July 29, 2004
.07.29.04. - kemp saves his alpha [eagles-flight-danah]


Bet no one expected Erik to return like this. Out of the umbra, no warning, covered in his own blood (soaked by now, litteraly), and supported by none other than the kid, Kemp...

It was nearning evening when, suddenly, Erik half falls out of the umbra into the wearhouse. By now he has shrunk to Glabro, just in case the fire inspector or Decker's mom or something was visiting. Who knows. But he is only slightly less a monster, standing there, hulking there, draped over Kemp for support. Blood runs from shoulder and side, down his legs and onto the floor. His boots squish with every red step, and there's a huge piece of his shoulder missing. That arm hangs limp, and the pain has returned.

"Where..." *breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out* "is..." *breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out* "fuckin everybody?" Takes him almost the whole way over to a chair to get that sentence out. Once there, he collapses clumsilly, like a puppet with its strings cut, or a warrior who's lost too much blood, almost knocking the chair over and going all the way to the floor.

"'Kay... Kid." *breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out* "Better get me..." *breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out* "That healer now..."

---------------------- What Danah finds ----------------

The bane is dead and its form has faded into the background of ephemera. Erik (Blood-Y Eagle this night) and Kemp have headed back to the wearhouse. Danah is supposed to check on the real target, the crackhouse that is simply just way to close to the pack house to be selling tainted drugs. So, its back into the physical realm, because while there is a reflection of the house in the umbra, its deserted there.

As soon as she crosses back over, she will see the trouble. Its the crackhouse, right in the same spot they left it not five minutes back, except now its on fire, blazing away inside. Its surrounded by field with just a few scraggly bushes next to it, so getting close means getting seen by anyone around, and if anyone is left in there they're cooked anyways. Oh well. Better let Erik know, if he aint bled out by now.

Only thing Kemp was thinking about as he helped Erik back to the packhouse was he needed to get hold of Cliona fast. But man, it was a great chance to test out that liquid bandaid shit he'd gotten hold of and he was just sure Iodine and Duct-Tape would do a lot towards holding things together till she got there.

"Who knows?"

In reply to where everyone was.

"Hell half the time everyone's out running around, sleeping here, sleeping there. Listen, ya just lay down and I'll go call Cliona cause man, you're leaking all over the place."

Shifted back to homid and he was a mess of goo and blood that wasn't his. Bare except for the boxers he'd snagged a long time ago from Decker's things and the two pendants he always wore around his neck. Now those boxers were blood soaked and sticking to his ass like some kind of weird wrinkled skin. Grabbing hold of the cell he'd been given to start punching buttons, talking as soon as he heard something on the other end, whether it was Cliona or her voice mail.

"Oh man! Cliona? This is Kemp. I could really use a healer right now cause I don't know how long this ductape will hold up and there's blood everwhere man. Eagle's place if ya can make it. If not, I'll fuckin drive the bike there. Better hurry though, couch is getting soaked fast."

Forgetting to mention who was hurt and how. Too busy gathering together Iodine, ductape, towels and the liquid bandaids. Dumping all next to the couch and Erik before searching for booze to shove towards his wounded Alpha.

"Here, this'll give ya cancer, but might feel better till it does."

Yabbering in the phone at the same time.

"Ya need a ride here? Can ya hear me now? Hello? Hey! Dude there's like tons of blood and stuff. I don't think I got enough tape here."

If he figured out all he had was a voice mail, he'd call the club and the pub. Then he was popping the top off the Iodine.

"This is gonna burn like a bitch."

Turning to Erik with the bottle.

Well, here's on answer to the question.

Out of nowhere Decker grabs the phone out of Kemp's hand and slams it down. It's a cell, but that's OK. He slams it down anyway. The back of the little flip-phone snaps; the color screen cracks in half; the battery pops off.

Needless to say, the line disconnects.

"Kin take care'a our own," the Modi growls from a menacing inch away, and hands the twisty pieces back to Kemp. "Damned if tha firs' public appearance Erik makes in MONTHS," oh there's that old resentment, "is gonna be in pieces beggin' fer help."

