She chuckled and turned to pick up her beer. A few steps cleared to pause on the other side of the counter from him. The plate in her hand put down before the one he was clearing swiftly.

swiftly? that plate was gone, baby
any remarks Butta'd ever made about the Gnawer's ability to eat
James certainly lives up to the standard
second plate accepted with a nod of thanks as if he hadn't even felt the first one
at least he takes the time to wash last mouthful down with a bit of beer before trying to talk
entire thing started off with gaze tucked downwards (it's at the plate, really) with soft laughter

"Doubt'ih." dark eyes flick upwards briefly, though easily return to attending the plate "Pack does by defaul', but haven' much spoke've't 'roun' anyone else."

again, slow shrug of his shoulders dismissing the admission
it's highly probable he simple hasn't thought it should be done
the Sept recognizes the new Rank, why would they need know the details?

She leaned on the counter, holding her head up with a perched hand. Lazy lidded blues sliding over him, watching with some idle facination, "Well," a soft sigh as she stirred herself up. Taking the empty plate and going back to the counter to refill it, "Ah'll leave it up to ya if ya want it told at the next moot," a shoulder shrugged, "Either way it'll go down in the records and to the Maelstrom. And well, sedate mah curiosity on varied levels..." laughing softly.

"Fair 'nuff."

concession comes on ebbing tide of soft chuckle
between the HearthStone's calming powers, the beer beginning to buzz, and the satation of a full (however temporary) stomach
James' mood has altered significantly in the short time since stepping through the door
in a shocking move, any upcoming plate is put on hold for now
hard enough to understand him when not speaking with his mouth full
he'll happily nurse the remaining beer in bottle numbah one for now

"Well." a little less remains after slow swallow "What'cha wanna know, 'n how mush detail?"

His hunger for food was mirrored only by her hunger for the story. Maybe at this point in their seclusion any would do.

"Anythin ya want to depart to me, sugah," again she came to rest on the opposite side of the counter. Placing the plate down with apt attention he had refuted to take it just yet. The grin flashed across her lips before she could stop herself. The beer bottle tipped against her lips for a slow chug.

such close proximity of the hungry Galliard doesn't seem to phase the Ahroun
perhaps he simply recognizes what it is, exactly, that has peaked her interest
and that may be what stirs the street performer hidden beneath warrior's skin
rare that any see this nuance of his personality in past handful of months

"I've nuthin' a hide, ask f'r th' whole story'n I'm willin' a share't...... a one c'ndition." arm stretches clinking his bottle against hers to seal the makeshift deal "Yeh spill wha' these rum'rs flyin' 'roun' are, firs'."

fascinated, himself, that such things would even be a topic of conversation, it seems

A soft clink of glass against glass made her smile more, "Rumors?" chuckling, "Oh lord, what are they now? Ah got a two headed demon hidden up mah twat or what?"

the Adren.... blinks
that was not the response he expected
but it got him to laugh, even if minorly delayed

"Mean' wh'tev'r rum'rs flyin' 'roun' 'bout lates' 'chievmen's, you 'nferred s'methin' like it jus' now." or. so James thought. "Haven' heard nuthin' 'bout two-head' dem'ns, m'sel'."

She was leaned over the counter again, a hand holding up her head. Brows furrowing softly together in confusion, "Ummm...what rumors?" a heavy blink and the full of her blues were back on him.

the Walker in...... meager... clothing leans across the counter
James wasn't precisely ready for the view he got in leiu of expected beer
one more point for the home-team throwing the Gnawer off guard yet again

"Nev'rmine." chuckled as he finally gets around to swallowing that beer instead of his tongue "Story, 'stead."

and without much further preamble, the Ahroun begins the long tale of his Challenge ordeal
admitting, perhaps, more than would be expected between two beings unfamiliar with each other off the battlefield
but James is a born and bred showman, more years than not spent relying on his ability to entertain directly related to keeping his stomach full
it is also something the Hood genuinely enjoys to do
and something he's sorely missed - slur having damaged his bone structure as well as ability to pursue the former pasttime turned living
taking the chance to relate a tale in its entirety to captive audience
making sure to get it all said before Nelly discovers just how much a lightweight he really is
first beer finished, and he's up to serve the second round
all the while continuing slow recollection of the story she so craves
second bottle empties from the effort of keeping his tongue supple
and the third set dealt from the fridge will likely be his undoing
James takes care not to consume this one all too quickly
sipping instead of slugging the first post-cap-pop swallow

"'Any've y'r cur'osity lef' un'sated?"

