June 18, 2004
.06.18.04. - hitting pyrell [strike team] *p


It's nearly 9 o'clock on a Friday night in Chicago. For the better part of the population, 70 degrees of mostly cloudy is a nice change from the sweltering temperatures of prior weeks - and they're making the most of it. Dinner. A movie. Some ballgame. Maybe a simple night at the park. Humidity's barely over 50% and winds drift in rather than scream, so it's not really a far cry from possible.

[cont'd, wolf had to bail and needs complete file from lessa]
Too bad there's a strike team unable to enjoy such simple pleasures of a Friday in June.

Decker's got the questing stone and that puts the Modi in the lead. Just behind practically trademarked slouched, lazy, yet refined and predatory walk is one raggedyman Bone Gnawer holding left flank, creating outer points to the collection of other Garou. Overall, they really look like nothing more than a random gang of thugs out for a walk amongst the lesser-publicized streets in the Riverfront Area.

Those that haven't been refurbished yet (but it's in the planning!)

Out for a night. Out looking for trouble.
Out for war

About a mile ahead, drawing from the opposite direction saunters one black sedan. It's nothing that out of the ordinary for the neighborhood. Expense hidden in the well-crafted lines of some corporate mogul probably on the ghetto tour of several rundown tenants padding his pockets while others suffer and waste away into yet another stain on Chicago's past. (Little do they know). Streetlights flash diamond reflection off tinted windows..... but they're little to no help in accounting just how many persons are in the vehicle aside from a driver and one passenger in the backseat kind enough to slit a window and leech cigar smoke from leather interior.

Ambling along with the rest of them. Not really thinking about the fact that he just sorta tried not to stand out, be seen so easily. Watching left, right, behind them. Not entirely sure what to expect yet. There was always that chance that some fucker would do a drive by and shoot them before they got anywhere near what they hoped to do.

[Barny]: Behind LeRoy, ignoring the wantoning silence between the group.

[LeRoy]: Sack over his shoulder, silent for the most part till he had moved up through the gathered bulkwarks between Jukebox his dawg and Kemp! Both his Fraternal Battle Brothers. Now some had pack, and he truly represented his connection within his, but some others had friendships, and their was no denying the feelings he sharred between his. Elbowing Kemp's right shoulder blade as he set to round his position in the gathering. His voice broke the silence in a mere whisper towards his teenage woman fearing battle fury friend Kempunabletotouchwomenwithoutfreaking. "Psst..slow up..get yer pads" Gesturing towards the sack he held dangling over his back. Big brotherly like, definately unaccepting of a non commital from a proven battle bud.

*Yu Gan is across the street walking parrell to the group. Trying his best not to look like a part of them. A smidge of the Blurr of Milky eye helping a little bit to hide him from casual observation. Dark eyes tracking ahead. He was born for that after all. Hummingbirds blood running quick in his viens.

William rides along on Cliona's shoulder. Bobing his head*

A collection of other Garou. She’s one of them, though this is not her normal place. In the absence of the Fianna Fostern, it is his Alpha that steps into his place. For that, and for the simple fact that she is a healer. Not as good as some, but certainly better then others.

She has been in battle before. She has been a part of the war, but she is primarily a Spirit Talker, and as such, she is placed somewhere in the middle. There are those behind her (likely staring at her ass too. sheesh.) there are those to each side, and there are those ahead of her.

And on her shoulder, or hovering overhead, as always, is her battle good luck charm. Like mastercard – she doesn’t leave home without him.

Snickering with a look to Butta. Man just the thought of walking around all furry in hockey pads was enough to crack him up. Talk about freaks. One thing for sure, if he died, he'd look funny as hell in that get-up. Right up his alley. Reaching up to dig into the sack while trying not to trip over Butta in the process. "Gonna look like freaks ya know." Snickering again.

"Shut yer mouth" He snickered back "Yer support'n the Fraternity young brother..who cares what we look like..its how we die that counts!" Laughing as he slowed for Kemp to rustle about in his sack. "Besides..its ole dawg that needs them shin gaurds more than you or I...we're just support'n em by look'n liake em tonight..pyscology one o'one" Giving a wink at the young tike.

Two others cruisin' with the Eagles tonight. Not Eagles (yet?) -- but there nonetheless.

One's a face they'll all recognize from someplace or somewhere. Danah, the GW bitch. The other, no one recognizes, except by merit of her Fenrir pure breed, and a strange, undefinable familiarity, though none of them have met her before. Decker calls her 'Snake', and says little else about her.

Kemp&James know her to be family. Decker's. A distant cousin, to be exact. Everyone else knows her, and Danah, to be prospectives in the pack, here for their (first) trial by fire.

Stopping at a DONT WALK light, Decker tosses the questing stone lightly from hand to hand. They're moving in a loose confederation, but within it the bonds of pack are still cut clearly.

A questing stone is a difficult tool too use, and perhaps they've been walking for hours, trying to get the pinpoint and actually get the sedan, or their focus (Mo'da'gos... a name holds power, for those who know how to use it), because directions are not quite as the crow flies. The stone may point unerringly east and there may be a buildng in the way. by the time they have walked around it, the stone has changed direction to the North.

Pyrell Sr. is a busy man. Or at least a restless one.

But this time (ah, yes, this time, this minute, this hour, where everything comes together) they are lucky and the stone that Decker so casually tosses from one hand to the next has so far indicated steadily ahead for the last five minutes.


Within the car, because there is more than one person there (more than one monster? more than one wyrm creature?) someone cracks a joke and Pyrell Sr. laughs, a sound like grating metal as he pops a handful of peanuts into his mouth, chewing carelessly as he crumples the plastic bag. Reaching over, he casually deposits the garbage into the front lapel pocket of his driver, patting it conspiratorally, before sitting back.

Jefferson Street. It's all coming to a head on Jefferson Street.

Decker stops at a DON"T WALK light
the guy with the dreads decidedly doesn't
moseying right on across the street

he wouldn't have the see the questing stone to keep up with his pack
their bonds go far deeper than that

so the raggedyman's intent is probably chalked up to a vagrant's declination of traffic law
but far be it from him to have them all cornered on one side of the street
(not to mention it puts distance between him and a certain few others)

*Much like DAWG, Yu Gan slips on across the street. Even in homid his speed and desterity were pretranatural. Dodging cars was childs play.

*Will bobs and concentrates. Calling on his Coraxy Sense*

Those rebels.

And there's Decker, the boy from the rebel south, standing sedately waiting for the light to change. When it does, he ambles across the street, the questing stone returned to his right hand and dropped from its string looped around his middle finger like a yo-yo.

No change still. Kinda middle-rear in the lineup now, he keeps going.

He used the stop to try and figure out what to do with the pads. "Dude, this looks like I'm gonna play crash test dummy or going to star in one of them Jason movies." And he was crossing the street behind Decker, though tonight he was wearing his own shorts only cause Tristan insisted. Wondering if the pads would help if he went flying tonight.

