August 26, 2003
.08.26.03. - tapeworms? [kemp]

[forest hill]

(cont'd from previous scene)

He had been living at the pool with the heat and his new found habit of watching just to see if anyone dared to come into his territory. Now that it was dark and he'd had the place to himself for sometime, it was time to haul his skinny butt inside and refuel. Leaving wet prints halfway across the pavement then on the steps when pausing outside the condo door to open it. Taking a towel never seemed to occur to him, though he'd snagged another pair of boxers to wear as trunks. "Hello?" Lights were on, did that mean someone was home or did he leave them on all day?

"Back 'ere, Kemp."

someone was home allright
that someone was even doing laundry
in fact that's the only reason he's at the condo instead of the warehouse Portside
(he misses Rune. A lot.)
the slurred holler comes with the sounds of wet clothes being slung into the dryer

Whoa, now that was unexpected. He'd gotten to the point that he thought food just magically appeared in the place cause he seldom saw anyone. He'd also let plenty of wet ass prints on the furniture and poked into about every corner of the place. Padding barefooted towards the sound of the voice to pause in the doorway. Reaching back to scratch his butt while watching James. "Where have you been? Everyone around here seems to vanish if you close your eyes."

considering how he was the one that did the shopping when the Beta didn't
food normally did just magically appear
cause aside from Decker, the rest of the pack tended to just eat it
there's a half-consideration if the kid's explorations included trying to get into the room upstairs
(his room. Rune's room.)
he figures any prymarks around the locked and bolted door would be tell-tale


as if that should explain everything
he doesn't add in that without the GlassWalker actually here - there's no reason for him to be
other than occasionally checking in or doing laundry
wet stuff in the dryer, the meager remains of his wardrobe only half-fills the washer for a second load
he's tempted to ask if the kid has anything to add in
but has a feeling he'll be doing EVERYONE's laundry by that point

"Been holdin' up?"

"Port? What, you a sailor or sumtin?" Rubbing his belly now. Hair bleached from days in the sun and his skin a deep nut brown by now. "I been holding up ok. No one's been around in weeks 'cept some weird girl at the pool. But I scared her off too like the rest." A wicked little grin crossing his face for a moment. In the next instant frowning. "Even the kid disappeared. I think they moved away or sumtin."

there's a half-grin and a lesser chuckle
dreads that escaped the bandana wiggling with the shake of his head

"Pack terr'tory's down by New'rk Port. Had work down there, 'stead've here." machines loaded, turned on, he's grabbing the beer and heading back outside where there's at least semblance of a breeze, giving Kemp a good view of his bare back latticed with near-blackly ashed scars going from shoulders all the way down past the waist of cut-off BDUs, though his head tips "What kid?"

"Dude what happened to your back?" Immediately distracted with the question. "That little girl, ya know, Carmen. She was like coming over every single day to swim and stuff." Not going into details about the water filled condom drops they'd done after raiding Decker's things. "And I walked her home at night a time or two so she wouldn't get lost or sumtin. Anyway, ain't seen her in couple weeks now. Even went over to her place and no one's answering the door. I guess they up and left town all of a sudden or she would of said she was leaving."

his brow lifts a bit at the mention of Carmen
not that he's seen her in... what.... two months?
there's a thoughtful pause
wouldn't be the first time kinfolk have up and moved for safety

"Talk t'Erik 'bout it? His kin."

translating to that if anyone knew about it, Erik would
he's tempted to let the distraction slide, and not answer the first question
though in all fairness to the kid...

"Rite've Wounding. 'n old Theurge thought I should keep th' scars I earned my second deed name with."

"Rite what?" Shaking his head and shrugging with a frown. "Told you, ain't seen nobody for weeks around here. Can't talk to them I don't see. Well I could, but wouldn't do any good. Just don't make sense to me cause she was like over here all the time and I'm sure she would of said if she was moving. She was even talking 'bout going to school and stuff soon." Shrugging again and letting it drop. Last thing he wanted to do was seem like he was worried about some dumb kid, even if he was.

