May 09, 2004
.05.09.04. - aggressive diplomacy [moot pt.7]

[the caern - forums - file - carryover from moot proper attending to matter of black unicorns/anarchy 99]

(OK, Councilgarou. This is something that came up early in the moot, when not too many of the Council was on. It needs to be settled. Please post your reactions below.)

As one, the knights step forward, to face those gathered.

The hulking mass of LeRoy stepped forward another step. His continance was sober as it was sombering. The life of Gaia's heartfelt energies glinted meraculously within his gaze. Proud despite the somber of mood, he held his head high and powerful shoulders straight.

"An unfortunate as occured. Young David Hawthorne, born of Unicorn has fallen. By our able hands, unforgivingly driven has he been recieved into Gaia's bossom. It was not our intention. Yet still, it has occured. May Gaia forgive us as well as this young Spirit for the anger we spent unfortunately against her."

Slow his head pivots around taking in all sights and sounds. Faces as they watch him, whisperings should they be heard by him.

"Territory was ignored, Protocol thrown out the window. Young Hawthorne came to our house with a heart of teasing. Shaming our interest in who was visiting. We knew him not. Nor his reasons. When we inquired, he fleed our questions. To flight. While we persude. Indeed able of feet, for he evaded our long reach. Thus ruled by pride we set upon his heels. We upon four, he upon two. Still, quick cunning and able of foot, he never once shifted to elude us on many afoot. Needless to say, we captured him. Attempted once more to halt and question. Again, now twice he set to flight. No words, no reason to disuade our interest of him. To wound, cripple and set forth our reason we attempted yet again"

A pregnant pause.

"No wound yet had come forth, but as pack we struck as one. And as one we struck hard. Fragile, too fragile for us. For our Honor, we admittingly bit to hard. Fell did he, young David Hawthorne. Fell and breathed no more, for we struck him down to hard. A pitiful mistake. One we Knights shall long endure. We weep for the loss of Gaia's warrior. Flight of Feet was he..and in Honor we put his remains upon this Caern to be remembered as thus. A sacrifice for us all to recall and recant. May our territories be threatened. May our innocents be defended. But may our temperment know resistance..may we all look at our unfortunate actions as memory. Temper your rage. Let us not accept any and all as meer foe. Let us attempt to understand and listen, even should one give us pause and reason against it. It is by attempt that we may advert such an occurance. It is all we Knights ask of you. Use our unfortunate to be a reminder to us all."

Now his brows leveled upon those whom where the Council of Elders.

"As I have stated, and as I have come out to recant our unfortunate occurance. It is upon you that we Knights submit as one and ask now for forgiveness. Already have we set to Honor young David Hawthornes spirit. Already have we confided with our great Patron, Unicorn's Shadow. Already have we bore our hearts to our mother of mother's Gaia and her wounded bossom. It is now that we set ourselves with bent knee and penance at your Council's ruling." He steps back to his pack then.

A voice crackled to life; deep back-woods southern drawl, heavy laiden but still feminent, "The in betweens," the blond vixen known as Nelly Bell stepped forward, "Already two kinfolk have been saught after, poached or atleast the attempt thereof. Nightly and daily calls do our defenses answer to protect the kinfolk known as Miriam, sister of Imogen Slaughter, from drugdealers and those wishing to harm the child. Thrice we have battled against those pushing the wicked ways of the wyrm upon her, in our own backyards. Following them home, Alexi and the like, to wish harm upon them. Kinpoachers are abound. Our defenses around the house, have as of late, been alert; our eyes and ears hold caution to the events and feet which tread our territory. And upon that fatefilled night, when David Hawthorne fleet of foot came to throw trashcans upon our doorstep at One A.M., the house again sparked to life with defence," taking a breath, "Under the no-moon's gifts he hid from the Phalnex wall, while Harry and the child of Vine made safe the innocents under the roof. When the pack was upon the frontpoarch stoop, then did David Hawthorn make himself known. But 'lo with slanderous toungue did he gibb. Upon our queries of who and why his answer was his name, tribe, and he had come for our kinfolk, Alexi, she asleep upstairs," shaking her head,

We have known of no such man as this David. With a warning word we gave, he was upon the Knight's territory, rousing the children and kin within the house with his tossing of garbage upon our stoop, standing before his own tribal leader. And to this he slandered our packs name, made no apologies for the ill he had caused, and took immediatly to flight," pausing, her bedroom gaze fell over the council and collected,

A gibbious moon hung low in the rain clouded sky that eve. It fuled my own passions, and thru me down the link which binds us all, a part of that fule trickled as happens within every pack. Chase we gave. Upon four legs to catch Hawthorn upon two. When pause behind parked cars the man gave, cornered by three, a second warning was baded, "Surrender, submit, May Gaia bless you with the wisdom to not enrage us further, were words of the Children of Unicorn's tribal leader," shaking her head, "A chance for the boy to take heed, for LeRoy understood what fuled my soul that night. But alas, he gave no reply, but leaped over LeRoy to make way down the street. And that is when all three struck at once. Harry and LeRoy wished none other than to catch the boy. I willingly admit I yearned for the taste of blood. But death we did not want to usher in for him. Death was not heralding in upon our wings that night. I tasted his blood and flesh as did LeRoy. But teeth fell too close to the spinal cord, and it was cut under the velocity and weight in which his body fell to meet open maws," her words fell silent, hanging heavily with sadness her lips and eyes frowned, "And so we put to rest David Hawthorn, anarchy 99, first ranked of the children of Gaia within the Caern's soil. But we would like to put to rest the slaying of our brethern in one heated, damp night, with the members of this Sept and the council of Elders do we seek forgiveness." Before she as well steps back.