LeRoy was still allowing Kemp to dislodge his equipment, himself already wearing his own. So it was Chicago, so there was a Giant African American man walking down the street with Hockey pads on. Who would notice?

His arm wretched out, capturing Kemp's shoulder. Pulling him abit back as his own hand started upon the pads fastionings. "Dude" He spat. "Let me tie em up fur ya" Edging him along at a slow pace as he began upon the arm pads in striding.

"Oh man." Sounding like what he was, a teen being forced to do something only some adult could come up with. Sometimes he never wanted to grow that far up and become that well, weird. "At this rate I'm gonna have to get my hair bleached or something."

She was surprised to see Danah - even more surprised to see her with the Eagles. Snort. No comment.

She just makes sure there's always someone between her and the metis.

Other then that, it's walk along, reaching up to scritch Will's neck, waiting to see what his corax senses pick up. better then spidy sense.

"Bleached?" He snorted, as he actually stole a gander at his head of hair. A blink later and he was musing "Naw double Gee..just comb it back and wear it in a ponytail..hear bad girls liake that shit..and all ya need is superficial sluts..not those oooo Im in love biatches that have fucked yer head" Yanking him back "Hold yer horses" As he tied the last strap on his left arm pad. "Yer gonna have to stop fur yer knee pads here in a sec..make it quick..I'll get one leg you get the other..then we'll strap up ole dawg there"

*Will looks to B&B and Kemp, asks cliona* Won't those just fall off wehen they get big?

Groaning again like a kid being forced to let his grandmother pinch his cheeks and slobber on him in a kiss. "Oh mannnnn." He was never going to hear the end of this one, he was so sure.

She chuckles and shrugs a little. "Maybe. Maybe not. Dinna really matter, dinna it? keeps th'kid calm, and butta occupied."

What if they get tangeled up and fall down?
*The raven is still reaching out with his senses*

As he rose, after fastoning the dedicated pads upon Kemps' shins his eyes float over those of the group that had passed them. First upon Cliona, and a nod came from he. Then upon Will and another nod came from he. But upon Danah those eyes slanked. Dark pupils of iris gave into hate. "What the fuck is that useless biatch here for? Wait..let me refrash that..that biatch that could only serve by dying doing here..nevermind..I answered my own question" He growled as he slapped Kemp upon the back of his pads and moved onwards to flank and tap Jukebox on the back

Feeling something like a padded version of the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz now. Mumbling under his breath with the now stiff gait. "Oh fuck me."

there's a tap on his shoulder
and dreads swing when James' head snaps around
fire burns in the depths of dark umber

maybe it's because of the mission at hand
maybe it's because of the proximity of one so-called useless biatch
maybe it's because of something else entirely

he's not in the mood for playing dressup
(not feeling suicidal, are ya, Jamey-boy?)

Another five minutes of walking. Butter and Kemp work out his straps. Decker watches the questing stone dangling from his finger. Jukebox takes the lead, his mind connected to his packmates. Ricinus and Will discuss the likelyhood of shifting and keeping hockey pads on.

A sedan drives crests the lift of a hill (...corax senses go on alert... the stone quivers on it's string....) and heads down the block to pass -

(.... stone literally spins on a thread, pratically sending itself swinging as it alters course... Will's senses go on fire)

- the group. Tinted windows. Dark, shapes barely visible. More than one. Maybe four.


Enemy of the Ways

... how unpleasant this gift is. Raw. He can almost feel Pyrell's teeth gnashing the peanuts, see the thick neck quiver as he swallows. He can hear the laughter, see the occupant in the passenger's side (Garou), the driver (kinfolk... he hates his mother; please god gaia don't let him near Cliona... the flickerflash of rape scalds his eyes near blind.) and someone (garou) lounging across from he who must be Pyrell Senior (Garou... can you feel the edge of his madness? Can you feel how he almost doesn't care anymore?) and he can perhaps feel an echo of something else.

...Pyrell is a paranoid sort. This is not his only protection.

Maybe LeRoy doesnt care..
Maybe LeRoy wont take no for an answer..
Maybe LeRoy has good reason to give him these pads..
Or maybe LeRoy just smiles and nods his head..

Whispering. "Time tae support tae team..gotcher pads and m'n kemp are already dressed fur it..yer turn dawg..remember..the goaly pads fur yer knees are fur you" Giving him a wink

*Will ruffels hs feathers.* 3 garou, one kin. Two furrys back one front, kinfolk front, biggy i9n the back... sic um boys!
*Will flutters up towards a street light*

Decker notes all the baleful stares aiming at Danah. He mutters -- and somehow is heard -- "Ain't tha time fer in-fightin'."

Then the stone spins and he's instantly on full alert. "Somethin's up--" and as Will makes his report, he cracks his neck in a sharp jerk, dropping the stone into his pocket.

A nod, as the weight of him lifts off her shoulder and she automatically rolls the joint to loosen it up again, fingers flex, Danah ignored, the car sighted and watched... likely, this is not his only protection, either. there's always more. Always.

Something's up. Well it sure wasn't him and if it was, damn, he musta gone numb below the waist. Car coming, not a good idea to stand too close to Decker in this kind of situation, might end up landing on the windshield if he was within reach.

huh? Danah? Where? Oh yeah. So El-Capi-tan knows where she lies on our list of biatch's to die? Well, then why bring her? Unless he too wishes her harm? And instinctfully he seperates from James to allow Danah her place between they. Please..step there..I dare ya!

whatever reaction it is that LeRoy gives him
there's something that speaks in James' eyes that his mouth never forms
except for maybe the partial smile flickering lopsided for a moment's appearance
(You want to support the team? Keep my packmates alive...)

it's gone when the sedan passes the hill's crest
gliding down towards and past the group
(Pyrell's the paranoid sort...)
something oozing off his inner right arm
unearthly glow lost in streetlight glare
inks smearing out of two-dimensions into three

LeRoy was a Giant, and as such was sometimes slow on the up and up. Yet that did not mean he was stupid.

Attention drawn once more to the angst in the air. Following the lead of his battle buddies stare. He was ready as he could ever be. Protect his dawg's pack? Dude how dare you even remotely worry yourself that he wouldnt. Danah on the otherhand was being eyed as an impromtued weapon of sacrifice. May her death at least be remembered in better terms than her life

*Yu Gan turns seeing the others look at the car and his left hand extends. Inky black shadows drippind down to reform as a pointy thing*

... Ready as you can ever be.

The car is still on its course, either the driver (and all the occupants) having completely missed the entire Garou entourage that was formed in loosely based groups, or were abruptly deciding that there were better days to fight and this was not their night.

The shadows within the car do shift some. It's hard to say if their enemy is unaware.

But it is driving away.

*Will watches, seeing a pack of garou chasing a car is going to be classic. He taps the record button on his chest mounted digital recorder*

"Um." A look to Decker, expecting him to do something like he always does, even if it is some crazy assed thing. "dude, there it goes."

"Naw," Decker says, calm-like, a little distracted, while he flips on the internal switches. Gifts go on-line. Mind switches gears. Combat mode: booting up.