Decker turns to Erik then, his glower somewhere between baleful and disbelieving and relieved, all. Meanwhile he's digging through his pockets. Probably searching for one of his bloody bandage talens again. Any theurge'll tell you it's a shitty healing talen. Bleed yourself dry just to heal yourself up in the future? But it was the best he had, and god damn it, it was better than calling some non-pack Fianna theurge in.

"So where tha hell you been? Why tha hell was yer pack left sittin' on they thumbs?"

He's found the bloody bandages: a dicey-looking square of tightly-folded ripped t-shirt, soaked through and stiff with dried blood. He squeezes briefly in his fist and bloody flakes off, a fine red dust. Then he tosses it on Erik's ruined chest. Wounds close, bones mend. 5agg damaged healed -- imagine that if you will.

She'd given kemp her cell phone number for a reason - she ALWAYS answers that one. Finding her at any of her other contact numbers is always hit and miss. Therefore, answered, and trying to get a word in edgewise from the babbling Kemp, she's finally managing. "I'll b'right there, lad.." turning down the ride, and then the slam and closed connection after the phone broke.

Well then.

She grabs her pack, slings it over her shoulder, and runs to the gates of the Caern from where she was meditating by the Flight's koi pond. It's not overly far to the Eagles Factory, and she's not a slow runner when she's of a mind.

And she's of a mind now. Kemp only calls when he's desparate - and if the kid is hurt that ba....wait, he didn't say who was hurt. No matter, she considered the eagles as people to have at her back - she'd do no less for them. After all - ain't the first damn time she's patched them up, is it?

So, not long after, she's jumping up the cement steps two at a time, and a fist bangs on the door. "Kemp? 'tis Cliona..."

Percy had been on his way towards the Koi pond and he saw his alpha get up and head out at a jog, so turning the pretty wolf had fallen into stepp with her. Jogging along on 4 legs. Unsure what had her in a running state but figured if she's running it's important and if it's important she'd need somone to heal her when she was done.
Nearing the edge of the caern he leaps up to a box and off the other side. Snap shifting into birth form in the air. Landing on 2 feet, homid again with out breaking a step.
The little guy now dressed in Jeans, sneakers a white teeshirt and a green and purple paisly button up. Long staff in his hand. Casually he paces her as they jog south. Wondering absently where they were going.
Even now he carried that peaceful docile glow about him.
Once to the werehouse he looks around and watches his Alpha's back.

"Well.. that's one less thing to do.." she mutters to herself, as the rising wall of fire casts a sharp red light on a face that looked older than it was. Its a tale that's too familiar inside the nation - nobody is innocent any more, nobody is young, and everybody grows up too fast. Turning her back to the burning building and any poor souls still inside, she walks back toward the Eagle's packhouse..

..At this stage, knocking consists of throwing a fist against the door three times as a pre-emptive warning, and then walking right inside. Black eyes looks at Decker, Kemp, and then Erik. "All better?" She makes a small shrug before placing her home remedy kit on the nearest flat surface: one bottle of cheap vodka and one small bottle of painkillers. "Guess you don't need that.." She shrugs again, and looks between Erik and Decker.

(I'm writing this as though Danah can and will get to the packhouse before Cliona/Percy.. because frankly she doesn't have to run a dozen city blocks.)

"Here and there." He snarls up at Decker, who still hasn't learned the lesson Erik's been teachin, oh, these past two years. Same ole Deck. It's good, suddenly, to be back among shitheads. "An' who says I'm beggin fer shit. Keep yer damn rag to yerself." Yep, good to be back. Still beeeding, but back.

When someone, whoever, knocks on the door, Erik looks round for the kid. "Aye, kid, ya wanna get that, or fuckin what?"

Oh, its Danah. "Well?..." He waits for the news and completley ignores the Vodka and painkillers. Strike one.

Door again. "Kid? Where da fuck he go?"