Barny has remained where he is still. He was not present at the incident, yet as pack, he stands to be judged, condemned, or forgiven with them. As sombre as his packmates. The loss of the gaian has brought to life something thought forgotten.

(james wagner - fianna elder)
James Wagner, the Fianna elder, stepped forward, weighing the Knights present. The only expression one could see upon his features was the lack of expression as he listened to their tale. The Moondancer could feel the pain the retelling of the tale caused to those that participated in the chase and kill.

To lose one of Gaia's chosen in a city such as Chicago was a grievous loss, as all were valuable in the fight against the Wyrm, but such things sometimes cannot be avoided. The Sandman spoke thus:

"As Fianna I know what it means to have passions run high. As Garou I know what it means when Rage mixes with passion. For defending your territory, you cannot be faulted. Taking a life unwarrented..." James trailed off, as he thought of the best way to handle this. He was not Philodox; things of this nature was not his forte'.

A breath. "When passion runs high, in times of persuit or war, mercy is hard to come by. For honoring this David Hawthorne, I, as Fianna elder, forgive you the sin of his death. Perhaps it could not of been avoided, and perhaps it could have, but you have honored his spirit with the burial service."

Thus, he stepped back, having no more to say.

(eyes od medea - fury elder)
"Which of the forms were you in when you pursued this David Hawthorne?"

The question comes from the Fury Elder, calm as still water.

It was LeRoy who spoke.

"As we've said before, we were upon four whilst he upon two. But if you are inquiring upon difference of which...then we were Lupus and two Hispo."

Nodding towards the Black Fury.

(eyes of medea)
"I am no Philodox."

The words are spoken quietly from the Fury Elder who steps to the forefront, dark eyes resting on the pack who has come to beg for forgiveness...and the one who wishes to challenge for Fostern.

"I am a Theurge. But here is what I know from what they have said..."

Her manner is calm, her voice holding only an echo of the Rage one would expect of a warrior of Gaia.

"The pack known as The Knights found a member of Unicorn's Tribe, David Hawthorne, a Trickster, in their territory. He insulted and slandered their names - but to their faces. He wanted to see a kinfolk, Alexi. He was unknown to this pack. He caused a ruckus. Then he ran, like a coward."

She pauses, her dark eyes resting on the Alpha of the pack.

"And then, this pack pursued him in the guise of the Dire Wolf. Through a city filled with humans. Without the protection of the Delerium. As wolves, while he fled on foot. Across their territory they pursued him, breaking the Veil with every step they took, while he ran in his human's form, at a distinct disadvantage."

She crosses her arms, letting her words sink in before continuing.

"Though he never sought to physically harm them from what they have said, they cornered him, still in the guise of the Dire Wolf's form, demanded he stand down. He chose to run. Whom they pursued, though he never lifted a hand against them, if this story is to be believed."

Her eyes narrow, and she shakes her head.

"In the guise of the Dire Wolf, they attacked a Garou - a Garou - in homid. And they thought that the attack of all three...including an Ahroun and a Galliard, veteran warriors both...they thought the attack of two Dire Wolves and a lupus would not kill a lone homid no-moon?"

She sounds incredulous, and her eyes begin to burn with a subtle anger as she turns her gaze back to those who stand waiting for judgement.

"You ran through the streets in Hispo form. Did none of you think of the Veil? You attacked one lone no-moon in Homid - who had identified himself by your own admission - with you yourselves in Hispo and Lupus. You, who are veteran warriors by your own admission. Will I forgive such?"

She shakes her head slowly.

"No. Unless you can answer to these problems to my satisfaction. You are Garou, not ravening, slavering beasts. Either you control your Rage, or the Wyrm controls you. And not even Frenzy would be an excuse for breaking the Veil such as it has been broken here, if this story is correct."

LeRoy listened. Calm once mixed with the serenity of shame now focused upon the Black Fury. Proud his shoulders lifted as he stood under the council's judgement.

"Your words hold weight and merit. Indeed the concerns you offer are indeed valid. Each member of this Sept fights constantly vigil to keep the Veil from threat. question the validity of our words. In that I find fault and humbly request your retraction. We have come before you admittance and disgrace we suffer this shame. To fault the honor of our Tongue is a mistake. Long before your arrival or the arrival of others who sit upon this esteemed council our words and oaths given have been as honest as they have been in earnst. Yet since you only know of our deeds...or if you don't then you should, I will stand before you in further shame and be tested willingly by a TruthCatcher should it satisfy you. Though once my and the voice of our Pack is seen as being just as it has been given. I will ask for your apology....Upon that matter solely. And upon considering us mindless beasts...enthralled upon the mighty scals of the Wyrm as you suggest. May I remind you of your own rage that you so openly spat. When your mate had fallen, we understood and said nothing. Like this..over time...the pressure of our constant harassements can become again...unpredicatable in response. For we ARE Garou...and recognize the battle we must face against our own failures of strength and of heart."

His glance swept towards James Wagner..then towards James Branson and Decker.

"As it was late in the eve, threat to the veil in our sleepy community was threatened..but only a little. We gave chase as we said..but into the streets it spilt only once. Infront of our house is the furthest David Hawthorne, flight of feet Anarchy 99 could give upon two feet. The veil was always in our mind. To capture and to capture quick. To linger upon foot down our neighborhood sidewalks would invite more curiousity than the tipping over of a single trashcan. For this instance happened in the span of this. But words given. Our shame I stand before you representing. It is upon you three whom know we better than obviously she to know that I would not shame this council with lies of testimony. We will have a truthcatcher then?"

(yu gan - elder uktena)
Yu Gan listens and watches the Fury speak.
He himself doesn't often talk much. But he is capable.

Hearing them he nods and does speak. Voice soft, lacking any sort of Asian accent somone might expect with his looks.