He tilts his head a little and inside Pyrell's cushy ride, the engine's timing goes... a little wonky.


3D10 Dice Roll: 9; 4; 7

LeRoy meanwhile calls upon the aid of his ancestors. Which one that comes, well thats up to Gaia's grand design.

Behind James, close within reach of Danah. Infront of Kemp and alongside Cliona he was positioned. Evident there was an urge to use Danah as a spear upon whatever the designer may engineer.


...the sound an engine makes as it dies, an important piston freezing and causing it to flood...


the sound of the gears coming to an unnatural stop, the sedan lurching unpleasantly.

For a second, nothing moves.

Driver's side door opens.
Back door, passenger side opens.

She arches a brow at Decker, and then there's a little grin as the car comes to a stop. Nice. Have to learn that one - well, ask Wil if he can do it first. Screwed if she ever goes anywhere without him, isn't she. Glance up to check the location of her goodluck charm as one door opens, then two.

Waiting is the hardest part.
(Just keep walking, just keep walking - dori style!)

James is furthest behind the group
at least from where the now was guttering to a crumbling stop
perking right on up like some thug presented with a shiney new piece for the chopshop
steel pipe smacks solidly into opposite palm
the Gnawer reverses directions towards the suits pouring onto the street
let's git sum


Starts to crow with the way the car just up and died. Yelling at the top of his lungs even if he did have to jump around to see with Butta in front of him. Damn he was tall! "Yeah baby! Piece of shit fancy car!" Fumbling to grab his crotch with the pads on his arms and legs, making him feel like he couldn't bend. "Sucks, don't it!?"

Brows furrowed, the channel of his ancient secure, if be it fleeting upon the norm in thinking. Fists first ball into rage, sprouting talons as he begins to channel his beast. Danah mauled from behind, lurched into the air and tossed towards the suits exiting the sedan. "Arrrragghh" (roflmao)

*Yu Gan waits for the ahrouns words. He's not leading this. Shadows UNder the car start to twine though.*

Go blurry, kid. 'N git them claws ready.

By the time the engine grinds to a halt, he's already in his warform. What the fuck, wasn't like this wasn't gonna all end in blood and claws anyway. He speaks (...growls) in a low monotone while a diffuse familiar glow begins to radiate from the tips of his steel-grey fur: No hurry. Let them come to us.

Sons were at least Fosterns. Maybe Adrens. What does that make Daddy?

Better to have to chase, than to rush headlong into their defenses.

Danah takes Hispo form. The bristling bitch gnashes her teeth. You get the feeling she'd like to sink 'em into some flesh.

Snake, the other Rohl in this little expedition, is unsettlingly quiet, the irises of her eyes strangely ink-black. There's a fine tremor that passes through her limbs. Other than that, though, she seems hardbitten and hardcore.


Then, B&B tosses Danah. The Crinos that had been Decker snarls deep in his throat, whipping his head around to flash him a glare. It's one word: STUPID.

But that's for later. Right now? He has no choice but to rush headlong into battle.
10D10 Dice Roll: 8; 9; 4; 2; 5; 9; 1; 4; 8; 2

He was going blurry and shifting to drag his claws across the pavement. Razor claws ready with the order from Decker. Almost dancing from one foot to the other with tension.

Decker goes Furry. Danah follows. And damn if cliona doesn't snort as she's tossed INTO the battle. Well then. Damn.

No hurry, let them come to us. She's not one to be left behind in the "Let's get furry" contest, because damn it all, she's not exactly built for battle as she is. Or as she is -now- either. Shifting up to two-toned red and black colored crinos, she follows the others...

headlong into battle.

(danah rage roll 6D10 Dice Roll: 9; 8; 5; 8; 5; 9 )

Danah is thrown at the car. The car doors open. Two step out (of four), the driver and someone who was in the rear passenger's side. They look almost identical. They could be brothers. They could be twins. Particularly in the way they both draw their weapons and fire.

One at Danah, closest and shifting, whether she wants to, or not. The other at Decker. Largest target. Fiercest warrior.

... or one would be firing at Decker. He aimed. He ... squeezed the trigger.

Gun shot goes high and wide as he disappears beneath the car with a startled yell, shadows wrapped around his ankle.

Well he wasn't going to just stand there to be shot at, even if he was as blurried as he could get. Claws scraped across the pavement and he was running for the car. Calling on the strength of Eagle to be with him.

not a stretch to translate chuffed sound into an amused chuckle
now may not be the time for interfighting
but Butta's at least reading the guttermutt's mind
behind his battlebuddies James is getting shaggier than normal
dreads slipsliding into the length of grungey fur coat
chunks torn out of nearby brick wall as Crinos talons sharpen on them
(Eagle..... not called on.... he lets it go to his packmates)

but he's not rushing headlong into battle yet
(not everybody's out of the car)
following the ideal to make them come to the Gaians
(cause if the sons were Fostern at least.....)

The shot goes wide. But it makes him duck anyway, reflexively, grey ears pinned against grey skull. Three more huge Crinos strides and he's there, the axe still in tattoo form, glowing blue on his arm -- his rage out of reach, for the meantime. So the question remains: how does one nevertheless do the most damage, cause the most destruction, break the enemy's ranks the best, when one has only one action to take?

(Eagle drawn to him.
He can almost hear the call.)

And certainly, when he reaches massive, cruelly curving claws under the car, latches onto the undercarriage and heaves with all his might --

certainly, then, there's a strain-induced ringing in his ears that's less than imagined.

Answer to the question as posed: flip tha car over, bitch. And get 'em as they come crawling out.

Butta? Well....He'd seen out of the corner of his eye his young padowan Kemp rush forelong into the fight. Leaping behind him, keeping James at his flank. Thats right motherfucker..stay on yer feet! In full battle glory with Pads he struck out for the nearest of enemies

*The blurred form of Yu Gan assumes his crinos form and moves forward. Circling around*

((I.E. holding action.))

*William up on the lamppost. Also blurred in raven form whispers commentary to the digital recorder on his chest. Giving the playby play*

If Danah had an ounce of consciousness right now, she would be tearing a fucking hole into the hole that just threw her. [You might find in this fight that the BSDs and Danah have at least one thing in common..]

However, she's not very conscious. Or at least not very capable of making rationale decisions, which leaves her with some very crude (although very fun) options. Danah opens her maw wide, growls ferociously, and then tackles the smaller (still shifting, haha) body, before opening her maw and biting the fleshy vulnerable face of her prey.

Snake: she's a Godi, but they love a good fight as much as the next Get. So she's riproaring into warform, charging forward and CHOMPing at the one twin that Yu Gan's tentacles didn't get.


Lessa's CNP:

It's nearly 9 o'clock on a Friday night in Chicago. For the better part of the population, 70 degrees of mostly cloudy is a nice change from the sweltering temperatures of prior weeks - and they're making the most of it. Dinner. A movie. Some ballgame. Maybe a simple night at the park. Humidity's barely over 50% and winds drift in rather than scream, so it's not really a far cry from possible.