Indeed she was captivated. Never moving save to sip her beer now and again. Even as he rose, she followed him with her gaze, glancing over a shoulder when he retrieved another beer. The steady beat of black lashes gave more signs of life, draining his words like a dry sponge to water.

When he was done she was silent a moment. Then with a stir, "Wow," raising back up, she took her own bottle of beer to plant it in the recycle bin. Retreiving her own second, "So....and why don't ya talk much at the Tales and Songs?" glancing back with furrowed brows.

dark eyes regard curious blue gaze beneath the frame of heavy dreads
they drop towards bottle for another sip-turned-chug-turned-moment's-contemplation
chuckling softly as he glances back up to meet the forrowed query

"Y'r shitt'n' me, righ'?"

A shake of her head, "Nope," grinning as she walked back to him. Her curiostiy sedated with the story left her eyes a bit more heavy laiden, as if she had a fully belly, "Why not?"

brows lift curiously with her negation
watching as she shortens the space between them
laughter once more rolling out of somewhere low in his chest
self-depreciation angling the smirk playfully spread

"S'hard a spin tales wh'n most've y'r aud'yence can' un'rstan' yeh." murmur's half from the beer, and half from some scant regret "Battlescar sort've fuck'd storytellin' fr'm my lis've talen's."

"Ya think they understand me?" chuckling, "Hell half the time I get blank stares. Or in the case of our Kemp, snores..." a shrug of a shoulder before she took as sip of beer, "Ah ratha fancy hearin ya talk. Its different if not all together strange but its ...well, its life in a way," fingertips reaching down to pluck a pea from the plate and pop it in her mouth.

"Think y'r th' firs' ev'r say tha'." genuine humor replaces ghosting nostalgia "Mos' thought th' accen' w'z harsh 'nuff b'fore my jaw go' smash'."

"Well ah'm a bit of a strange one," chuckling, "Bounced between Fenris and Eminent Strike," a shrug, "Ah guess ah got their tastes mottle up in me a bit," indeed to her James could very well be perfect articulation while the Blood Eagle her picture perfection of a man. Strange tastes indeed.

"Jaw smashed in this last one or another before that?"

"Each've'us has're own tas'e, seems. Nuth'n' wrong long'z y'r happy, yeh?"

the fond smile is a little more than mere amusement
however that is a tightly kept secret James will not be so willing so share
Nelly is left to her own conclusions for whatever it may mean
perhaps it's a slight assertion of the beer's effects
if only she knew the one he thought of in reflection of her own private notions

"Jaw go' smash' 'bout two year' 'go. Nah long af'r I ma'e Fos'rn back'n Jers'y. In th' middle've battle, w'z helpin' th's Fang gett'n outnumb'r'd by banes.... 'n she turn a me. Thrall'd. End up fightin her an' th' banes tha' we're goin' af'r th' both've us. Kill'd'r, th'n one've th' banes... w's tha' las' one a go' th' bett'r'a me. Wen' down, almos' dunn get back up. Y'r boy Barny'z one tha' put me back 'gether while Deck'r took care've tha' las' bane." calloused fingertips reach up, tracing along the left side of his jaw where the bones aren't quite as smooth as the right, strange formation climbing all the way to it's joint hidden by straying dreads "'cept this."

She suckled upon the tip of her thumb a moment as she listened. Nodding, "Right," Draining some of her beer. With almost a teen-age morbid facination of 'oh cool!' splashed across her face, a hand reached up as if to touch his jawline. She seemed to freeze all at once with some realization. A soft smile, apologetic in nature, splayed her lips as she shrank back to her previously claimed spot. The hand instead retook her beer, "E.B.? How long did ya know him before Chicago?"

the Ahroun's eyes follow as she reaches towards his jawline
the touch allowed with some element of understanding
crooked grin warm enough to forgive her percieved offense

"Think tha's neat, shou' see th' ones a my back." playful wink tossed out just before he attends his own beer "Knew'm since packin' up w'th Eagles back'n S'ptemb'r '02."