(Refused use of the bandage, and, Lessa hun, the crackhouse was actually just a couple blocks away. That's the interesting part

There he was doing what he had been told to do and suddenly he's in deep shit with Decker. Just couldn't fuckin win around this place. And there went the fuckin phone. Letting it drop to the floor before turning away to get the door with the first knock. Already in a pissy mood and before he can open the fucker, it opens and in strolls Danah like she owned the place.
"Oh yeah, well fuckin come in."
Grumbling after slamming the door behind her. Still in boxers and covered in blood and crap. More pissed at Decker than anyone, but one of the reasons he was pissed at him had just come through the door like the fuckin Queen Mother. Instant, this is pack dumped on them when they had to depend the most on each other. Then he gets over that shit and is sent to another ass numbing meeting by Decker and why? So some Fenrir he had never seen before or since, could come in and say he was representing Decker. BAM! Another kick in the ass.
"Floor mat, fucking floor mat."
Then the door again and he was whipping it open with a snarl only to have to step outside and close the door behind him.
"Listen, I'm sorry I wasted your time Cliona."
Green gaze cutting to the one with her, trying to place him. Attention back to Cliona.
"Seems I'm a fuckin dumbass and shouldn't of called for help. I appreciate your coming and all but the powers that be tell me to fuck off so I just wasted your time."
Tromping towards the bike with the ass of the bloody boxers sticking out like he had a load in them, boxers were so flattering when they didn't fit right.
"I'll make it up to ya. And um, don't try calling me cause I ain't got a fuckin phone no more."

Well, kid got that right. Door slams in Cliona's and Percy's faces. Oh, and Danah's too. Kemp's outside standing in for James as PR man.

Ain't nobody but the Eagles gonna see the Blood-Eagle collapsed all over hisself.

Totemphone: You rather git tha help'a some otha pack? Rejectin' my BLOOD fer you, fer tha help'a some OTHER pack?


Fucking ungr..... ahem. Fenrir.

A glance toward Percy, then back to Kemp. "Dinna worry about it lad, ye know y'kin call me anytime." Shrugs, turns, and with a squeeze of Kemps shoulder, lightly. "y'best get some clothes on lad, before runnin on home lest ye raise more'n'a few brows..."

The smile offered is easy enough, before she turns on a heel and walks away, her tirade for Totemphone only.

Poor Percy.

"I aint beggin fer nuthing, muthafucker. Now, if yous offerin, ya know..." He trails off there for a moment, glassy eyed and almost gone, but just for a moment. He comes to with a shake of the head. "What? Huh? Gimmie that already, ya miserable fuck." He reaches out, arm limp. Only so much blood one guy can loose, no matter how stupid he is.

A glance back at the slamming door and then he just had to inwardly snicker if and when the door closed on Danah cause she had marched in and that meant Decker would of had to put her out. It also meant he would retrace his steps to take up post in front of the door in all his boxer short, bloody, glory.

"Thanks again Cliona, I owe ya."

Calling after her then crossing his arms to stand in front of the door like a bloody mostly nude gargoyle.

"Lovely night out here, ain't it?"

Wide smile flashing at Danah. Ok, for once he was slightly pleased with Decker's PMS cause it put Danah where he was, outside.

..And then Danah's getting shoved out the door.

"I came with him" she informs Decker, as she's being thrown out. Gibbous moon tonight, tempers are running really hot.

As the door gets slammed on her face, Danah balls up a tight fist and just barely stops herself from driving her knuckles into the metal slab serving as a door. Just barely. Growling lowly to herself, she sends Kemp a look that could kill, snorting in reply.

"Fuckin peachy. I hope they're always so charming.." That's only partially sarcastic. The other part is completely serious.

Finding a place to lean against, she looks at Kemp, trailing her eyes across his bloody body. Then whistles. Snickers. And finally just smirks at him. "You want me to get something to wear? Or a beer or somethin?"