Too bad there's a strike team unable to enjoy such simple pleasures of a Friday in June.

Decker's got the questing stone and that puts the Modi in the lead. Just behind practically trademarked slouched, lazy, yet refined and predatory walk is one raggedyman Bone Gnawer holding left flank, creating outer points to the collection of other Garou. Overall, they really look like nothing more than a random gang of thugs out for a walk amongst the lesser-publicized streets in the Riverfront Area.

Those that haven't been refurbished yet (but it's in the planning!)

Out for a night. Out looking for trouble.
Out for war

About a mile ahead, drawing from the opposite direction saunters one black sedan. It's nothing that out of the ordinary for the neighborhood. Expense hidden in the well-crafted lines of some corporate mogul probably on the ghetto tour of several rundown tenants padding his pockets while others suffer and waste away into yet another stain on Chicago's past. (Little do they know). Streetlights flash diamond reflection off tinted windows..... but they're little to no help in accounting just how many persons are in the vehicle aside from a driver and one passenger in the backseat kind enough to slit a window and leech cigar smoke from leather interior.

Ambling along with the rest of them. Not really thinking about the fact that he just sorta tried not to stand out, be seen so easily. Watching left, right, behind them. Not entirely sure what to expect yet. There was always that chance that some fucker would do a drive by and shoot them before they got anywhere near what they hoped to do.

[Barny]: Behind LeRoy, ignoring the wantoning silence between the group.

[LeRoy]: Sack over his shoulder, silent for the most part till he had moved up through the gathered bulkwarks between Jukebox his dawg and Kemp! Both his Fraternal Battle Brothers. Now some had pack, and he truly represented his connection within his, but some others had friendships, and their was no denying the feelings he sharred between his. Elbowing Kemp's right shoulder blade as he set to round his position in the gathering. His voice broke the silence in a mere whisper towards his teenage woman fearing battle fury friend Kempunabletotouchwomenwithoutfreaking. "Psst..slow up..get yer pads" Gesturing towards the sack he held dangling over his back. Big brotherly like, definately unaccepting of a non commital from a proven battle bud.

*Yu Gan is across the street walking parrell to the group. Trying his best not to look like a part of them. A smidge of the Blurr of Milky eye helping a little bit to hide him from casual observation. Dark eyes tracking ahead. He was born for that after all. Hummingbirds blood running quick in his viens.

William rides along on Cliona's shoulder. Bobing his head*

A collection of other Garou. She’s one of them, though this is not her normal place. In the absence of the Fianna Fostern, it is his Alpha that steps into his place. For that, and for the simple fact that she is a healer. Not as good as some, but certainly better then others.

She has been in battle before. She has been a part of the war, but she is primarily a Spirit Talker, and as such, she is placed somewhere in the middle. There are those behind her (likely staring at her ass too. sheesh.) there are those to each side, and there are those ahead of her.

And on her shoulder, or hovering overhead, as always, is her battle good luck charm. Like mastercard – she doesn’t leave home without him.

Snickering with a look to Butta. Man just the thought of walking around all furry in hockey pads was enough to crack him up. Talk about freaks. One thing for sure, if he died, he'd look funny as hell in that get-up. Right up his alley. Reaching up to dig into the sack while trying not to trip over Butta in the process. "Gonna look like freaks ya know." Snickering again.

"Shut yer mouth" He snickered back "Yer support'n the Fraternity young brother..who cares what we look like..its how we die that counts!" Laughing as he slowed for Kemp to rustle about in his sack. "Besides..its ole dawg that needs them shin gaurds more than you or I...we're just support'n em by look'n liake em tonight..pyscology one o'one" Giving a wink at the young tike.

Two others cruisin' with the Eagles tonight. Not Eagles (yet?) -- but there nonetheless.

One's a face they'll all recognize from someplace or somewhere. Danah, the GW bitch. The other, no one recognizes, except by merit of her Fenrir pure breed, and a strange, undefinable familiarity, though none of them have met her before. Decker calls her 'Snake', and says little else about her.

Kemp&James know her to be family. Decker's. A distant cousin, to be exact. Everyone else knows her, and Danah, to be prospectives in the pack, here for their (first) trial by fire.

Stopping at a DONT WALK light, Decker tosses the questing stone lightly from hand to hand. They're moving in a loose confederation, but within it the bonds of pack are still cut clearly.

A questing stone is a difficult tool too use, and perhaps they've been walking for hours, trying to get the pinpoint and actually get the sedan, or their focus (Mo'da'gos... a name holds power, for those who know how to use it), because directions are not quite as the crow flies. The stone may point unerringly east and there may be a buildng in the way. by the time they have walked around it, the stone has changed direction to the North.

Pyrell Sr. is a busy man. Or at least a restless one.

But this time (ah, yes, this time, this minute, this hour, where everything comes together) they are lucky and the stone that Decker so casually tosses from one hand to the next has so far indicated steadily ahead for the last five minutes.


Within the car, because there is more than one person there (more than one monster? more than one wyrm creature?) someone cracks a joke and Pyrell Sr. laughs, a sound like grating metal as he pops a handful of peanuts into his mouth, chewing carelessly as he crumples the plastic bag. Reaching over, he casually deposits the garbage into the front lapel pocket of his driver, patting it conspiratorally, before sitting back.

Jefferson Street. It's all coming to a head on Jefferson Street.

((takes over CP again))

Decker goes Furry. Danah follows. And damn if cliona doesn't snort as she's tossed INTO the battle. Well then. Damn.

No hurry, let them come to us. She's not one to be left behind in the "Let's get furry" contest, because damn it all, she's not exactly built for battle as she is. Or as she is -now- either. Shifting up to two-toned red and black colored crinos, she follows the others...

headlong into battle.

DanahFri 11:13PM CSTDice Validated 6D10 Dice Roll: 9; 8; 5; 8; 5; 9

Danah is thrown at the car. The car doors open. Two step out (of four), the driver and someone who was in the rear passenger's side. They look almost identical. They could be brothers. They could be twins. Particularly in the way they both draw their weapons and fire.

One at Danah, closest and shifting, whether she wants to, or not. The other at Decker. Largest target. Fiercest warrior.
... or one would be firing at Decker. He aimed. He ... squeezed the trigger.

Gun shot goes high and wide as he disappears beneath the car with a startled yell, shadows wrapped around his ankle.

Well he wasn't going to just stand there to be shot at, even if he was as blurried as he could get. Claws scraped across the pavement and he was running for the car. Calling on the strength of Eagle to be with him.

not a stretch to translate chuffed sound into an amused chuckle
now may not be the time for interfighting
but Butta's at least reading the guttermutt's mind
behind his battlebuddies James is getting shaggier than normal
dreads slipsliding into the length of grungey fur coat
chunks torn out of nearby brick wall as Crinos talons sharpen on them
(Eagle..... not called on.... he lets it go to his packmates)

but he's not rushing headlong into battle yet
(not everybody's out of the car)
following the ideal to make them come to the Gaians
(cause if the sons were Fostern at least.....)

