December 30, 2003
.12.30.03. - message from Crow [kemp] *me

[email - timeslipped at some point between last and next scene]

He'd made it back to the warehouse, uncertain if he'd be able to get inside since
like Tristan, he was a subclass citizen. If he could get inside, it was to give the
information he'd gotten and then he would be off again as quickly as possible. No
way he was sticking around for a happy family reunion that it was clear he wasn't
remotely connected to.

"Crow says he is no longer a patron to the pack. And it is a pack. Three of them.
The Talon. Also a Glass Walker goes by the name of Neon, deed name's Counter-Strike, a Theurge. Not sure of the rank, but carries himself like he has some. The other I don't know about. Crow was very specific.. he wants Drums on Skulls to know he doesn't sponsor these guys anymore, they have strayed from the path."

Quoting the message word for word from his source before making for the hills.

Kemp may only be a green Cliath
but James listens to him as intently as he would any other messenger
carefully etching the information on memory through the spartan delivery
a trademark nod the essence of his thanks
but before the Fenrir leaves - James stops him

"Kemp." silence spanning the time it takes for the younger Garou to turn back around, if he even does, though regardless the Fostern carries on with what he had to say "Know I dun' react kindly earli'r.... but thanks f'r takin' care a my kin th 'ther night. Did good. Made us proud."

that said - he lets Kemp go on his way

Glancing back with a faint shrug with the words from James. "I should expected it, it's just the way it seems it's suppose to be. Shouldn't of tried to joke or be what I'm not." Shrugs again mumbling. "Welcome anyway. Just tried to take of my friend and fucked that up too." Shaking his head on the way out.


the word cracks through the air at Kemp's back
this time James is crossing the space created between
not letting the kid walk away just yet

"Yeh dun fuck up." breath expells in a slow sigh "I did, hones'ly. Shoulda know' you w're jokin' - jus' woun' too tight fr'm New York'n..... oth'r shit on top a findin' out Tris got hurt. He's th' only fam'ly I got, now, kid. Scare th' shit outta me to fin' out he got hurt. Was wrong a take it ou' on you. If yeh hadn' look'd out f'r him'n Dustin tha' night..... well." muscular shoulders roll in a shrug "I owe ya one."

Posted by james at December 30, 2003 12:00 AM
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