Percy looks at all the door slaming and stomping and bloody boxers and fussing and cussing and stuff and blinks. Reaching up he pushes his glasses up and blinks again.
His normal docilinity keeping him from getting riled. When others talked and fussed and ranted he tended to just lean on his staff. Nod and listen. It was the philodox in him.

Cliona started off and he turns to follow. A bit perplexed. Then the totem phone tirade started up. Something irish about the little boy that called wolf and hoping some ugly fucker bleeds to death and he smelled bad and was cursed to be impotant.
Percy winced. He didn't wish that on anyone.

Did he speak?

Nope. Not. One. Fucking. Word.

Decker can't tell what Erik wants. So he don't do nothing, standing there with his hands balled into fists at his sides. The bloody bandage was still where Erik left it. The vodka, probably not too far off.

"Fuck was you?" It's back to the previous topic, low, quiet and angry. "Ain't none'a us seen ya since tha Caernraisin'. We all been actin' like ain't nothin' wrong, but last time you was at our backs was four fuckin' months ago, Erik. Ain't none'a us heard shit 'cept 'don't follow'. Fuck sorta Alpha tells his pack ta not follow?

"'N now you jus' walk tha fuck back under a roof you ain't spent more'n a week under 'n start callin' in other packs ta heal ya 'n gawk atcha while you, the ALPHA of tha EAGLES, is lyin' there half dead moanin' over a fuckin' SCRATCH."

If Erik thinks he detects a sneer of sarcasm in the stress Decker puts on the title and pack names, it's not his imagination. The Eagles had a reputation beyond their keeping. The Eagles was perceived as strong. Invulnerable. Unassailable. They let people think that. Cultivated it even. But push comes to shove and the Eagle is four Garou. One of whom ain't ever around. One of whom is still young and green. One of whom is fast approaching Harano. And one of whom who'd drop everything on his hands over a kin.

"Our strength's already half a fuckin' lie, Erik," Decker's speaking barely above a whisper now, but it's a fierce one, furious and through his clenched teeth. "We ain't half so strong as we used ta be when you was with us, 'n Rune was with us. But jus' how fuckin' weak ya want us ta look?"

He ends the fuckin' soliloquy with an emphatic glob of phlegm spat on the ground, and stomps over to the icebox to dig out a beer.

Unable to stop the wolfish smile that flashed across his face with the glare from Danah. Oh man, this just made it even sweeter. Rocking back and forth on bare feet now just because holding still was not in there with the joy going through him at someone else being pissed on besides himself. Misery loves company and he had sudden company.

"Naw, they ain't always this charming. This ain't nothing, wait till they really pour on the charm."

Teeth flashing in that wide smile. Peachy, Peachy! Must be a girl thing, Peachy! Then came the whistle, snicker and smirk, followed by the weird offer.

"Yeah I know, sexy, ain't I?"

A snicker of his own. She liked the boxers, he knew it!

"Ya know, drinkin will give ya cancer, don'tcha? But hey, if you want something to wear, go for it."

And his mind was instantly going to spiked heels, stockings and a big purple glitter strap-on. Giving a quick shake of his head. Oh fuck me, not that!

"Kemp.." Danah just shakes her head.

"Okay, first.." counting off her index finger, "None of us here are gonna die from cancer. If anybody here lives long enough to even get cancer, there's something seriously fucking wrong."

"And two.." middle finger, "the clothes are for you!"

"But if you wanna stand there half-naked.. I frankly don't give a damn." And folding her arms over her chest, Danah finds something to lean against, and waits..

"Dude, ya know ya like looking at me. I saw it."
Puffing up his chest while standing guard at the door.
"And there's more than one kind of cancer. Call it cancer, call it drugs, call it booze, call it what it is, a crutch when ya do it to forget, feel different, be something ya ain't. Even if ya can shrug off the effects, it's a fuckin crutch to hide behind for a little bit. An excuse when ya fuck up. So in my book, it's a cancer ya do to yourself to hide from whatcha really are or are feeling."
Oh man, he went off on one of his speaches that made perfect sense to him, even if others didn't always see it. And there was no way he was going to take the offer of clothes cause what went through his head was, she would give him girl clothes to wear.

