July 25, 2003
.07.25.03. - brain damaged [kemp]


((and for the record, Damon chose the title of the scene *smirk*))

Sprawled out on the floor where he'd been left. Limbs akimbo except the injured one, it was stiff and stuck to his side like he might never move it again. Mouth open in sleep. Looking like some dirty half grown kid without shirt or shoes and smelling much worse than anything you'd tossed out of the fridge after it had turned fuzzy and greenish.

the black Tacoma peeeeels out of the Rolling Meadow's parking lot
right past the strolling figure of one Bone Gnawer
it doesn't get more than a passing glance, though
(he's experienced Decker's version of driving before)
deep umber eyes rotate back towards a very specific door a handful of yards ahead
behind that door... is air conditioning
and after a day spent in the proverbial Garden State
drumming on a street corner to earn a couple digits of cash
nothing. sounds. better.

rebar clinks in the sling over his shoulder as Cochran's climb the steps
keys jangle as a specific one is found and slide home into the heavy duty lock
the door, however, swings open with hardly a sound, welcoming him into the haven of air co....

..... World War III

a brow most certainly lifts as the Ahroun takes a moment to adjust
not just adjust, but flail in some attempt to find a living room within the destruction
he is in the right condo, isn't he?
(this may begin to explain the Modi's sudden departure....)
James just... stares.... as the door swings to clank shut behind him

and the FUCK was that SMELL?!

The stink coming from the direction of the couch, only lower. Out cold on the floor where he had been left. Shoes gone, shirt with it. Wearing pants that belonged to who knew who, miles too big. Ribs showing clearly. Filthy gauze attempting to stop the ooze of blood on his shoulder.

he's a Gnawer, and been in some seriously filthy places
but this is a smell that even impresses him
it doesn't take him long to find the source in the kid sprawled out on the floor beyond the couch
(..... fuck me)

there's a part of him that doesn't even want to know
it's nestled back there along with the part that's praying Rune does not choose tonight to return home
then there's the Hood in him
it's half a sigh and half a curse that heaves out of his lungs
steel toe of one boot nudging against the cub's (all too defined) ribs


Groans with the nudge. The smell of dumpster rot so strong on him it could make your stomach turn. "No, no, go 'way." Mumbling half groaning the words out.

this time, the nudge is harder
in fact, rather insistant

"Get up..... or I'll throw you into th' pool instead'a th' shower."

the words are slurred, now, because of the break that didn't heal right
his jaw just doesn't move the way it used to
but the voice is easily recognizable as the Gnawer's
and he sounds like he isn't kidding

Groaning, having to lean against the couch to wedge himself upwards. Leaving a black greasy looking streak on the fabric on his way upwards. Slowly swaying back and forth. Blinking to try and clear his vision. "What?"

dark eyes draw to the black streak smeared across the leather of a very. expensive. couch.
(Rune is going to kill them all)
and he does well to hold his tongue
(this is his home, too)
just taking a breath before looking back to the cub
one arm moves to toss the rebar and sling uncerimoniously towards the wall
the jangling clunk on landing about explains his feelings on the moment
the other arm lifts and points down the first floor hallway

"First door on the left. Shower. Now."

there.... isn't much room for argument

Cringing with the throw, expecting the item to crash into his head. Swallowing with a nod, though getting there wasn't easy. Leaning against the wall nearly the entire way, leaving behind that smelly mark from his skin. Silence then fumbling around and the sound of water from down the way.

there's a part of him that wanted to help the kid
but remembering his reaction last time they met
in addition to.... whatever.... caused this mess
he figures the kid's done enough screaming for one night
water begins to run and the Gnawer takes a look around the room
deeeep breath Jamey-boy

.... one more.

then dreads dance across his shoulders as head shakes
just not gonna think about it yet
a quick trip upstairs and he's coming back down with a bundle in his hands
that's thrown down the hall to thmp against the closed bathroom door
within the tangled pile is a pair of his BDUs and a t-shirt
the cub may drown in them but at least they're clean
(.... just gonna burn the kid's pants, dear Gaia)

then he, deliberately and calmly, heads to the kitchen to get a fuckin' beer

He couldn't get his pants off and so he just stepped in the way he was. Hissing with the touch of water through the gauze to his skin. Slowly sinking down to let the water hit him while half dozing in the shower.

beer in hand (and half gone already) he goes and hauls open the balcony doors
hot and humid as it is outside, there is a definite need of fresh air
and since the living room no longer contains anything resembling whole furniture
the lanky Gnawer hops up to sit on the breakfast bar and wait

Heat and steam slowly loosening stiff muscles and joints. Relaxing him even more. Just the sound of the shower and warmth, perfect for sleeping. Yawning, his head resting against the side of the tub, eyes closed.