"The fury has made valid points. Hunting though a city in Hispo is a breech of the viel. I know not the local where this happened myself but rarly does an entire city sleep. Usually there are people around. If noone saw you. More the better.

Still she has valid point. You chased a homid in Hispo form. It's a war form. Not an easy one to assume even. It's not crinos, nor lupus. It's one of the between forms. Taking such form is no accident. You only end up there if you mean and try hard to.

*He nods slowly* And as the fury has pointed out, to attack a homid in this form... there is no doupt as to the results. You were going to kill him. Hispo claws and teeth rend steel quite easily. Pouncing somone in homid, dog piling them in this massive war form there is little doupt of the outcome.

Hispo isn't a playful form. Even going as gently as possiable pouncing a homid in hispo is almost certain death. Biting one insures it very nearly to certainty. Going an entire pack in this fashion...

What other outcome where you thinking could happen? You can fight grown grizzly bears in hispo. Ive done it. This was a Child Of Gaia fleeing from hostile people. Perhaps cowardly but perhaps quite smart. We don't know. Clearly he DID have reason to run as he's dead. Perhaps he saw murderous intent in the pack and fled because of that? *Yu gan shrugs* We don't know, he's not here to speak, but if I had 3 garou wanting to kill me, I'd run my ass off too.

As for the terriroy thing.. * he shakes his head* yes he was in your turf but this is a city. he can't really howl for entrance. Yes he tresspassed but * he shrugs* people do it all the time. I've seen you're pack in my territory before with out asking our permission. I invited you out for food. I extend hospitality to garou of the nation. I do this to others as well. There are many in the sept that have dined with me and mine.

Now, you run your lands different but with being urban there are consessiosn to be made. We can't have iron clad borderes we defend to the death aginst anyone that tresspasses. It's simply illogical.

If we were out in a forrest, and the only people there were garou, where the borders can be clearly sent and sight marked. Where it's a known local that's one thing, but this is 2004, killing somone for going though the city is a bit much.

There are many gray area's here but my thoughts keep dragging back to the end result and how it was acheevied. You attacked a fleeing Child Of Gaia ragabash in war form to his homid. War forms are not accidental. You assume them to kill. To have killed while in a war form is no accident. It's what they're for. In effect you drew the weapon and swung it and are surprised at the outcome. I have trouble with that.

*He looks to the other counsil members*

(eyes of medea)
"You misunderstand my words, Bred-and-Butta-yuf."

The Fury's calm appears unbroken, her manner unflappable as she continues.

"I speak my words in the hope that I have somehow misunderstood this story. I speak my words as a prayer that you will tell me, 'No, no, you misunderstand, Eyes-of-Medea. This is what actually happened.' I do not question your word, I do not call you a liar, and I apologize if my words were misconstrued as such."

A long pause, and then she speaks again.

"But are my words mistaken, Bred-and-Butta-yuf? Have I misunderstood the words that you and your packmates have spoken?"

(brand - silver fang elder)
Brand has been silent thus far, and continues to be while the Fury debates the accused.

(decker - fenrir elder)
At this point Decker loses interest in the proceedings. There ain't nothing to debate in his mind. There's a loud (rude) whuff from the steel grey Crinos.

"Call the fallen's Alpha. If he had no Alpha, let the highest Child of Gaia stand forth. Take your right of retribution however you wish or take nothing at all.

"Then the matter is over."

That's his 'suggestion'. Note, he didn't even stipulate that it had to be the highest Child of Gaia outside the pack. Unfair, sure. Life ain't fair. Thus are the strong blessed. These are the fruits of leadership. Too hardcore for this Sept? Tough luck - this is how they do things where he comes from.

(binary - glass walker elder)
For Binary it was a simple matter. Protocol had been breached. Territory unrespected. His death an expected outcome. And yet Binary never sits alone, even there amoung the elders beyond that ink-colored gaze [ ....a monolith is she... ] were other thoughts. [ ..the one in the many - the many in the one.... ] Medea's words come amid others, information like data streams to slip unseen beyond the impassive tide of black gaze. Yu Gan speaks and then Decker.

Brand has kept his own council and her head dips forward, an inquiry:

"Is it true when a stampede death of humans occured you laughed Bred? And only called the authorities when it was suggested. That you neither went to thier aid and instead took delight?"

[...glasswalkers and thier information.]
Confirm or deny.

Would the answer change her opinion in one way or the other?

As Binary speaks out, Barny steps up to answer. Seeming utterly calm, he sweeps his gaze to Binary.
"After the kin known as Miriam caused that stampede, we were faced with a tough choice. In the end, it was the protection of the veil that stopped us from acting. It would have been impossible to heal those wounded by the kins actions without resorting to the use of gifts, and that would have been bad."
There are judges here, and if any of them uses gaias gift of truth on him, they find no lies in it.
"Bread~n~Butta here felt my stress over what had happened to those people, because of the kin, and his jesting ways right after where meant not as mocking them, but to help myself be calm, to not do anything rash to Miriam, or any other there. And before Leroy could be certain I was not going to frenzy, he wouldnt call the authorities. I am sure I dont need to go further into what would have happened then."
Anyone who knows Barny will know it for truth even without a gift that indeed, the suffering of innocents, especially because of a foolish kin could drive him to frenzy if anything.
"But that instance is not why we are here today, is it? We stand... Accused... For protecting our kin, our home. An unfortunate incident to be true. Yet for all this talk about risking the veil, as do we all when we live in a city, we who are not meant to be here. Every day, we fight the wyrm, where we can, how we can. We have all risked breeching that veil, and together none the less, even as we raised the caern. The important thing is, the veil was not breeched. There wasnt even a need to repair it. Worse things happen all the time in this city, despite all our attempts to have it not so. Yet our pack, saddened and grieving the loss of a tribesmate stand before you, to admit it. We bend our knee's and necks for whatever punishment you see fit. Not because we need to, but because we wish too do it, to in some way atone for the loss of another garou. We did not murder this Garou. We protected our home, our kin. It was an unfortunate thing that he died. No one denies that. No one has tried to deny the fact that we ended his life."
He looks around him. They are the council, those ruling, yet they are garou, like them.
"Is this not why we are here? The Veil. Was. Not. Breeched. So why are we even discussing that? Or is this just the start, for the trial of all garou who helped raise the caern?"
His jaws snap shut, and he takes a step back, rage rolling of him in waves. He isnt blessed with the calm of Leroy. He is a full-moon, like the one burning above. He draws in a deep breath, as the presence of his pack around him helps calm that whirlpool of anger.