"Thanks Dr. Phil," she replied, while producing a pack of smokes from her pocket and lighting one.

"You know.. as much sense as that makes, kid, not everybody around here is an alcoholic. Blue collars come home from work, drink a beer. White collars go out for dinner, have some wine. Garou slay the wyrm, have a beer. And frankly.. if I'm gonna find a crutch.. I'll find one that will give me a little more bang for my buck, you know?" She shrugs a little, takes a pull off her cigarette, and blows the smoke casually into the air.

thank Gaia there is a backdoor to the fucking factory
the very thing which James is entering through thus avoiding the crowd out front
We ain't half so strong as we used ta be when you was with us, 'n Rune was with us. But jus' how fuckin' weak ya want us ta look?
the Gnawer certainly could have had better timing
the scowl crossing his face when backpack hits the ground probably isn't completely at the state of their Alpha's affairs

"Prod'gal son return'." smirked through the Yankee slur, dark glare shot towards the Modi's with frustration rising mercurial "Give'm th' fuckin' ban'ige."

order barked by the PR guy to get Decker back in motion after quick glance assessment
not hard to figure out what happened given the way James knows his packmates
one Corcoran hooking around the medkit to send it skimming across the floor towards couch
one hand snapping Vodka bottle off where it was left and ignored
if Erik refuses it again - they'll just have to use it once he's passed out again
expression on the raggedyman's face says that much
shouldn't be long as loopy as Blood(y) Eagle looks

seems they'll have to patch up what's left
..... whatever's left


Decker pins James with a stare. Silence stretches endlessly.

The bandage is right where Erik left it - on the ground.

Erik's head lolls to the side, so that he can shoot a glassy-eyed but scathing look at the Modi. He holds the angry warrior's eyes perhaps a bit longer than necessary, but it takes him that long to get the energy to bend over and grab up the talen. Of course, going down is easier than going up, so he just flop-rolls off of the couch, ends up on his back, and flops his arm and the talen bandage over onto his shoulder.

He lays there breathing hard, nothing happening, for a long minute. Then he finds it, the spiritual energy and focus to kick the stupid thing in. Then he closes his eyes. "Ahh. Dat's da stuff. Oh, hey, James."

Focus, purpose, and memory all return. Memory. Yeah. Knew he should have just let himself bleed out. Well, his balance is back now, too, so he pushes himself up off of the ground and takes stock. While stripping off his clothes (and leaving them at his feet in a bloody pile) he spots Decker again.

"Wha', you still 'ere? Good." Might as well tell it. Well, a version of it, anyways. "Deck 'ere wants to know where I've been. Pissed, I think, cause I didn't invite 'im to lay in da fuckin Florida sun with me."

That's Erik, about the only guy around who'll give it to Decker as well as Decker gave give it out himself. One of these days that's gonna probably turn into a bad idea.

"Went aisling, ya fucks. To da battleground. Thought ta witness the caern battle... And needed to see Lexi. Anyfuckinway, was doin a'ight until I got myself killt. And fuck you, ya fuck, for commin so quick to look fer me. Jeeze. Now where da fuck is that Walker bitch. She 'posed to come back 'ere."

A narrow eyed look to Danah when she lit up. Arms crossed across his chest, feet planted apart as he stood before the door.
"Ya know? I don't really give a flying fuck what you do to yourself. Ya can swallow what ya, shoot what thrills ya, smoke your own twat for all I care. But this is my front door. If you're gonna do that, go upwind."
A faint nod towards the smoke.
"Ya stink."
Stuck out here playing doorman and so pissed at Decker that he could shit bricks and piss mortar. At this rate he'd have a four story building made before the door opened again.

"Went ash-lin'." Now even more disdain's dripped on. Great. Just great. Not only was Erik asking for Fianna help, now he was using Fianna words. Decker straightens up, having found a beer.