five minutes pass
then ten
and by then the bottle is empty
and the cub should be clean
(if he hasn't drowned)
James spins on the bar to land in the kitchen this time
there's the breif concert of motions to get another beer
then he reaches over and turns on the faucet

easy enough way to see if the kid has drowned or not

Starting to shiver as the water begins to cool. Sliding down the tub towards the faucet to turn it off. Groaning with each movement needed to half lay out of the tub. Finally just heaving himself over the side like a seal on ice to slide to the floor with a thump. Rug here was nice and soft and just right for napping on.

water eventually turns off
there's a thump on the bathroom floor
good. kid didn't drown
satisfied with that, the Gnawer turns the faucet off
strolling back down the hallway to thump knuckles against the door

"Got ya some clean clothes, they're outside th'door. Put 'em on an' I'll clean up y'r should'r."

nope. no napping for Kemp.

The rap on the door making him jerk upwards, pulling injured flesh and muscle. Groaning while half crawling to the door. He might get the wet pants off and eventually work his way into the clean ones, but drying himself and getting a shirt on was something he could only half ass do. After about ten minutes and a lot of cussing and hissing, he came stumbling down the hallway. Cleaner than before, though he'd bypassed the soap. Eyes and cheeks sunken from not eating for a couple days. He didn't have any spare flesh to start with, now all his bones were sharp angles. Water glistening on his chest and back, slowly running down in a pinkish stream from the soaked gauze.


the second, now all but empty, bottle is used to gesture to a stool in the middle of the kitchen floor
(easy clean up, if anything, though the cub seems about ready to collapse)
in the time it took for Kemp to struggle into the pants James had gathered the pack's all-too-often used medkit from upstairs
now empty bottle thunks down on the counter's tiles next to the small pile of towels, gauze, and tape
the microwave buzzes an interjection, and the Ahroun pulls out a reheated plate of several slices of pizza
it's held out as incentive for the young Fenrir to get onto the stool

Grimacing while taking the indicated seat. Forced to hold onto the side of the stool with his good hand to keep from swaying off. Sniffing with the smell of food. Not sure he could work up the energy to eat at this point but like most kids, he was always, always hungry and would give it a good try.

plate's set on the counter within easy reach of the stool
soon enough a carton of orange juice joins it
tonight would not be a good night to test his parenting instincts in tossing it all into a blender and tube feeding the cub
here's hoping energy lasts at least through a slice

bottle of Betadine is plucked from the kit next
and luckily the shower loosened the tape's already sketchy hold
because he's none-too-kind in just peeling it right off
frowning at the depth of the wound beneath

"Should I ev'n ask what'appened?"

Arching up straight on the seat with the pull to the wrappings. Slowly easing back down again and trying not to let James see how his fingers were shaking when reaching for a slice of pizza. "Monster bit me." Stuffing the slice halfway into his mouth all at once. Forced to bite it off and chew so he could sit it down and reach for the juice. Stomach starting to growl and rumble.

his frown deepens
in part because of the story
(obvious what that bite was caused by)
in part because he knows how weak the cub is
(he would've been a great dad, if he had the chance)
luckily standing mostly behind Kemp, the kid can't see that he's noticed

"Was'is name Decker?"

the story of the living room is beginning to fall together now
towel grabbed next, and it's held to soak up the disinfectant that spills down Kemp's back after sloshing through the wound in rather liberal pour
he's a Warrior, not a healer

Arching again with a hiss of surprise when the disinfectant hits his open wounds. Orange juice spewing across the room and coming out his nose to burn nearly as much as his shoulder did. Nodding quickly while choking and trying to get his breath back.

he... can't help the half-grin looking over to the orange juice covered counter


and sheepish as that sounds, he means it
probably should have timed that pour a little better
towel's held to soak the ooze out of the wound
and he's reaching over to grab one for the cub to clean up with

"It'll heal in a few days.... but I c'n stitch it if y'want." dreads crawl over his shoulder as head tips "Why'd he do't?"

Holding the towel to his face to wipe it and his chest clean. Mumbling through the folds of the towel, not really wanting to say it. "'cause bit 'em" The rest lost in the towel.

the mumbled admission doesn't surprise him, really
seems about on par for what he understands about Fenrir
an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a bite for a bite
all's fair in love and shapeshifting
the laughter that comes next isn't mocking
it's soft, even kind - he can empathize
raised around the Sept in Albany, his first shift wasn't nearly as traumatic as Kemp's must have been
but that doesn't mean the concept is foreign to him
this isn't the first cub he's dealt with
not by a long shot

"Goin' six ways furry fr'm Sunday's not the easiest thing t'get used to."