(anastasija - shadow lord elder)
Silent until now, a stalwart and reserved figure standing amongst the Council. There on borrowed terms, Flesh of Fire was temporary Elder to the Shadow Lords - but as it should be the case, that lesser position did not cow the strength of her own confidence in her words. She does not step forward, nor does she lift her voice in volume, matching the calm of the Child of Gaia full moon. It is a steady even pace with which she speaks, the low resonance of her voice scratched and marred and thick with her accent. Though each syllable, a rod of penetrative steel. Deliberate and pronounced and picking up where the Fury Elder had left.

"No, you mistake yourself, Mothers-Riddle-yuf. The fact that the veil was not breached saves you from a harsher condemnation. The fact that it was threatened in the manner that it was, marks you and your pack nepromisljen." No need to guess what it means. Despite the even tones, the context could only be negative. Foolish. "Have you so forgotten the use of all forms, that at the hint of resistance in a city you should choose one of the least wisest for the weakest excuse?"


"For the actions of abandonment of one, where we would vote for possible death, the garou suggested a rite to strip her of her wolf. For those who are so given to change without precaution, perhaps the necessity of their homid form would be better remembered with a temporary confinement to it, ne?"

The scar ripples in crescent form across her cheek and temple, pulling and tugging her puckered skin in unnatural direction as the muscle shifts beneath. Like a hissing serpent it writhes, to match the iron cast of that face, to match the weighted intensity of her eyes as they go from Barney to land on LeRoy - encompassing them both in her ire. How serious she is would be hard to discern, the harsh pronouncement by others would be considered too far - from a Shadow Lord half moon, it could be considered an extreme end of just. But then she speaks again.

"Or perhaps you both will remember in the future that to chase a two legs in a city, you need only two yourself."

(yu gan)
Yu Gan's temper was starting to rise. He was Ragabash and really quite calm as far as garou go. But even he has rage. A snarl is ripped from him and the large Asian man is standing.


A shake of the head

"DOn't you fucking dare to put your self on the level of those bleading and dieing to raise a sacred place of gaia to strength. You dishonor yourself greatly AHROUN.
You mock the scarfice those that died made.
You are here being judged by the counsil. NOT laying accusations. DO NOT PRESUME TO PUT THIS CRIME ON THE SAME LEVEL."

A ripple of red and brown fur spreads up Yu Gans forarms and down.

"NOt to mention your cowards excuse is faulty. We had MASSIVE DIVERSION on the night we raised the caren. The crows saw to it. Did you not READ the paper the next day? Did you not see the explosions across town that drew away the mortal authorities? Did you not hear about the animals releaced across town to draw away even more?
The raising of the caern was a glorous accomplishment for gaia.


*The ragabash waves a hand at the mighty ahroun.*

"You massivly dishonor yourself before us here Barny. Your "Oh look what they did. Punish them." Whining is indicitive of the worst qualities that many attribute to a Bone Gnawer but NO!"

Yu Gan points to Hal

"HE STANDS AND TAKES IT. You whine like a mule."

Yu Gan all but spits it out.

"Your dishonor of the action is now compounded by your clearly unrepentant words. "Not because we need to" Not because you NEED TO? * His words raising in volume. None among the sept have heard Yu Gans voice rise above a pleasent tone save in battle where howls are thrown.*
"You are here because you killed one of your own. You KILLED him for words. You KILLED him for FLEEING 3 garou. Who here can stand aginst a pack united? He was FLEEING. He was LEAVING your preshious territory you say you were "Defending"
Was he shooting into your house with a machine gun? Oh oh.. I forgot. He banged some trashcans. Well by ALL MEANS DEFEND YOUR TERRITORY TO THE DEATH AHROUN! GO< FASTER KILL KILL!!! KILL THEM ALL, KILL ALL THE HUMANS AND GAROU ALIKE THAT _DARE_ TO BANG A TRASH CAN AND RUN FROM YOU!"

*Yu Gan shakes his head* "You're not repentant.

You try and divert your guilt by pointing out things that happened with the Fang elder. You act as if your time here is by your own graces and not hte fact that wrong was done. You try and put the HUNTING DOWN OF A FLEEING GAROU OF YOUR OWN TRIBE, on the level of RAISING A CAERN FOR GAIA?

Are you MAD? Your words are MORNINC, COWARDLY, and worst of all DISHONORABLE.

Stand and suck it up like your Bone Gnawer shows you. Take what may or may not be given. But don't do as you've done, Mothers Riddle. Don't debase your self like some sniviling worm. "

(eyes of medea)
A look of disgust crosses Helena's features, and she holds up a hand, waving it in that pack's direction in a manner of dismissal. A shake of her head, the taste of this entire situation bitter ashes in her mouth. Dark eyes shift to Flesh-of-Fire, and she nods slowly.

"Your words are wise, Flesh-of-Fire-yuf. I agree. For the stupidity of running through a human city in forms designed to attract attention --" And here her eyes flicker to the Knights, filled with disgust, "I also agree that taking their wolf would be a wise course of action."

