July 09, 2005
.07.09.05. - rite of the opened sky [july moot pt 2]

[rite of the open sky - forum]

The mournful cries of the Opening Howl have finally faded away, and such it is during the process of the Moot that silence reigns in the wake of the plaintive cries of the Garou to the Umbral sky. Silence reigns, and beneath its heavy cloak steps forward first pristine white wolf and then as one step becomes many, forms the Homid figure of the Silver Fang turned Caller of the Wyld.

Aurelius is quiet, still and resolute for a moment. Call it his calming preparation before he speaks. But when he does, doubt not the steady timbre of his voice, a quiet command for the Spirits to harken to his words.

"We have gathered in this sacred place of Gaia, having called our brothers and sisters of Gaia, and we now call our brothers and sisters of Luna."

Unmistakably accented with his French ancestry, the Caller of the Wyld is still simply understood and were any to struggle to decipher the spoken word his actions would prove their understanding, for they were universal in their meaning. A turn to the East, chin lifted and eyes closed, hands lifted and palms skyward in supplication. Invocation.

"Come, East Wind! Bringer of the dawn of clear air! East Wind! You who showed us the mirror side, the other side of the Velvet Curtain, come to us! We thank you for your clear thought and bright light."

Always to the right, this time the Silver Fang calls to the Wind of the South. That of fire and rage.

"Come, South Wind! Bringer of the eternal fire! South Wind! You who gave us the fire of rage within, that we may strike swiftly against our enemies, come to us! We thank you for your fiery anger and your guardian protection!"

That of rain and transformation.

"Come, West Wind! Bringer of the rain! West Wind! You who gave us the Changing Ways, come to us! We thank you for the many shapes you’ve shared with us!"

And finally, to call that of wisdom and strength, Aurelius turns to the Northern front.

"Come, North Wind! Bringer of cold from the mountain! North Wind! You who brought us the Gifts and the Sacred Ways, come to us! We thank you for your great wisdom and great strength!"

The Theurge opened his dark eyes and left his hands heavenward, as was traditional during the warmer months. And then again resolutely, mildly.

"Come, Inner Wind! Bringer of blessings from Gaia, from within us! You who hold our Mother’s power within us, come to us all! We thank you for your spirit, and your inner peace."

And with eyes that slip from Garou to Garou, tribe and pack.

"Spirits of our brothers and sisters! Sacred patrons of our packs! We call to thee! Spirit of Cunning, Fox! Spirits of Wisdom, Owl, Hummingbird, Ouroboros, Wireless Bat! We call to thee! We call to the warriors, Eagle and Unicorn's Shadow! We call to those who are respected, Merlin and his brood! We call to those whose names are found in secret! Come to us! We thank you for your care and aid in times of trouble! We offer praise to your bravery and courage!"

And finally, the Silver Fang turns his body toward the Heart of the Caern.

"Maelstorm! Strength in adversity! You who teach us to sacrifice for the good of She Who Wears the Night Sky, come to us! We thank you for your wisdom and your strength of purpose!"

Lowering his head slightly, the rise and fall of the Theurges chest had quickened with each small speech. And to finish, the Silver Fang slipped into his mothertongue. A quiet meditation to finish before he would move back to be with those of his Pack.

"Acceptez nos mercis et éloge de vos noms, grands spiritueux en service de la Ge, qui birthed le ciel et la mer et tout là est. C'est le respect que nous vous montrons. C'est la gratitude que nous prenons pour vous."

[cont'd in cracking of the bone]

Posted by james at July 09, 2005 12:00 AM