The shot goes wide. But it makes him duck anyway, reflexively, grey ears pinned against grey skull. Three more huge Crinos strides and he's there, the axe still in tattoo form, glowing blue on his arm -- his rage out of reach, for the meantime. So the question remains: how does one nevertheless do the most damage, cause the most destruction, break the enemy's ranks the best, when one has only one action to take?

(Eagle drawn to him.
He can almost hear the call.)

And certainly, when he reaches massive, cruelly curving claws under the car, latches onto the undercarriage and heaves with all his might --

certainly, then, there's a strain-induced ringing in his ears that's less than imagined.

Answer to the question as posed: flip tha car over, bitch. And get 'em as they come crawling out.

Butta? Well....He'd seen out of the corner of his eye his young padowan Kemp rush forelong into the fight. Leaping behind him, keeping James at his flank. Thats right motherfucker..stay on yer feet! In full battle glory with Pads he struck out for the nearest of enemies

*The blurred form of Yu Gan assumes his crinos form and moves forward. Circling around*

((I.E. holding action.))

*William up on the lamppost. Also blurred in raven form whispers commentary to the digital recorder on his chest. Giving the playby play*

If Danah had an ounce of consciousness right now, she would be tearing a fucking hole into the hole that just threw her. [You might find in this fight that the BSDs and Danah have at least one thing in common..]

However, she's not very conscious. Or at least not very capable of making rationale decisions, which leaves her with some very crude (although very fun) options. Danah opens her maw wide, growls ferociously, and then tackles the smaller (still shifting, haha) body, before opening her maw and biting the fleshy vulnerable face of her prey.

Snake: she's a Godi, but they love a good fight as much as the next Get. So she's riproaring into warform, charging forward and CHOMPing at the one twin that Yu Gan's tentacles didn't get.

Cliona, hangs back slightly, knowing there's two more at least coming out of that car.

A bit behind butta, she turns and moves to the otherside of the car just about as Decker goes to flip the thing right on over - glad she didn't run quite as fast as she might, she waits to see what crawls out of the wreckage...

Two Garou attack the one gunman still standing. He gets a single shot off at his first attacker, Danah.

Silver rips through flesh, tearing through muscle and soft tissue as Danah slams into him, and doubled with Snake, both make short work of the creature. Bread and Butter makes the final blow as he reaches it. There are a short amount of enemies here right now. What should be four is only two. And this one was a kin.

Danah has a mad look in her eye, however... Snake would have been better to pick another enemy (for all are enemy to the Fianna now. Nothing but the blind red of her rage). The still standing gunman is in pieces. He never stood a chance (but he made his mark).

The car goes flying and not just because of Decker. Beneath the carriage and the weight of the sedan, the second gunman fights with shadows. And gives up his weak human flesh for that of war.

War formed. It only takes a second. Simaltaneous with the Fenrir's lift, it sends the sedan flying to crash a few feet away, sideways and drunk. And no one comes out.


*Yu's action from the moment before is triggered now. MORE arms of shadow come flickering up to try and hold the one guy down*

Didn't take him long to figure out they went umbral. The other Pyrell had done the samething in a car when they had attacked them before. Fuck, went umbral like before. sending the message to his pack. His rush forwards turning to a swing at the war form that burst from beneath the tumbling car.

Instinctive, the two Fostern Eagles close ranks with each other. One draws his sticks and the other his axe. Despite color difference, tribe difference, weapon difference, style difference, they are nonetheless strangely... almost indistinguishable from one another. They blend, one into the other, compensating for one another's weaknesses.

Slightly apart, but doing her level best to join the ranks with the instincts of a Fenrir born and bred for war, Snake.

The first gunman is in pieces. His gun is on the ground. The second is hitting Crinos, struggling against his bonds. Decker grabs the gun off the ground, awkwardly -- such huge talons were never meant to fit into that trigger -- and tosses it over his shoulder to Cliona. Silver-loaded. It's enough to give even a Garou a shiver of anticipation/dread. She was expected to take care of the Crinos still thrashing about, obviously.

Umbral, Kemp says. Decker grimaces. Follow? Risky. Gauntlet thick. Could be a Theurge. Could be facing a Theurge of god knows what rank on his own terms. Don't follow? Did they have a choice?

Garouspeech, "We follow. Umbral."

LeRoy only growls his disdain for following yet another 'follow me' into the maws of the gauntlet umbral side vowes from El-capi-tan! Not that it was bad, but that too many traps so far had been set for such things. It was becoming to him...obvious.

-GS- "At least protect yer flank you stupid jit!" He roared as he grabbed Kemp, and with him within his right fist began through the gauntlet. His left tugging at the heal of Danah who was mauling her victim.

The gun is tossed over a shoulder to her and she catches it with a shiver of dread, feeling the burn of silver close by, however she also knows her limitations. A sharp sound from garou maw alerts goodluck charm, and with a toss that gun? Thrown directly upwards, knowing Will can, and will catch it, and take care of the still thrashing garou before them. Let’s here it for pack tactics, even when it’s ‘honorary’ status. Her good luck charm, all the way. (and unaffected by silver too.)

They follow.
Nod – and she doesn’t even look to see if Will caught it – she knows he did, knows he’ll do what’s needed, and she? reaches out with a hand on any one who may need help over and sidesteps yanking anyone she can over with her.

*Will sees the gun coming up like that one in Matrix 3. He snap shifts to his homid form up ontop of the street light and with perfect balcance (( love that merit)) grabs it from the air. Can't shoot though Butter and Snake and Danah but he draws a bead on what ever those shadows were beating to shit on the ground incase the doggies don't kill it*

*Hearing Decker Yu Gan tilts his head. Nodding he goes to cross the gauntlet too. Butter Danah, Cliona, snake can get the last garou here.*

Danah and Snake make short work of the gunman, his body laying in shreds beneath their mutual claws. Eyes black as pitch turn to her side, level on Snake, and in an instant Danah is tackling and mauling her as well. Slashing and clawing the nearest body ferociously, until the pain of silver imbedded in her flesh is too much even to sustain her frenzied rage, and Danah slumps to the ground.

Snake fights back to the best of her ability. No holds barred. Blood spills as Gaian fights Gaian and when Danah falls, Snake stops a fraction of a second from a final blow, snarling her war formed fury.

Snorts. Straddling the prone beasts form, the bred fenrir's claws carefully pick through the seared hole that the bullet has left in Danah's side. Snake's blood drops into the Glass Walker's wound, even as she jerks it out, throwing the bullet half way across the world with a hiss.

She makes no move to heal. That is the only thing she offers the bitch who claws her open, turning her attention instead toward the beast wrapped in shadow.

The crinosed garou is pratically pinned, arching back and forth against the barriers of five shadow arms all wrapping and twisting around him, holding him almost prone against the concrete.

There's a loud snap. A howl. The garou's arm just broke.