The but hovers in the air, and her eyes shift to the Fenrir, narrowing slightly as she wages the inward war between Tribal prejudice and her own personal feelings.

"But, though the most august Fenrir Elder apparently sees this as some little crime, I do not agree. As Flesh-of-Fire-yuf pointed out, a Garou nearly lost her life for the mere action of abandoning humans to a horrible fate. Here stands a pack that admits it slew a Garou. A Garou. Is not the life of one of the Warriors of Gaia worth far more?"

She crosses her arms, frowning.

"You do not hunt down a homid in Hispo and Lupus and not expect him to die when it is three on one. I find these words...oddly confusing, and as none have decided to clarify them - even when I asked for such clarification - I am inclined to believe that a more strict punishment is needed. They slew a Garou. They should not escape with a mere 'slap on the wrist.'"

He faces Yu Gan's anger without ever once raising a brow. Just that cold, calm gaze on him, waiting for his rant to be over with. He doesnt explode intoa urderous rage, that perhaps the insults warrant. He doesnt reach out, to rip the throat out fo the quickest for questioning Barny. Indeed, it is almost eerie the way he remains so calm, facing down the no moon. And only when Yu gan is finished, does he speak up again.
"Listen to yourself -Rhya. I stood here, with my pack, fought, and bled to raise this caern. I did it, because it was right. I did it cause it was my right."
He smirks, eyes narrowing slightly as he continues talking.
"We stand here because of the death by a garou, caused by us. I have never once denied that. Yet when the threat to the veil was raised as a subject, by yourself, I responded with logic, and fact. You speak of diversions and fire and the release of animals. All which served us greatly. Yet each and everyone of us threatened the veil that night, and we did it willingly, and with pure hearts. Because of the greater good of the caern. The veil is not why we are here now."
He motions out for the council, and his pack.
"Ive not once tried to push blame for our actions, what had happened with the garou. We killed him, treated him like a threat to our home, our kin. How would you deal with a threat to your kin? To your family? Would you let it run away, to come again, unseen? Or would you End that threat, to protect your own? Would any here not protect what is their to protect? The garou in question, even after the unicorns introduced themselves, mocked us, refused to identify himself, flipped us off. So we chased him down once, and this time told him to submit, surrounded, and outnumbered. Would you have even bothered with that Yu Gan -Rhya?"
Asked dismissivly. If Yu Gan would or not is not the subject at hand here.
"Then again, he tried to run. He knew very well that he was dealing with not one, but three garou. He knew well how he had taunted and mocked, and disregarded anything even close to respect. So the unicorns struck out, as one, as pack. It was not a question of him fleeing, afraid of harm or death neither the first, or second time. He knew, he smiled, and he laughed into the unicorns faces. So he died for it. Yet even then, death was not our goal. But that was the outcome."
He draws in a deep, slow breath.
"And you, Yu Gan -Rhya, claim we are here because we must? We felt sorrow for what we had done. not because we defended our home, our kin, but because he had died. So we went before our totem, to ask its guidance in this, and our totem is not a forgiving one, nor a mild, playful thing. We asked its advice how to repent, and it sent us here. It sent us here to tell all of the sept of a mistake made when protecting our home. To submit for what you all felt were necessary for it. That is why we are here, standing before you. The death of the garou is unfortunate, and something we all regret deeply. Who are you to question our sincerity in this?"
He scoffs at Yu Gan, sneering.
"It is no secret that you for some reason dislike the Knights. Yet you are the Uktena Elder at this sept, and for that, we submit to you, and your likes. No Yu Gan, you have no place to question my honor, or the honor of anyone else. If you so think that I am what you just claimed? Then prove it. Challenge me to prove my weakness. Challenge me, or shut the fuck up -Rhya."
Barny is not a tree lovin weak child of Gaia. He is the dark spirit of the shadow of the unicorn, filled with rage, even so, he isnt stupid. He knows well enough to respect his elders, even when they dont respect those beneath them. Yet it isnt his place to challenge. The one who has to prove truth to his words is the Uktena, not the Child of Gaia. And Barny simply turns his back on Yu Gan there, walking back the few steps to his pack, rejoining them once again. A slight shake of his head, and a sigh. And through it all, that eerie calm remains, where Frenzy should have ruled the night into some bloody feast of destruction. And then he turns to Helena, head slightly titled, listening to her words. Waiting. It shall be interesting to see what will come of this now. Interesting indeed.

(eyes of medea)

The words slip from the calm Fury standing just across the way, arms crossed, eyes narrowed.

"Would not the wise course of action when dealing with a known Garou who identified himself, told you his name and his tribe...would not the wise course of action have been to challenge him honorably and so protect your honor? But instead you hunted him down when he fled. When he ran from you, acknowledging your superiority by that action, you slew him as if he were a creature of the Wyrm. You slaughtered a Garou, three on one, with no honorable challenge given. No Master of the Challenge was present. In the darkness, three on one, two in war forms, one in Lupus...chasing a lone Ragabash in Homid. No. That action has no honor, Mother's-Riddle-yuf, no matter how much you try to make it so."

A shake of her head, the disgust still on her face.

"No. Not any. Not at all."

HE raises a brow, looking to Helena. Perhaps she had misunderstood the words of his packmates when it was first laid out. He knows that he himself sometimes have trouble folliwng LEroy when the high blod in him gets the better of him.
"There was no introduction made Helena-Rhya. Only mocking speech, and thrown insults to the calm questions the unicorns asked, and then laughing escape."
Responded calmly.

(eyes of medea)
She gives him a long, level look, one brow arched as she speaks quietly.

"Upon our queries of who and why his answer was his name, tribe, and he had come for our kinfolk, Alexi, she asleep upstairs."

