June 16, 2005
.06.16.05. - through the moonbridge [eagle pack]


The shimmer had sent out the watch spirit to gather the GateKeeper. And the GateKeeper had returned to the moonbridge. The guardian pack summoned and the rite enacted. The shimmering oval of light lit the docks and the bridge established with the clash of thunder.

The glowing oval shimmers before them and step by step a lone form descends the arc. Stepping though the oval he’s back lit for a moment. About 6’6” And nearly as broad, A large military style duffel bag over one broad shoulder. A wide chest tapering into more slender hips and then thick muscled legs. The guy was dressed ruggedly in steel toed combat boots, old BDU pants in a dark color, a thick leather belt with one of those rectangular buckles with two tongues. A long sleeved shirt that may be made of thin buckskin over a brown vneck tee. Leather bracers over thick for arms and a shaved head. His eyes were Nordic ice and his scowl seemed to darken as he took in the surroundings.

A chin up nod to the Gatekeeper and the guardian pack that had shown up to make sure he wasn’t an invading force.

He wasn’t

He’d been here when the battle for the caern had happened. He’d fought on the hill it self. It took a while for people to forget the roar of “BADGER BADGER BADGER!!” And the earth elemental that had responded to the call. They remembered the Hulk action figure that had a spirit of rage bound to it and thrown into the swarm of banes. How it’d grown to full size and fought till shattered. They remembered the Get of Fenris fighting with the Eagles as the forces of the dark splashed against them like waves over and over. Crashing against the stony shore of the pack. They remembered his hands. Two thick fingers and a thumb. Taloned in his crinos form raking and drawing blood just like the ‘normal’ werewolves.

In the end when the bloody and torn survivors had sacrificed their own life’s blood and gnosis to the caern he was one of the lucky ones. The ones still living after the battle.

It took a while for people to forget Hyde, Three Fingered.

As he stepped off the bridge the oval shimmered and slammed shut. The light faded around the docks and the Godi strode though the assembled Garou… the totem link shimmering back and his mental query grating to those still living of Eagle.

”I’m back. Who’s not dead, yet?”


That would be the Modi. A fleeting glimpse of images as he passes on info on the Eagles' new haunts. A parting word --

Nice seein' ya back.

even though the TotemPhone's etheal line - Eagles can feel brows most certainly.... lift..... towards dreads
seems like this spring is a veritable homecoming parade for the pack's wayward souls
two Gets and a Gnawer finally returning to proverbial fold
warpack roster once again at its comfortable 4:1 Fenris:Gnawer ratio
that's a better score than recent batting average, for sure.....

Ho. Lee. Shit. Seems the bluntling can be escaped....

the sheer obscurity of that comment should be enough to identify the raggedy Gnawer's voice as alive and kicking
James having his own oddball theory on just why the pack's Spirit Talkers keep disappearing
if Hyde doesn't quite get it - not that... many other Garou actually would - there's no explanation following initial muse

Welcome home.

[in progres]

Posted by james at June 16, 2005 12:00 AM