She straightened, "Don't tease a gal," chuckling with a turn to head for the pie. She gather two smaller plates down from the cabinets first, "And ya from New York orignally or..." slicing off two thick pie pieces to levey on the plates.

"S'no tease." grinned easily "Rite a Woun'ing, got'm mark perm'nent 'long wi' my dee'name." then dreads flipflop in accordance with semi-loose nod "Alb'ny. Stay there'n'til 'round '01, hook up wi' Sep' a th' Green in NYC f'r year'n sum 'fore Jersey jus' 'fore packin' w'th Eagles."

She nodded, bringing him a plate and moving to sit on a stool beside him with her own slice of pie.

"So ya knew the General for a while then? Blood Eagle I mean. There lot of Yanks from the Sept of the Green I've noticed. Big place?" taking a fork up to cut off a large piece of the blueberry desert.

James' primary answer is merely a nod
too enrapt in first mouthful of pie to handle verbal communique
there's that soft laughter again once he realizes himself

"'Roun' three year', nah? Firs' Alpha I trus'd af'r I los' my pack'n Alb'ny. Firs' Get a treat me like more've'n equal, me'n th' res' would've follow'd Erik a hell'n back we trus'd him so deep. Learn'd lot from'im." a fond smile works to the surface before it's clouded by recent memory, another bite of pie serves well enough to wash it all away "Sep's'n Centr'l Par', one've th' bigg'r ones I been at."

She glanced at his profile as he spoke. A careful watch for the topic at hand. It only stirred her tastebuds all the more, yet she kept her curiosity from salivating more on the subject by shoving another piece of pie in her mouth.

A silent moment before, "You jam on the drums don't ya?" looking at him as she chewed up some of the pie. A fingertip raising to wipe across her lips once and she stole another glace to him.

"S'how I use a keep mysel' fed."

glance flickers to catch at least the latter fraction of her own
but James remains unaware of whatever study she may be pursuing
mostly distracted by the pie at hand, other concerns drowned in beer or resonating calm

"Taught mysel' wh'n I w's a kid, playin' whatev'r I pull'd 'geth'r a whatev'r stree'corn'r tha' dunn already have a musi'shun. S'wha' branch in a learnin' a figh' wi' staff'n'stick. Playz part'n both my names a th' Nation."

"Hmmm..." a bare leg dangled from her perch and swayed gently back and forth. Brows furrowed with a deep ponderance. She was teetering on the edge of a decision, meanwhile her piece of pie was getting devoured.

Then, as a hand wiped the back of her lips, "I've never been to New York. Chicago is the furtherest North ah've been," taking a long sip of beer, swallow, "Ya ever been down to Decker's original town?"

dreads shake along with his jaw tipping from side to side
concentrating on finishing his own slice
so whatever contemplation went on, he surely missed it

"Pack made'ih down Sou' Car'lina, 'r so, one ti'e. Na'much time a sigh'see cuz we had a job a do. Nev'r made it far south'z Al'bama."

"Its not bad down there, not as ass backwards as folks lahk to say. Well, not all of it," chuckling softly, "Ya'll definately got some dynamics in ya pack. Its interesting to watch from a distance..." as if pondering outloud.

this time, the laughter is nearly barked
torso twisting to look squarely at the pondering Walker

"Dynamic dunn begin a d'scribe ih, Nelly." his head shakes, dreads dancing on shoulders - if the Galliard even knew the half of it, last smear of blueberry scraped from the plate with flat fork before that's transferred to smear across his tongue "In'eresting, huh? Go on...."

She chuckled, "Just interesting. I can only prick into ya'lls pack now and again. Each time comin up with somethin different way to look at it. Ah do worry bout Deck, but, ain't mah business to worry bout him. He's Fenrir, he'll survive," A beat, a breath, a swig of beer and she glanced to him, "So what ya'll need help on?" What was this, a ting of xenaphobia lifting per chance? Mabye, maybe. Though she knew she'd get smited for it, seeing him with those weary eyes tore at her heart a bit.