*From atop the lamp post will calls out* Just stay back!
*Having been aiming. Will puts one of those PRESHIOUS silver bullets in the crinos' brain pan.*

StorytellerSat 01:03AM CSTDice Validated 6D10 Dice Roll: 7; 2; 4; 2; 10; 4

Danah lays prone on the ground, face up to the blackened sky, and the smallest sliver of moon hanging inside it. She doesn't move, can't move. Hispos body shifts into a powerful midnight crinos, but still, she doesn't move a muscle. Just lays there. Unaware of exactly how close she came to seeing her Mother again.

Nor does Danah know how close that vision is to become reality. Seeing her mother again or worse even. Hell and its apothocaries. She'd had once brought harm, direct and voluntary against the great Patron Black Unicorn. Justice from the Totem was demanded. The spliting of pack caused by such a disenchanted! And then when such a split took place, how Danah turned her back upon her new found grace? Does a Totem really get over that? Now before others rush to speak volumes of Unicorn's and her shadows yern for compassion, let us all remember that the shadow of Unicorn is born of defense, martial prowress and honor upon standing. Let us also bring upon lite the the dispicable actions and Totem slanderings this 'mule' has done upon Black Unicorn. Justice is ingrained upon LeRoy. Whilst his battle buddies rage against what has yet to be seen umbrally, his Totem calls, it actually bids him to return and finish the silly wretch.

His hand upon Kemp as he slips into the umbral side of what he knew would only be a trap..it had to be..it always was. Experience taught that. He turned to Kemp with a smile..."Should I not be needed..." leaving it to his senses to make up his mind as to which direction he undertook at this time. To kill the miserable wretch who spoke against a pride of Black Unicorns and cause such a dishonorable split? Or to kill the wyrm beforehand..hmmmm..which would the totem send him?


....bad joke.

Will perched on his lamp post, a human in a crow's postion fires off a single accurate shot. The report echoes loudly amongst the buildings.

The black spiral dancer goes still. Shadows slither back reluctantly, as if uneager to give up their prize.


The gauntlet is as painful as ever. Like cold water rush. The Garou join, all of them together still on the other side, where the city is shadows of webbing and spirits forming the buildings and stop lights and streetlights.

A small yellow creature clings to a lamp post, it's fur irridiscent and glowing, ruffling its fur in time to a light realmside that is flickering, guttering toward its last moments. Buildings are mostly ethereal things, not always quite solid, the webbing spongy, if they were to touch it. They can see tears across the building of one, as if some great crinos had climbed up it, careless of the spongy material and the damage they caused. Look closely and see the spiders, miniscule, scurrying to repair the damage.

"Wha...?" words more a growl than anything and he was looking around quickly. Pointing one clawed hand towards the building. "Maybe one went that way."

Umbral. She has perfect trust that Will has taken care of the last Spiral. She may look to be weaker then the rest, but she is certainly not stupid. Will is the better shot, has better aim, and people would need her help to cross, for the Gauntlet is thick here. She did what needed to be done.

Shadowy forms of things seen realmside, flickering yellowish creature clings to lamp post, and over here, there is gaping hole where something large went through. Simple enough path to follow. The Ahrouns and Fosterns are in charge, however. Waits for word, follows when it is given.

*Yu Gan looks up. Moves over to Cliona and even blurred murmers* "Going up?"
*If she agrees he grabs her under the armpits and flys up, keeping distance from the edge of the building...*

Let's go. He heard the order and was following in Decker's wake. Nothing like a furry ass in your face while climbing.

Slow, and pivotal his choice was. Kemp being his strain to keep him upon the target. But aloft and up the side of a building. Well who else could climb better than even El-Capi-tan than him?

With his gift, from the ape who teaches how to climb such things vertically, even if umbrally, he easily set aside Kemps whoas, beckoning him to take a mantle upon his crinos'd shoulders. -GS- "Hang on"

And with the gift he set to climbing the vertical slope within the umbra without taxing as the others encountered.

There are advantages to being slightly smaller then the rest. one of them tonight appears to be flight – Logan won’t believe this one later. A nod, agrees, flys.

Free ride, less ass in face. Ok. Latching on to Butta's back like a leech. Hoping he didn't get dropped or something cause that would suck.

*William leaps off the light and almost floats to the ground, all Underworld style. hallow bones and stuffs, long coat billowing. Landing he walks up on the Spiral.* BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK!

Claws crunch into easily giving wall. Over here the material of the world is thin. Flimsy. Concrete and brick crumbles away, but never hits the ground. It disintegrates midway.

A low growl stirs his throat as everyone else but him seems to zip up on a free ride. Behind him, James and Snake are doggin' on.

Already above the 'fearless leader' and one should wonder..why am I going forelong into this? LeRoy never considers. Instead trusting that Kemp has his back with free'r mobility than he from oft his back. A shout out down below. "Um..ya com'n or what? And where we go'n boss?" He uttered in high tongue.

The spiral outside is very. very. dead. Full of silver and not likely to get up any time soon. Ever.

It's a long slogging climb to the top. For Decker, James and Snake, at least. The rest, obviously are getting easier rides. Spiders scurry across the climbers' fur, tiny legs scratching into flesh, leaving a feeling of stiffness through muscles and bone, as if they do not quite bend as they should (static).

About half way up for the fastest, and a quarter of the way up for the slower ones, a spray of blood mists down wet and pungent, and an echoing snarl ricochets off the umbralscape.

Reaching the top, of course, Bread and butter and Yu Gan and their companions may realize a brief problem with their speedier plans.

See, they're up at the top. With a large burly man, built like a square shithouse, dressed in a pair of suit pants, his torso bare and muscled body flexing as he crouches over the smaller form of his companion. One of the occupants of the car has met his demise, and not from Gaian hands. The burly man is wiping bloodied hands on the leg of the corpse, while glancing up mildly at the approachers.

"Weren't there more of you?" his grin shows teeth as he straightens his back slightly with careless confidence as he crouches over his slain companion.

*Yu drops Cliona off somewhere, Not too close to long tall and ugly and keeps rising. Hoping the baddie will loose him in the umbral sky. He's still a little blurry.*

"Well shit" In his high tongue he counters. A snarling effigy of a grin he gave the man who sat so ominously alone. "Um ya miscounted..and so did we. Whoever lives will be remembered viberantly!" He roared as his high tongue rolled off his muzzle and lips, slipping upwards to let Kemp grasp at the apex.

His action, still holding that rage till now rushes to jump and evade any attack the stauwart man may have.

Decker just snaps his teeth as B&B calls down to him. What does it look like he's doing, sitting on his hands? He was CLIMBING.



By the time the conversation starts up there (perfectly clear to his ears), he's about... 60% of the way there. His muscles tense, quiveringly, as the sounds of battle begin. Then he's racing up the side of the building with a burst of rage-given speed.

Don't do nothin' STUPID, Kemp -- y'all got 'im four ta one 'n he ain't shakin'.