Absolutely refusing to admit he had shifted. He'd convinced himself it was a nightmare. "Didn't. He said he was gonna show me something and then he was a monster and he was chasing me and then throwing me and I don't know." Mumbling the last around a bite of pizza. "He made it happen, not me."

there's another frown
the Modi's famous kindergarten class
guaranteed to give you nightmares and make therapy mandatory
obviously - the Gnawer does not approve
but Kemp's not his Tribe - he's Decker's
so James doesn't have much place to argue

the wound is left alone for now
he can stitch it when the kid won't pass out from the pain
tape'll work just as good
not like the cub can get a raging infection anyway
at least let him finish the meal in peace

"Act'ally. He did." said with a lopsided smile as the lanky full moon moves to lean against the breakfast counter "Forc'd you into't reactively. Defense mech'nism."

Pausing with a mouth full of pizza. Complete surprise showing on his face. Cheeks puffed out with food, forcing him to mumble around it while nodding. "'e di ?"

now there's a grin the Gnawer can't stop
thorougly amused at the sheer surprise on the kid's face
nodding in.... mostly.... confirmation

"In a way. Somethin' you c'n do anyway, leas' when y'get used to it." there's a pause as he takes a breath to flex his jaw, still damn hurts when he talks, and the resultant slur of his speech is beginning to get on his nerves "But'n times've great stress, anger.... fear.... self pres'rvation... it'll sort've happen on it's own. I'd bet throwin' you 'round the room earl'er hit on all those points, an' he knew it. Did't to force ya to accept."

Swallowing with a mumbled response. "Bad dream." Shaking his head. "Don't want to do that again." He'd been so scared the only thing that had made him shift was flight or fight and flight wasn't in the cards with Decker on him like stink on a skunk. "Then he hit me, don't remember what happened. Woke up hurt and naked. Went where didn't think he could find me and then he did and he said he wanted to show me something. I already fell for that one, wasn't gonna let him do it again." The words pouring out in a rush now. "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me."

can't blame the kid, really
hurt and terrified then run through the Fenrir gauntlet of Garou 101
he'd've bit Decker, too

"Deck'r's not..... th' most ..... compassionate... teacher. But y'can't escape what you were born t'be - it's not as bad as y'think." head tips again, curiously "Don't hear y'callin me monster.."

"You never got all freaky and tried to kill me." Hoping he didn't do anything else to him while he was guzzling juice again. Picking up the carton to take a big swallow. "Didn't attack me and roar at me. Why do I have to be like him? Who made the rules?"

muscular shoulders roll in a shrug

"Wou'd rath'r teach you to change, not force y'into it." simple enough explanation "Gaia wh'n she created Garou. She made th' thirteen tribes'n chose Fenrir blood t'be in y'r veins.But jus' cause you share blood with'm doesn't mean y'have to be like him. One Decker's more'n enough."

said with a tease in lopsided grin
there's a fondness and loyalty for his packmate
but admittedly the Modi is an asshole

He might just be a kid, but part of him thought Decker was brain damaged. Nodding faintly, still not liking the idea that he was a freak and someone had forced it down his throat. Putting the juice down, his stomach too full by now after not eating for a few days. Burping and keeping his injured arm cradled against his stomach. In the next moment, yawning. "Maybe it's cause he drinks too much and smokes that stuff all the time."

if James could only hear the kid's thoughts
he'd probably hurt himself laughing
more than once he's wondered the same thing

"S'not even the tip of the iceberg, Kemp."

taking the yawn as a cue, the Gnawer pulls off the counter
grabbing the rolls of gauze and tape and making short work of covering the wound
decidedly more careful this time around
t-shirt the kid never made it into ripped and fashioned into a bracing sling
least it takes the pressure off the shoulder

"Empty room at th'end of the hall, 'cross from the bathroom. Go sleep't off. I'll take care've the mess out here."

"Thanks." None too steady on his feet, though actually feeling a little better with food in him. Pausing partway down the hall to look back. "He won't come get me, will he?" He was having horrible nightmares and part of his subconscious had put a name on the monster in his dreams. Unfortunately, Decker was the name.

dreads drag across his shoulders when head shakes
offering the young Fenrir that lopsided, easy grin again

"No. He's gonna help me clean'up his mess. I'll tell'm t'leave you alone 'til y'wake."

Frowning with that reply. He really didn't want to run into the mad dog when he woke up either. Finally blurting out another question. "Can he get rabies?"

he pretty much figured the cub wouldn't be happy with that reply
but he won't lie to him and say Decker won't find him again
all James can offer is a full night of peace before that happens

"No. As inflicted as he may seem, we don't get sick like that."

Nodding faintly. That clenched it, brain damaged. Mumbling under his breath. "Brain damaged."

oh. that. DOES. it.
as the Ahroun is moving to figure out what the hell to do with what's left of the living room
Kemp can hear him damn well laughing

Glancing back down the hallway with a puzzled frown before slipping into the mentioned room. Hoping he didn't accidently get Decker's and end up waking up snuggled with the beast.

Posted by james at July 25, 2003 12:00 AM
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