And he meets Erik's eyes just as steadily.

It's strange when these things come off as promises and not threats, "Next time ya run off 'n leave us all starin', Erik, you ain't gonna be Alpha when ya come back."

The Modi takes a hard swig of beer and then shoves his way out of the factory, nearly crashing into Danah on his way to his truck. "Erik's askin' fer ya," he mutters, unlocking the doors.

He just lets Decker storm away, then gives a nod-up to James. "I think he's finally gettin it."

He was quick to move out the way when Decker shoved out the door. A hard look towards Decker's departing back, then the look turned on Danah.
"Well, guess that means ya can go in this time. Next time, I wouldn't just bang and walk in, never know around here what might greet ya on the otherside."
Stepping away to leave the doorway clear.
Crazy fucked up bullshit around here. No one ever fuckin tells anyone what the fuck is going on. Just insane like a bunch of ants stirred up with a stick.
The mental muttering going while he headed for the bike again. Fuck it if he was in bloody boxers looking like he ran through a slaughterhouse.

The Glass Walker bitch pivots just enough that Decker doesn't shoulder check her on the way out. "Thanks," she answers back, without looking in the direction the Modi stormed off in.

Kemp leaves too, and that just leaves one Urrah bitch standing outside, dirty and bloody, and about as calm as anybody else in a one mile radius of this clusterfuck could hope to be. "..Fuckin hell.." she mutters to herself, and grinds out her cigarette agianst the bottom of her boot, flicking the crumpled butt into the street before she walks inside to see Erik.

A balled up fist knocks the inside of the door. "Hey!.." she peers in, soon walking the rest of the way through the door, that clangs shut behind her. "Silence said you were lookin for me."

No, it's an invitation to blow me.
James, thankfully, thinks better of actually transmitting that thought
though it shows as much in the return stare

post story - the Gnawer takes a bolt of the vodka for himself
chooses sinking instead of the more normal flopping onto the couch beside Erik
scoffing a half-laugh in the midst of handing the bottle over

"Think so?" another huffed snort "Ya'd have a spit'n 'iz face a make't any clear'. He ain't dunn tha' bad'n th' time ya been gone."

casual observation chilling to silence as the proverbial bitch walks in

Erik refuses the vodka (if offered) with a look. "Look, I never said he did. Shit. Tol' him thousan' times 'e should be da big eagle. And anyway, fuck that fuck. I was god-damn trapped in da actrocity realm. Escaped all by my fuckin self, though. Heared ya fucks got Pyrell whislt I was on vacation der. You know. In da actrocity realm. And fuck..."

Door opens

"'Walker, whadid ya find?" He waves her over, looking much better now, dressed much like Kemp of the bloody boxers, except that Erik, aparently, favors briefs.

I never implied you did a brow lifts at the refusal, but given the situation James can understand - more for him, anyway, not like he needs it - speaking a little more freely across Eagle's totemic bond in the absence of hindering slur More of an observation. shoulders lift to shrug against the back of the couch, Gnawer's the PR guy, after all, and it seems natural to say something which supports Blood Eagle's choice of who should really be Alpa, for who wouldn't want to make sure their pack is left in capable hands? Since, y'know, you've been on... vacation and out of the loop. Besides, even if you were fuckin' trapped there - you told us not to follow, and in case you forgot... we tend to follow your orders whether you like being the Big Eagle or not.

there's more to the story - there always is
but apparently now isn't the time or place
then mental communication between packmates quieting down
attention turning towards reporting Glass Walker
he said he'd give her a month to prove herself
so it's the least he can do to offer full attention
tipping the bottle up in salutation and (lookie there!) an offer to Danah

Oh yeah. I did. Didn't I.


"Anyways," Back to the verbal. "You pissed too?"

"Hey," she offers James, with a nod in his direction. Bottle offered and bottle taken. Danah's long fingers were usually covered in rings: spikes, skulls, poison rings. Now they were missing, exposing a gaian tattoos etched into each of her fingers. Left hand: Gaia, Galliard, Glass Walkers, Uktena, Peace. Right hand: War, Sacrafice, Garou. The right ring finger had a simple bass clef on it.