"I'll talk t'Erik 'bout it."

he has to hunt down their elusive Alpha anyway
bring up the contents of the file Imogen handed over
he isn't overly concerned about the sudden disappearence
he's used to such things happening
but there is some niggling of doubt to reason raised by Kemp's feelings
(something the Gnawer can pick up without the young cub expressing)
he gestures to one of the barstools at the breakfast counter
the trip outside halted for the time being
not something you explain in the presence of the world

"Rite. Of. Wounding." slowed down to enunciate past the slur "Garou don't scar 'less they're nearly killed." he's pretty sure the kid's noticed by now he doesn't heal exactly as explained in medical books "But th'Rite celebrates a Garou's first battle wound, rub ash into at least part've the wound to form a scar've rememb'rance, honor, 'n courage. These wounds would've scarred anyway, but I earned 'em killing a Spiral pack by myself 'nd got a new deed name, too, so a Theurge thought t'mark the 'ccasion perm'nently."

he leaves out the part that the Spirals in question were the fallen members of his first pack

"Spirals? Ain't that some kind of fries or something?" Puzzlement clear on his face while taking a seat on the barstool. Squishing a little with his wet butt.

"Black Spiral Dancers." again, slowly, to say it clearly, even if his voice had softened a bit, more habit than superstition "They're..... the bad guys." to put it really simply "Wyrm's version've us."

"Wait, wait." Holding up one hand with a frown and shake of his head. "Some black guys that are dancers are some sort of bad guys like us? Or are you saying they have worms or what?" Nothing he said made sense so far to Kemp.

apparently, there is no short or simple version to this
he should have known better
yes, that would be another beer he's getting
can of soda tossed over his shoulder to the kid

"'member I explained Gaia, generally, to you?"

Snagging the soda with a mumbled "Thanks." And nodding. "Oh yeah, the God thing, sure I remember it. So what's some dance group have to do with that?"

"Th' world has a triad. Wyld, Weaver, 'n Wyrm. Gaia's a part've the Wyld, life'n everything good'n all that. Weaver I'll 'splain later. The Wyrm is the opp'site of Gaia - toxic waste, c'rruption, bad mojo.... what tries t' destroy Gaia'n what we fight for. Gaia has thirteen tribes of Garou that're her Warr'ers. Spirals are a tribe've Garou that've fallen to the Wyrm'n b'come th' enemy army. They're our opposites. The bad guys." if that isn't an abridged explanation.... this is something Livingston would be better at explaining, or at least someone without a speech impediment on top of thick New York accent "Name comes fr'm th' Black Spiral.... a..... lab'rinth of sorts.... they sort've "dance" in their rites of passage. 'least how it was 'splained t'me. Make sense?"

"Ok so like, I don't have to do any dancing shit, do I? I mean, I just ain't into dancing and shit." Popping the lid on the can and sucking quickly as it foams up after being tossed.

there's a long slug from the beer
then James hits the kid with a smile

"Nah..... 'f you danced the Spiral, I'm 'fraid I'd have t'kill ya."

there's something in his smile that says.... he's dead serious
he killed his own mate for falling to the Wyrm
a young Cub would be a far sight easier
something he wouldn't hesitate to do
the bottle is tipped towards Kemp

"So no dancin' for you."

so that became a joke, right?

Completely freezing with the words about killing him. Having a hard time swallowing the drink in his mouth when James sorta seems like he's trying to lighten things up a little. But hell, Decker tried to kill him so maybe James was just waiting till he wasn't looking? "Yeah, ok."

the smile wanes apologetic
he's pretty sure he just instilled the fear of all that's holy right back into the kid
he didn't mean to, but fallen Garou are a bit of a tender spot in him
every time he recites his deed name is a painful reminder
muscular shoulders roll in a shrug
weight leans back against the kitchen counter
at least providing a barrier of the breakfast bar between them for some notion of "safety"

"Di'n't mean t' scare yeh, but'm serious Kemp. A Garou's highest purpose is t' destroy the Wyrm wherever it lives and breeds. 's'one of the highest tenets of the Litany." which he has a feeling he'll be explaining momentarily "If you fell to th'Wyrm, 'n became corrupt, it means we'd have t' destroy you, too." the trademark easy-going grin flashes again "So jus' don't fall."

he wishes that were as easy as he just made it sound

"I'm not scared." So what if he was nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs? He sure as hell wasn't gonna admit it. "Is that why Decker tried to kill me, cause he thinks I have worms?"

there's a bit of a soft laugh

"S'not like tapeworms, though..... th' symbolism is right. Th'Wyrm is a parasite, but bigger'n nastier than any you'd go to a doct'r for. If Decker'r I thought you were corrupt, there'd be no 'try,' kid. You'd be a smear on the ground." no cub would stand a chance against either Fostern if they put their minds to it. "He attacked you t'make you fight back'n shift, 'member?"

(paused cause Kemp's player fell offline)

Posted by james at August 26, 2003 12:00 AM
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