A long pause, and then she makes a questioning gesture.

"The words of your Galliard...or did she speak falsely, Mother's-Riddle-yuf?"

(yu gan)
*Yu Gan listens to the Coggie rant and spew forth his vetral, a shake of his head and the much smaller Ragabash does not give ground.*

"I didn't raise the point of the Viel Barny. Helena did. Are you listening to the proceedings or are you trying to make yourself look good inspite of what your pack has done? Your "Logic" Is that you were chasing somone. What stops you from chasing him in homid. Are you just. That. Slow?

*Yu Gan looks at Barny then. Not even needing to make a point of speed. He was known to be the fastest of any in this sept.*

And yes I speak of distractions, the fire and the animals that kept our viel breaches minimal and lower than they would have been with out it. I mention it because you did NOT. You ran though the streets in your war form chasing a homid. Can you not move in homid yourself? Your banter about now, seems to indicate you can. Or were you afraid of his mighty trash can throwing ability to which you've already testified? Gaia knows, we can't have you get DIRTY huh?

How would I react? I certinly wouldn't slaughter one of the Garou nation. One of the most Peaceful tribe there is, for throwing a trashcan. No Barny. For some reason... I don't find making noise and banging trashcans around to be a lfie threatening thing. Maybe I grew up sheltered but if you respond with murder about banging trashcans... do you have any living trashmen in your territory? Because... they are such a threat to your kin. The banging of trashcans is such an affront. Oh my god.. you have to kill them for such a threat!!

*He smirks* All know the Quicks hospitality. We are kind to those in our territory. Even after LeRoy apoligised for his words so many months ago I personally invited your entire pack out for food.

How would we handel somone banging trash cans outside our home? Not with Hispo teeth and claws I assure you.
So you chased him as a pack. He ran. Who wouldn't. Outnumbered 3 to one most of us would run.
You caught him again and demanded him to submit. He flipped you off. Wouldn't you? What was his options? You clearly had murderous intent. The guy's dead. Wny die on your knees when you can at least die on your feet. He got away again and you killed him. Not wound. You didn't hamstring him. You didn't even just tear off a leg. You ripped out the boys spine.

You claimed he laughed in your faces and ran. So you killed him. You pounced as one. As a pack. So are you sayig that the banging of Trashcans and words merit death in your eyes Barny? If so you have alot of killing before you. We are on the same SIDE! We all fight for gaia. We don't have to like everyone. You don't kill another garou unless given no other choice. If he'd attacked your people. I might understand it. No.. I would. Had he come and attacked you I'd understand more, but making noise, shooting you the bird and running away doesn't warrent a death sentance.

As for saying your here because you must. Yes. Your own words verify that. You went before your totem and were ordered to do this. And here you are. You didn't come before the sept before, put your case to us and ask for your totems forgivness in the moot. You were ordered to come. This isn't an autristic move. It's obeying the god that you follow when given an order. Two different things.

And who am I to question, Ahroun?
I am RAGABASH. That's who I am to question. It's my Luna MANDATED PURPOSE in this world. It's why we were created. To question. to bring things forth into the light when they might be obfuscated. I'm carrying out my role in this universe as put to my by Luna.

THAT's who I am to question. Do you know better than Luna? Do you propose to give me a new Auspice? Where do you gain this right? From your arm? Your strength?

I have EVERY right to question you on your actions. That's what this is for. That express purpose.
Your totem told you to come and put it before us. You have. That gives us ALL the right to question it.
No... I don't hold resentment for your pack Barny. Just for your actions.
As for your honor. You've proven to be with out it in this. You killed another garou fleeing from you. Your honor is already tarnished. Your own totem sent you here for that. I don't have to challenge you to say so. You say so yourself. Your totem says so and your actions reek of it.

You try and draw me into a fight with you Barny? *He laughs* With the wyrm foe? Do I look stupid enough to fall for that? No Ahroun. I'm not quite so foolish, though the fight would be much closer than you seem to think in your arrogance.

Your weekness isn't in your ARMs or your claws. but in your character. In your actions and what you put your might to do. So I will not shut the fuck up.

I WILL Call you on your actions as the Ragabash were mandtated to do by Luna and you cannot say me nay. "

*Barny shows his back to not only Yu Gan but the Counsil, the grand elder and all. No. Yu Gan isn't the Ahroun to leap out and throat Barny for his insolance and disrespect to the entire counsil. There are ahrouns on the counsil for that.

Helena starts to Qurestion Barny again and Yu Gan nods to her. Listening.*

Decker fixes Helena with a level, hard stare. It's not returned. She keeps her gaze averted, fast on the Knights. (checked w/ player on that)

"THINK, Black Fury. I spoke for life when others would have seen her dead. You're blind to your allies, and I am out of patience."

--it's a low snarl.

A pause. Claws flex. He'll explain this once. "Your packmate ran. These fought. Your packmate doomed a village of Gaia's purest by deliberation and forethought. These killed by accident and foolishness. That is the difference."

Then more landslides of words all around him. Decker has a fucking headache. Fuckin' politics. The displeasure seeps through to his packmate on the Council. They stood on the front lines for this shit? They shoulda stayed home in Jersey.

Another round goes by.

"Enough. We'll debate this forever. Let's decide. What would you all have done, Elders? I speak for right of retribution."

(yu gan)
Yu Gan nods to that*

I agree. Normally it would fall to the elder of the tribe wronged, but in this case the elder was one that aided in the perpertration of it.
It should go to the grand elder. His word, final and we'll debate it no more.
We're not a bunch of democratic tee hugging care bears. It's his choice.

*Yu Gan steps back. Decker was right. Debate wasn't helping.*

(eyes of medea)
It is only when she is directly addressed by the Fenrir that Helena takes her gaze away from the Knights, away from the pack that so disgusts her, and rests it on the Fenrir Elder. Perhaps for the first time, a spark of anger begins to smolder in her dark gaze.