Snarling growl from the smaller garou, claws flexing as she stands strong by the others. Kemp. Butta. And the calvaries coming. HT ~Funny. I thought you’d be bigger.~

Always wanted to use that line. She stands strong, ready, waiting for him to make the first move. A glance to Butta – in the absence of Decker, it’s instant to shift leadership to him, until the Modi arrives.

Butta rushes, and Kemp and Cliona circle.... the clash of the titans, and when there is an opening, the quick lithe little one is there to swing claws with the best of them...

He's almost in repose. Almost waiting. Almost relaxed. Elbows on his knees. Fingers blood tipped still brushing that of his packmate's corpse.

His head tilts briefly, almost unaware of the pacing Garou of Butta waiting for him to attack.

His voice is like honey poured over coals, eyes so dark as to be almost black. He is almost fifty, from the peppering of grey through the dark black of his hair, skin obviously olive toned, italian.

Knuckles pop, slowly, before glancing toward Ricinus, almost as if she'd asked him a question. "It'd be a shame for them to miss out. Just another few moments, now."

Somethings not right! Practically screaming the warning over the totem link. And he was circling for the back of the guy to force him to divide his attention. Oh fuck me! He wasn't so big and not nearly as powerful as this guy likely was, but he had those razor claws and he was suddenly making a rush for the guy's backside.

Three lagging Garou climbing for all they were worth. Twenty feet from the top one suddenly rears back and shatters through the side of the building, into the interior, digging through the wall, and then up. Slower. But with the element of surprise.

The other two - the Modi and the Godi - continue to climb. They begin to fan out, eventually hitting the top some thirty feet from one another. At his first glance of the rooftop scene, Decker pings quick location impressions to his packmate within the building. [take a -1 dice pool for attn splitting?]

*Yu Gan shakes his head. That fucker's summoned something with his packmates death. The Uktena just knows it. Keen eyes like an eagle search around for the "thing" that the dead garou has unleashed*

Kemp jumps at him, impatient. He never even has a chance.

Mo'da'gos reacts. Reaching war formed at impossible speeds he whips around to backhand the rotagar like a disobedient puppy. The sound of strong claws hitting flesh is echoing and hideously loud. It catches Kemp mid-flight and sends him flying.

Over the edge and into nothing but air and ground far far below.

Something ain’t right. She comes to the same conclusion, though others aren’t seeing anything from above. and when kemp hauls ass and attacks, she does the same – but she does not go for the garou, instead she goes for the dead body, rage burned in an attempt to grab and haul it right off the edge of the building...

Got um!
*Hummingbirds Alpha DARTS down unseen to try and catch Kemp before he becomes road pizza*

He flew before, recently, but at least then his head wasn't spinning and there weren't stars everywhere he tried to look. One moment there, the next gone.

It was a single glance back. An observed concern for his fraternity brother he gave that could be his unduely weakness. Yet he turned. From afar he shuffled instead, round to the left, the far left out of sight he lept. Whilst the others meandered the bad ones thoughts he stole upon his chance to attack him. With falling touch he reached out and attempted not only that but a backswiping claw.

James's totem link sparks bright and then goes painfully silent.

*As he dives he calls out* "SOMETHING INSIDE!"
*Flying fast to try and catch the get*

James' totem link, GONE. He reels physically, almost losing his grip on the edge. And then his one remaining packmate, now that James was burrowing, flies off the roof.

Shit. No way to coordinate now. Not without speaking aloud, and then what the fuck is the point. Fucking ALONE now, the rest of the garou notwithstanding. There's nothing like being without pack. Leaves you naked on a rooftop under the sky, the eye of the wyrm staring down at you.


"Come on," he growls to his cousin. Blood bonded. Thinks she's a Rohl, does she? Time to show your grit. Muscles bulge across chest and arm and back; by sheer force of will he drags his half-ton weight up past the roof, launches himself into the air, and crashes down somewhere to the left, and somewhat in a flanking position, of Mo'da'gos.

"There's something in the building," that's all he has time to say, simultaneously with Yu Gan's diminishing call. He doesn't even attempt the old trick, True Fear, on Pyrell Sr. Out comes the axe and he's following B&B in, Snake beside him, all his rage burning making him incandescent. All he knew was, if they had to face Mo'da'gos and whatever he'd called up inside together, they hadn't a snowball's chance in hell.

His talons raised upon the backside of the Great Pyrell Sr. His challenge he left for the man he held dearly. Only those who survived this battle would lament in vibrant victory. He had shuffled first to evade attack presumed to be made by him or another from an unseen distance. LeRoy though thought, was far from stupid. Simple perhaps, nevertheless not stupid. But engaged was he with his rage he now spent again upon attacking the hind quarter of the enemy, with both claw and falling touch gift.

Ricinus leaps for the dead body and unprotected by Mo'da'gos now, it's easy to reach and get to. Like Kemp, the body goes flying over the edge to sail through the air and smash against the ground, shattered bones and skin.

Unlike Kemp. Who is caught by Yu Gan far too close for comfort. The weight of the falling Garou caught by the Uktena nearly pulls them both to the ground and pratically disconnects Kemp's arms from his sockets. But he's alive. So far.

The building trembles, and Mo'do'Gos snarls, bearing his teeth, "Tell my children I said hello." The high tongue as he leaps. Claws scrape Bred and Butta, barely leaving a scratch as the Gaian himself claws out, attempting to activate the gift that will bring the highly ranked Spiral to his knees.

And fails.

The blood drawn is little more than a scratch on the flesh, as Mo'Da'Gos bites again, even as Decker Rohl joins the fray, axe swinging to slam into his flank (...stick in flesh, pull free, see the blood pour across the Spiral's flank) and the Spiral's teeth fasten onto B&B's throat and is battered by the axe blows of the Fenrir Modi and Snake flanking the opposite side, lashing out with claws and teeth.

The building shudders again. Snake stumbles back, and Decker's last axe blow misses clean. Mo'Da'Gos just lost his grip on Bred & butta, and none too soon, either. Blood soaks the rooftop, and spiders are beginning to swarm the ground until it is covered. Amidst the small ones, a slightly larger one is viewed, every few feet.


He was falling, then someone was pulling his arms out of the sockets and that was enough to make him howl with added pain. Later he'd consider he could smacked head first into the ground. Right now it was a howl.

The cut to his throat dementated him somewhat. But rage leads him onwards, with the thought of Kemp falling to his death below. (having no idea his fraternity member is alive) He spends his rage to shift down into hispo to dodge the usurpers next attack. Lurching at his groan with both claw and teeth. Again using falling touch to complete perhaps his final effigy.

*Yu gan pulls up hard. Umbral dust billowing from air displacement as they just miss the ground and their heading back up. Murmerd* Quit cha bitching, you're still alive... well fuck... I can't carry you all.
*Looking at the building he frowns, Banking as he rises he looks at the neighboring building for any spiders. Can't fly them all out but he can station in mid air and work as a stepping stone to the NEXT building over!!*

Faced with the potential choice -- get out and live, or take the enemy down and die -- there's only one answer for those born to Fenris' blood.