These fingers wrapped around the offered bottle, pulled it toward her lips, and pushed it up to take a healthy swig before Danah handed the bottle back off to James. "Thanks."

Looking back to Erik, she planted both her palms into her back pockets out of habit. "Place is on fire. Gonna be charcoal pretty soon. Didn't see anybody around either.. like cockroaches in the light.." And Danah makes a scattering gesture with her hand, imitating the slippery movements of an insect fleeing from the light.

one nod up - the movement of chin skywards about one, single inch
it suffices for a hello, you're welcome, and his attention on Danah's report
showing respect enough for the lack of any interruptions
personal opinions guarded in the wake of fair chance
deep umber eyes wandering across the tats etched into her fingers
urban primitives study of another's chosen decorations
not like they were hard to miss in near proximity of returning bottle, anyway

then a furrow appears between twin dark lines of his brows
curiosity at both wtf the Walker is reporting about and Blood Eagle's question
one, hopefully, will be explained within the near future
the other garnering a sidelong glance to his Alpha

"O'ly if I get more shit 'bout holdin' th' for' down 'stead a comin' on vaca'shun wi' you."

translation: glad you're back, boss
delivered easily enough past the alcohol's warming effects on his slur
James is more focused on the quiet joy of having a packmate return home
.... if.... battered and bleeding profusely; they can fix that
there's little concern about the validity of Erik's reason for leaving - Ugly did little without justified cause
the Gnawer does not bear the mantle of Fenrir pride nor harbor fear of tarnished reputation
he does not suffer the consequence of Rage detonating quicker than is good for him
brow lifting towards frame of mop-ly dreads, however, speaks of something else entirely
casual query if there is something he's missed that would warrant rising temper

bottle dangling at the tip of outstretched arm to keep the rotation going
low lights catching dark tribal pattern of inks covering inner right arm as Vodka's offered back to Danah

Erik listens with a slow nod to Danah tell her tale. Gone. Like cockroaches in the night. Apt, and telling words from a 'Walker. "Well, fuck all, then." He looks at James, maybe saying 'oops' with his eyes. Been a gad-damn few too many of those lately. "A'right, Scabby, ya did good, 'cept next time you don't bring me no vodka shit. Think I'm gonna catch myself a few Zs, now."

It appears as if the Walker has been dismissed, at least for now. Soon as she's gone Erik gives James a friendly pat on the back. "Nah. You wouldn't a liked it none. But that's jus' the point of da fang, ya see? Sometimes da hole opens up in front of ya, sometimes behind, and sometimes right under yer feet."

And sometimes right into your soul...

"Yeah, no problem," Danah replies, nodding good night to Erik. Turning, she offers James a small smile, a coy expression as though to say Picky drinker... She smirks, mostly at herself, before taking the offered bottle and stealing one last sip. "I'm the designated driver," she jokes as she hands the bottle back to James and leaves the packhouse.

when the bottle makes its way back, it tips up for one last toasting answer
the coy smile gets the word whiskey silently mouthed in return
knowledge of that preference is why he didn't panic at Erik's turning down booze
and the fact James can't taste it anymore is probably the only reason he, himself, is still drinking the vile swill
but it was sitting right there and (sniffsniiiff) Kemp kind enough to have provided it
something about convenience and gift horses....

"S'wha' a heard." quirked grin following friendly pat, most likely a collective nonchalance to the actual gravity of such subject matter, it's really nothing more than a street performer's natural levity dismissing past greivances for tomorrow's alleged hope "Som'thin' 'bout this bein' off seas'n f'r touris'."

bottle's lifted and waved towards the far side of the domestic island
varying levels of disconnectedness about that signalling it's probably time to next put. it. down.
Blood Eagle's bedroll still waiting just as he left it those four long months ago


Posted by james at July 29, 2004 12:00 AM