"You would do well to get your facts straight, Silence-rhya."

A pause, her eyes narrow.

"Sings-Down-the-Stars has not been my packmate since the night of the Caern Raising. She cut herself off from our Totem. And then our Totem cut her off from us. She has not been my packmate for some time. I do not claim her as such now."

Another pause, and she shakes her head.

"Though this has absolutely nothing to do with the here and now. This pack hunted down and slew a Garou, known to be a Garou, known to be of their Tribe, and apparently known to be a no-moon. An Ahroun, A Galliard, and a Theurge hunted down a no-moon using war forms. There is a grave difference, Silence-rhya. They cannot even keep their story straight. Mother's-Riddle says one thing, Murphy's-Law another. And you don't seem to find this odd?"

She snorts, and finally nods.

"But since you have decided that we should vote, here is my vote. For the stupidity of racing through the streets in a war form, they should be stripped of their wolves for at least one month, possibly longer. For the crime of slaughtering like a dog a Garou who had raised no hand against them, who was leaving their territory as he should have, I say that since this pack appears unable to conduct themselves as proper Garou should in a city, for Gaia's sake, I think they should be exiled to the country until such time as this Council deems them fit to return and take back their territory. And if my opinion means anything, I think the Children of Gaia should rethink who they pick as their Elder lest more shame be brought upon their Tribe. Any further punishment should be decided by the Grand Elder. That is my opinion."

Decker has nothing more to say.

He meets Helena's gaze levelly. His eyes are flint-hard, and grey like a storm.

Brand: "Helena-yuf would have made a fine philodox. However, the form of the punishment is the wronged party's own prerogative. Let the highest of their tribe, excluding LeRoy and his own, decide."

The Silver Fang turns to the Grand Elder Balance-without-Fault and nods to him. "That is my advice to you, Grand Elder."

((ok, now that about 3 people have asked me... Right of Retribution isn't a rite, and it's not in any book. it's based off of norse honor and norse ideals of vengeance, an eye for an eye, etc. it's how Decker thinks most lesser to mid-range crimes should be answered -- the wronged party decides what should be done to the offending party -- provided, of course, they're strong enough to carry through unaided what they ask. And of course, if the retribution is too high, there runs a risk of a feud starting, with the wronging party's friends coming to seek retribution for retribution... etc etc. it's all very complicated *grins*))

Whatever responce Barny was prepared to give, is silenced by Silence's words, and he falls quiet, standing to face judgment.

~Harold speaks to those in assembly of the council. He speaks calmly and respectfuly~ "Elders if you please, I will not try and sweet talk what happened or dumb it down as a petty crime, for it is not. No we slayed a garou and that will forever be our burden to carry. All I can say is at the time I saw Anarchy 99 as a potential threat to the kinfolk and the child within the household adreneline and rage took hold of me I shifted to lupus yes to catch this Anarchy. Yes I knew Lupus could overtake the man and injure him. Which was my attempt to hamstring him to stop him from running. For all I knew he was a Spiral or a fomori, for I have never heard or met this man before that night, and I acted as I thought at the time was in the best intrest of protecting the people in the house who could not protect themselves. If any one of you thought someone a Spiral would you do diffrent then we did?"

~He takes a small breath~

"Is what we did right, no of course not in the process of it all a Garou died unacceptable very much so. But at the time we believed it to be right and that is what we acted on. I wish I could go back and change it do a few things diffrently. I know we must be punished I will give no argument to that and I stand prepared for the Councils punishment but I wish to say one thing. I am sorry for what I did, I am sorry to Anarchy 99's pack to Gaia for the lose of a child and to the Garou nation for a lose of a warrior. It may not mean much to you all but I needed to say it. Thank you for letting me speak."
(james wagner)
The Sandman stood by, arms folded, as he listened to the assembled Elders and Knights bicker back and forth between each other. James cast a look toward Decker, as he was about to say much the same thing that this would be getting them no where. He wasn't the most politically inclined, but when it all boiled down to it one of Gaia's chosen was slain and there must be penitence. The sept demanded it, and the honor of the pack demanded it. That much was obvious in that the Knights of Unicorn's Fury were present before this council. They did not act as though it was a meager action, for it was not.

However, the bickering needed to be stopped and a decision needed to be made, before this got any more out of hand. Speaking, he curtailed his accent, or tried to, so they could understand him better.

"Let th'm be stripped of their wolves till th'next Full Moon, or th'next moot. Ye dinna 'ave much o've a reason fer shiftin' t'yer war forms, 'cause bein' gentle ain't what they be for. Lupus, mebbe I can see a reason for keeping pace. Hispo? Nay, lads and lassies, that's askin' fer trouble. Glabro seemed a might bit more reasonable though. Forms ain't the discussion.

As fer them bein' cast outta the city, I dinna think we need t'exile them. Th'caern's up, aye, but who's t'say that the Spirals may not be back? 'Ell, for all we know, they are back and keeping an 'eavy lay-low. We need ye here, ye Knights, with'r'without th'wolf."

James took a pause, then continued. "In th'end, I say leave it to the next rankin' tribemate who'da stood on council if not fer the present Elder and the Grand Elder."

That's all the Sandman had much to say, as he fell silent then, shifting his weight from one ball of his foot to the other.

She sighed a breath befor her southern twang slipped, "Ah'm blessed with a memory which excells a gibbious moon in memories and stories," a glance along the lines of the council, "If you find mah packmate Barny's words a bit... off... it is because the Wyrmfoe was not present during the time. Yet he stands, as any packmate would, with us before you all to take on the sins of sins," a slight pause as her chest rose and fell with breath, "Ah will repeat the story if the council wishes, or the Grand Elder, or whomever ya'll wish." And she gave no more. No more debates. Just the facts, as per usual, from her lips as one hand slowly rose to push a single strand of white blonde hair from her eyes.