So there's four figures left in the chaos of gleaming order. The assault continues, the black axe lashing out the best he can, his feet planted wide to help his balance. He hasn't been struck, but blood suddenly pours red out of wounds miraculously opening of their own will -- strange rifts opening across shoulders and arms, and across his chest but never his back. Fresh rage floods his system until his lips peel back in an involuntary, trembling snarl; until his fur stands on end from neck to ruff to spine, all the way to tail. He attacks as he had, turning away from the claws and seeking advantage.

The spiders are coming. They crawl over Dancer and Gaian without delineation. They were equal opportunity calcifiers, the very underpinnings of order come to dubious life; the personification (that wasn't the right word) of pattern and purpose pushed to the extremes. The large ones were intelligent, or at least cunning; they were dangerous, and they are, for the moment, ignored.

Three Gaians whirling around one Dancer. Silence, Snake, BreadnButta, who for all his plain-jane name, was a force to the reckoned with. How much would it take?

She doesn’t look to see if Kemp is dead or just injured – though the howl getting louder leads certainty to the latter as she turns instead to the battle, to the Godi and Modi and Butta wrecking havok and the spiders crawling over and over and getting bigger too. Lovely.

Three stand against the Spiral.

Now make that four. Not the forces of the other three, no, but unharmed, full strength, and dropping rage to rake with wicked claws along side the others.

*Yu Gan sighs. Well nothing for it now. Kemp's in for a wild ride as the blurry crinos Uktena banks in from above, dropping the blur (( don't need friendly fire)) to come from ABOVE MOTHER FUCKER! Down onto Pyrell Sr. Kemp and himself, death from above*

Oh fuck, nothing to do in this situation other than to extend claws on all four limbs and rake for all he's worth before he splats in the divebomb.

The car on the streets below. Nothing, just an ant it seems to those above. Un-noticed.

"Umbral. Atop that building," pointing one finger up from the windshield.

But it was that which gave them advantage. Hopefully they were not too late. She had tracked them down, the boys and her Holly, thru the thundering hooves of Black Unicorn. Yes, she knew where they were.

It was a moment on the side of the car as it parked between buildings that her own reflection was caught in the mirrors... across the gauntlet she traversed.

*In the real world, there is a burning car in the street and burning bodies and Will banks down when Nelly appears and lands on her shoulder* "Hey sexy. Miss me?"

A nod, then, as she stops the car between the buildings and cuts the engine. She’s moving slower then her unhurt partner in crime, but still moving. A glance at that bird as he comes down.

True to form, of course, she does not reply. Silent, this one. Before she sidesteps, however, she does three things. One – gets out of the car. Two, shifts with a snap to birthform, massive crinos form crouching. And three, the silver-toned bangle at her wrist is activated, rendering her, for all intents and purposes, invisible but for the silver glow of her eyes, eyes that now lock on their reflection, and she sidesteps.

She paused realmside, looking around first before crossing over. And the raven upon her shoulder caused the delay a bit more. She smiled softly, "Always sugahbee," a wink, "Ah gotta get t'mah boy..." and with that she looked into the mirror of the car and sidestepped into the umbra. Taking Will with her if he so chooses to stay perched on her shoulder. Or not.

*He rides over. Wondering absently what's taking all the others so long. He killed his spiral pretty quick. A bit of ruffeled feathers at AnneMarie's pop up and shimmering shadows*

The Garou are piling on. The spiders are pouring in... The ground is shaking and beneath through the building in the soft soft floor and barriers, there's a sudden keening howl (James's totemlink explodes to life. Pain.) that can set teeth on edge.

It certainly feels like a last stand, though whether it is for Mo'Da'Gos or the assembled Garou that have begun to rip/tear/shred into the Spiral still remains to be seen.

Mo'Da'Gos's flesh shreds (spiders crawl into his open and snarling mouth) and his arm nearly severs at the shoulder.

Kemp's attack, claws raking, throws the Spiral to his highranked knees, and whispering through a shredded throat, he begins the Song of Mockery, a twisted song that mocks lineage, their kin (Pretty boy, gonna shove his dick down his throat... Nice girl, Alexandra... wanna taste her ovaries...) in a warbling tone. It's only a few seconds. The Garou tongue is an expressive language and the howls are more so.

Spiders fill their wounds, if they have them, and crawl in their fur, if they don't.

He hasn't attacked. It was when Kemp hit that he finally bothered. Fur stands on end... electricity surges through the conductible roof top. ... through their skin.

Through Decker's axe.
Through Kemp's claws.
Through them all, a heart stopping jolt that sends Bred and Butta down, Ricinus and Snake staggering. The building nearly rocks off it's foundation as something roars.

And Mo'da'Gos laughs. Blood spraying.

Kemp, Yu Gan, Decker are all still capable. One might say that an attack like this is not glorious. Five on one. No heroes. No glory hogs. Every Garou driving toward one goal. Bring him. Down.

And down he falls.

*Yu Gan looks around and spots the most wounded. He grunts and hefts the massive man to a shoulder and hovers about 4 feet off the roof* Call the ball Silence. Hurry!

Ricinus staggers as she [tosses her name into the pile] is electrucuted with the rest of them, sizzling jolts of lightening racing through her form.

Butta falls.
Kemp falls.

Both fall next to her and it is with a quickness of thought that gained her the deedname to begin with, she grabs first Kemp, hand pressed into him to let loose the flow of mother’s touch through him, then her foot connects to Butta’s side as the others take down the Spiral for good, and again, healing touch races through Midnight’s form.... even while muscles jitter with the aftereffects of electricity..

Something beneath the ground shudders, and slithers away. The shadow within the building starting to fade.

As the spiders start to return, there are four down.

Mo'da'Gos is dead. His body riddled with claw, axe and bite marks, his life was finally ended. 50 years for the wyrm. One might say he became incautious. Careless to think he could actually live through an attack like this. Others might say he chose when he wanted to die, with his children dead, his company failing.

Bred and Butta: Down but breathing.
Kemp: Down but breathing.

And within the building... The mutter of James Branson's existance, perhaps welcome after the stark emptiness of his silence. He too, lives, if not happily.

*Will looks around and sees the building swarming with spiders* Fuck you just know Red's up there.
*He lifts off from Nelly's shoulder, flapping hard to get up there to the others*

She heard the roars...the buildings shake... hell, who couldn't? Her gaze lifted as her body grew to glabro form... small green hairs peeking thru her skin. Mentally, she reached out thru the totem phone for Butta...

Hello? Hello?

Nothing. This is when ol'Nelly freaks the hell out, her screams, "No, Nonononononononononononononononono..." those ethral green vines around her form twist, flowing around her frantically... "getmeupgetmeup"... (climb like an ape) her hands finding holds upon the face of the building. Ethral vines snapping out... WYLD is here... grappling up the spiders all around her, crushing, tossing, hitting the weave

Posted by james at June 18, 2004 12:00 AM