July 28, 2005
.07.28.05. - black fury elder garou-napped [elder council]


(yu gan)
When Yu gets back to town he goes to the caern and informs the grand elder first. Then makes some calls, the elders who's number he knows get a phone call.

"Hey, this is Yu Gan.. somone's kidnapped the Fury Elder... I've got some information and the Tribe is being notified here in Chicago. If you want more information, let me know, I'll keep you informed to the progress of finding her when the Fury's decide on something."

To the elders who's phone number he doesn't know.. a personal appearance to deliver the message is called for.


It would likely be a personal appearance then, and the Fang elder was not particularly difficult to find. Located in downtown, the particular headquarters of a particular corporation with her name attached to it could be quite the beacon for anyone - who were informed of the connections.

Yu Gan would have been ushered into Josephina's large corner office on arrival, the Fang standing and greeting him with a hand shake - utterly businesslike and in many ways like the demeanor she would present at the Moots: absent of jokes, jests and any cause of excess emotion. Suitable, really, for the overwhelming (and perhaps unexpected) masculinity of the room. However, there is something more warm behind the glint of those cat-shaped azure eyes, the tilt of a smile of welcome and surprise at the visit on her mouth, that would be beyond mere cordiality.

When he explains the reason, brows furrow in concern, long legs immediately eating the distance to the small bar. Brandy poured, some offered to the fostern, as she reassures, "We are, of course, more than willing to help in any way we can, rhya. Is there anything in particular you would like myself or my pack to do?"

*He shakes his head* Not as of yet.. It's being fielded to the Furies tribe and depending on how they want to handel it we'll move forward. They may see it as a matter of honor to retreive her themselves. I don't know of her having a pack to inform.

Once they decide on something I'll let you know.


"Very well." Very little information given by the Uktena elder, but Virago is loathe to press for more. Not her tribe, not her packmate - not yet her call, so she quietly acquiesces to what Yu Gan says. Brandy in hand, the amber liquid is pensively swirled.

"Before you go," walking across to the desk and a sip taken from the drink in the process, a drawer is opened and an object removed. She extends the business card to the fostern between two fingers. "Contact details." A wan smile given, a shrug. For all she knows, he could have them already and simply decided to turn up to the office anyway. "In case you need them."

With Yu Gan's leaving, an alert is sent out over the totemphone to her packmates informing them of the situation with the Fury elder. Then the request that they keep their eyes and ears open, before she settles back down to the mundanities of normal business, at the moment willing to await further instructions. She expects it to be forthcoming relatively soon.

Decker's slowly but surely getting corrupted to the wonders of modern telecommunications.

A return message: "If tha Furies ask fer our help, tha Fenrir'll answer."

We all know how likely that is.

The Sandman already had the skinny on the situation as it involved his packmate, and much like the Get of Fenris, the Fianna would answer when the call came to action.

James can't help the amusement at Decker's inevitable corruption
(...... modern convenience how, again?.....)
or the Modi's near inaudible grumbling while digging through pockets to locate his phone
of which is most likely hiding off beneath some stack of dirty laundry or porno mags
Gaia help them all - and the poor fridge - if it ended up behind the strawberry jam again

while he may not be savvy to the GlassWalker's point of skills in the trade, himself
he does have a cellphone of his own that works well enough for outer-pack insta-communicado
telltale jingle erupting from it's tiny speaker soon after the Get's popped off
though the raggedyman's message is fairly similar as should be expected

"Yeh... Gnaw'r's'll help out if wan'ed. Furies need'r want, I'll sen' word out ov'r th' Barkin' Chain a see if sumthin' turn' up 'n get back to'm through you."

while more probable than the Furies turning to Fenrir for help
far be it from Jukebox to overstep boundaries and do so without asking
some Tribes far too easily offended, finding insult instead of supportive assistance
..... he knows better than to risk that

[in progress]

Posted by james at July 28, 2005 12:00 AM