Data pours behind her gaze and the woman pulls her speactacles over black almond shaped eyes. There is a spiritual resonance to those spectacles, it was the sort of object only given in reward of extreme bravery, honor, or wisdom. A single finger traces along the surface of the table.

"The question set before us is a response to the death of a garou."

Quiet words. Not shouted but clear and distinct. It is impossible to say what went on behind the gaze of that philodox, in part because she does not wear her thoughts on her sleeve and yet here was always that feeling of strangeness about the woman. Alone [...never.] That finger is lifted into the air as she scrutinizes the small bit of dirt which has gathered at the tip.

"The extenuating circumstances of question must be put under strict scrutinty. Were the knights acting in legitimate defense of thier territory to thier knowledge?"

She snorts briefly.
Trust a glasswalker to state the obvious.
[...and look SUPERIOR doing it.]

"Our laws are simple. Our culture is one of Hierarchy. On the charge of failing to accept an honorable surrender incurring the death of this garou who did not surrender honorably, nor submit to those whose land he trespassed, instead de facto challenged the Knights's the right of territory. I find that no wrong has been commited. On the related charge of disregard to those below you in station, I find that Anarchy 99 did submit enough information for his right to be secured and further disrespected. His death is a breach of litany. I submit that the council look to the Tribal elder from Anarchy 99's previous sept, as the current Elder poses a conflict of interest.

It is notable that the ragabash even in death has brought to light a dangerous propensity within the Knights. On the charge of disregard for the veil, I find that since the veil was not breached that exile would be extreme. Though the lack of wisdom is obvious and dangerous. I suggest assisting the warder & keeper of land with patrol and care of the bawn for 3 moons. Hopefully it will help train the quirks from an otherwise well-intended nature.

That. Is. All.

(james branson)
Drums on Skulls slides a glance towards his packmate
Decker isn't the only one who's head is mercilessly hurting
irritation's displeased seepage is not only understood, but mirrored
the Modi can feel it bristling behind the Gnawer Elder's calm thesad
both of Eagle's full moons running low on patience concurrently
..... not a particularly good thing in any situation

whatever condolence or affirmation or string of non-interpretable cussing passing between them on the impressionistic wings of the totem phone is best left between the packmates
(.... how did they both end up on the Council again....)

hands lift from where they rest lazily across thighs, dark eyes closing
fingers raking through the tangled mess of variegated brown dreadlocks
pulling them from his face to occupy several moment's process of thoughts
trying to clear the confusing roar growing from endless, bickering debate
subsequent sigh - growl - doesn't sound exactly promising
things have gotten entirely out of hand when the mellow Bone Gnawer finally gets fed up

breath drawn to halt this mess immediately exhaled without being put to use
Gaia bless the Fenrir's shorter temper inspiring barksnarled call to order
(..... and cease this never-ending verbal avalance that's only deepening the bu....ahem.)
can't blame the raggedyman for enjoying a moment of silence

"Fas' Track-yuf's righ'." his own phrases chosen carefully, spoken measured and slow: an exercise in enunciation assuring the Council's understanding of what he means beyond the twist of battlescar slur on thick Empire State accent, last thing they need is for him to repeat himself, chin nudges up Eagle style towards the Uktena Alpha, even if dark umber gaze remains on the Unicorn pack as a whole "S'not their claws 'r wolves a' fault. We've all seen their cour'ge 'n skill'n battle, reflect'd here b'fore us'n claimin' true their reasons 'n actions regar'less a th' shame 'r punishmen' it bring'."

a nod towards the gathered Knights - breifly catching the eyes of each which still looks up
trial aside; James retains an element of respect for each of the members for various reasons
he owes them at least a personal acknowledgement and appreciation of their efforts, sorrow, and honesty
however that does not color the Bone Gnawer's objectivity or impassive mask currently in effect

"Mistakes'r fault a char'ct'r 'n mind - by all involve' 'n respons'ble." for some reason, sweeping glance seems to include Barny - even if he wasn't present at the time, as a pack is responsible for all its members, Eagles know that as well as any others - and the dearly departed Mr. Hawthorne "We're all on level loss a life w's a trag'c waste." indication towards Sandman and Binary "They got poin's tha' we dun' need more waste 'r disservice. Strippin' th'm a their wolves dun' teach'm how t' temp'r their actions 'r strengths. Exilin' th'm beyon' th' reaches've a Caern we're still strugglin' a secure won' let'm pay their debts a th' whole 'n leave us shor'handed in a time a need."

"I also speak tha' Retribut'n belong a th' remainin' members a th' Chil'ren a Gaia. Let them'n th' Gran' Eld'r agree on a price a be pai' f'r th' loss a Ana'chy Nine'y-Nine." he's packed with Fenrir long enough to realize the extent of such a matter, hedging on the Coggie's reputation for fairness to avoid further antagonism and showing a little blind faith in the Grand Elder's earned name "Once tha' square, then give'm th' task a learnin' the value a wisd'm in any battle so they may cleanse 'way th' stain a their mistakes by learnin' a not make'm 'gain. Return 's members a th' Sept ready a mature..... an' grow..... 's Garou w'thou' th' cloud a this trag'dy hangin' ov'r 'em...... 'R us."

they gave Cinnamon a second chance to learn and better herself
even if he, himself, was one that doubted the sanctity of such a decision
(He promised to teach you Compassion, Jamey-boy, sealed by His brand on your chest)
fairness dictates the Knights are granted the same

[in progress]

Posted by james at May 09, 2004 12:00 AM