"We woul'n' be Eagles'f nu'body worry 'bout us."

the quip accompanies wry half-grin
forever crooked by the battlescar mangling his jawline
forever endeared by the boyish spark lurking beneath weary features
for the stories he's told so far tonight, surely James cannot be that old
no wonder it strikes Nellys heart to see him already so. damned. tired.

"Hel'f?" blinked in oblique glance "Might w'nna narrah tha' down jus' tad."

"Ya runin ragged. We've had to pull back for our own reasons but ah'd still like to do..something... for ya atleast if not for Gaia herself," chuckling softly. A shrug of one shoulder, "I've seen Elders run themselves into the ground. Just sayin, ya need me, call me. Even if its to pickup some groceries..."

oh, once more from the Gnawer comes that soft, throaty chuckle
it's swallowed in last mouthful drained from beer bottle
but the venomous self-depreciation shows yet again in idle, afterthought grin
silence carries for several long breaths staggered by the steady beat of an Ahroun's heart

"Nelly." soft, slow, perhaps the most visceral confession he's dared yet tonight "I've go' a kin who'z all bu' my li'l sis'r by blood goin' out've'r mine cuz've sum dem'n spir' who likes bleed'n'r burnin' chil'ren a death'f she dunn already rip'm outta th' womb. My broth'r's so worry 'bout th' kin he ain' much bett'r. My fam'ly'n NYC 'iz 'bout th' sa'e. My pack.... damn fam'ly I go' here'z been drug inna s'm'thin' gettin' worse ev'ry day. That I hate havin' drug'm into, but they came a my cry f'r help w'thou' ev'n secon' though. All cuz've a girl tha' ain' ev'n a their blood. Jus' mi'e. 'n nah?"

maybe the rumors are true
none but a wholly deranged Gnawer could last so long with a pack of Get
as once more, James allows the low, near-purring laughter to rumble free

"Nah I can ev'n sleep f'r more'n hour a two cuz th' dem'n spir's waitin' in my dream'z'n chasin' me wh'n I'm 'wake.... cuz I guess she wan's a claim me, too. I would'n ev'n know wh't t' ask f'r, much less 'spect it possible a be done." the smile beneath weary eyes is so painfully kind "'pprecia'e ih, though."

She frowned, turning to look at him. Ok so bad choice of words. A shake of her head with a soft sigh. Her blues dropped to her hands, fingernails picking at one another, "Alright," a soft smile pressed her lips as she slipped off the stool and gathered her plate up.

the rather clipped response draws his attention
small sound of frustration held behind closed lips
fingers raking through the haphazard mop of dreads

"'m sorry." dark eyes following her puttering to clear away their plates "Yeh dunn d'serve that."

"Dont go apologizin', sugah, ain't nothin to be sorry for," a smile and she put the dishes in the sink. Her voice perked up, "Anyways, ya done me alot of honor in tellin what ya have. Ah ain't suppose to be pokin mah nose round..." winking with a drift back to the fridge for a beer.

"Izzat so....." brow lifts towards ropey frame as subject once more subtly shifts, just what wasn't she supposed to be digging up? "Dunn think yeh ask me f'r nuthin' that'ain' s'ppose a be known. Rank'd firs've any askin' f'r sum. Though s'pect nun've tha' a cum up a th' nex' moot sa'e my own recen' tale."

fingers unfurl before hand lifts in gesture, wiggling calloused digits invitingly
there's time for one more beer before heading back to the reality of their War

"If... y'think it should."

She chuckled, shrugging a tanned bare shoulder, "We'll see then, eh?" bringing him another beer. She gave him a cheers with a tap from her own fresh bottle. Turning the tides to the more fruitless and entertaining topics in order to take some of the pressure off the Elder and just have a good round of beers without much care for anything else. Atleast for now...

[faaaaade to black, james leaves after the last round]

Posted by james at August 09, 2005 12:00 AM