May 22, 2003
.05.22.03. - like any of them soundly slept [lexi] *e


The monte comes to a halt. (however after the key has been turned to off and taken out, it still makes a bit of a churn and rumble) as the beast finally is silent. The door creaks and then slams, and footsteps are heard going up the (well travelled) stairs to the condo. The blonde seemed to now the way now...and walked the steps with no uncertainty in her walk. Intimidating to any normal person, she stands at least 5'10 and her long blond hair not in its usual ponytail but in fact is a wild mane framing her fae. Her eyes the most eerie about her...are those grey? blue? green? Is that even a real color..almost that of ice...Lexi--as she was known to the pack as, just Lexi. And who was she to their alpha? No one asked, no one really knew..and actually they probably didnt really care. A pause at the door..
and she knocks

deep umber eyes lift, strafing from the GT3 on the tv to the door
and a brow liiiiifts

who the hell knocks anymore?
and it sure isn't pack - he'd've felt them coming
(though that was Erik's Monte)
long body unfolds from it's comfort zone just infront of the couch
(oof.... that wound still ain't healed yet)
and meanders its way over to the door
which slowly opens

revealing one Bone Gnawer, dreads falling in some tangled disarray of jungle vines to frame his face, head tilted at some curious canid angle on shoulders set broad and strong - there's no question the moon phase he was born under - it's just a wife-beater and BDUs day, it seems, the white straps that climb over his shoulders revealing the tips of ashen scars creeping up from where they litter his back as he turns a bit and lets the door swing all the way open

"Evenin', Lexi."

that might even be a trademark easy grin inviting her inside

So she is female- although to many she is more looked upon as butch or tough--too tough to be feminine, although her body, toned and tight...and the way her face is chisled does have a femeinine side...she does take a once-over look at him
(she is human)
The smirk slowly spreads along those lips...but soon is gone (was it even there) and the same look of business on her face returns.

"Actually was lookin for you" Eyes peer over is shoulder to see who is inside at the moment. The natural incence of good THC wofts from the condo and she hears nothing to make it seem the pack was lounging and doing their daily rituals of bitching, smoking, and videogame playing.
"You got time...thought maybe we could chat"

she is female
damn amazon blond bombshell
(and those eyes)
she may be shorter than he is by four inches
but that doesn't mean squat
he's well aware just who's kin she is

"Sure." warm and easy, amazingly mellow for a full moon (unless. on. the full moon) "Beer?"

once she's inside the door he's waving her towards the living room in that off-handed way
seems 'make yourself at home' is unsaid around these parts
the way the living room seems to have the only lights on
the rest of the pack is either out, or passed out
there's another phrase called over the sound of the fridge sucking open

"What's on your mind?"

"Beers great" she nods and follows him into the haven of potheads. She smoked it...not as often as the 420 squad as se called them in her head...Erik was more of a whiskey guy then a she found herself drunk on the couch more then stoned eating twinkies...
"Necter of the Gods they say" Her voice, not soft and sweet like a delicate flower. in fact it had a raspy tone to it, Melissa Ethridge like almost...
Make yourself at home--yeah worked for her.
She sits on the couch...and takes a quick glance around...

"Shit what isnt on my mind" she chuckles "Gettin myself a job thats gonna probably get me killed, thats pretty cool"
and she means that no sarcasm in her voice at all...
The more you sit with her the more you'll learn about her...
"Looks like we'll be meetin up every week to rap" she calls to him until he returns to the room..."figure we gotta get some sort of place planned, and a story straight..."
a smirk crosses her face, cheshire-like..
"I mean boss meeting employee" she looks at herself and then him...."not very convincing...Fuckin partners?" she laughs..."possibly more convincing" and with that, another quick glance at him...and a shake of the head as it slips from her mind "brother and sister...could be...the possibilities are endless...depending on where we intend to meet up"

"Nectar of the gods?" she can almost hear him blink "I thought it was simply staple"

that last part is grinned as a beer (something flashy Rune stocked up with) floats out of the darkness to her left in offer
this pack goes through beer faster than they go through pot
hell, he didn't even drink before joining with Eagle's own
yet, here is he, even offering one to the kin
and that must be strange
a bloody full moon playing host to a KIN
seems the hospitality is about as natural to him as the possibilty of getting killed on the job is to her
sinking into a sprawl across one of the overstuffed recliners
he doesn't seem really surprised to hear it
in fact, seems rather pleased she can hold her own
there's a considerate suckle of his lower lip before the option of drowning any retort to that "fuck buddies" remark with beer

1. she's Get kin, and they don't take kindly to some remarks, he's the bite marks from Luc to remember that one by, and she looks a lot more difficult to deal with than Eva... and pissing her off would get Eric on his tail, so not even going there
2. Rune would kill him, some things probably don't fly, even in the name of duty - not going there either

"Depends on where you're wanting to meet." beer bottle tipped towards her in absent gesture, he's a drummer, he speaks with his hands "I'd change spots every time just so nobody notices a pattern. How mobile are you going to be?"

Masks worn to portray something completely different to the world around them. Certainly his Alphas kin (is that what she is?) would hardly be offering to be a fuck buddy--more discussing the arrangement of the mask inteneded to be worn during the meetings.
business as usual
thats how it was with her. She should have changed....she was meant to be Garou and something got fucked-up. Wanted to be on the front line--fighting and dying for Gaia.
Erik saw this--tested her--she passed over and over and over....
The beer is tipped to her lips and she takes a drink before the long (minutes) pause.

First of all--nothing offended least not when it came to family biz, now a fucker on the street could lose a vital organ if speaking to her in a tone she didnt approve of--but Eagle pack couldnt really offend her.
unless they saw her as less worthy
But that was a whole other topic--lets not go there.

"Yeah...different spots works...i mean, just tryin to think about where and a to have things planned the whole job rhing.Rune seemed to have gotton the paperwork all taken care it looks like i can be eiter a clerk of some sort in the offices" she makes a face..."yeah me in a dress...yessiring and nosirring" she could barf
"or a janitor" she grins..."ya know, diggin for shit, got the keys to all the rooms and offices, and real good at takin out the trash" she chuckles..."im thinkin i would make a better janitor then clerk"

he'd certainly hope she wasn't offering
and even though it would simply be a mask and costume to get the job done
let's just.... not go there, he'll come up with other options first

"Both would work. Though clerk would give you more excuse if caught filing something in the wrong place." not that he's implying she'd make the mistake (she passed Erik's tests.... and so did Dire), but they're covering all their options here "I can meet you anywhere from AC to Jersey City, make it believable that we're clubkids or I'm just some street performer that you like listening to. Boils down to where you'll be based. I'd like to stay as far away as possible. Time consuming, but NYC's even an option. I know a lot of hideyholes up in that part if things begin to get sticky."

that part would be where his accent's from
the Jersey twang isn't all that different from a Yank's
but if you know what you're listening for you can tell he's from up North

"We'll figure out a place to meet first, then alternate who chooses the next spot at that meeting. Keep things flexible."

they're statements, laying out the options that are coming to mind
but it's clear he's willing to take whatever she comes up - objection or affirmation - with into consideration
both their lives may be at stake in this
and since it seems he thinks she's worthy and with a head on her shoulders
he's giving her just as much say as he has

yeah" she agrees (to which part?) taking another drink from the cold bottle..."New York works..makes most sense, I got the monte to do with as I please...We can make the first few meetings at a cool club..The Continental works...always good for a good band, and its really fuckin dark in is filled with drunks, and i know know the dont gotta worry bout cover charge or buyin drinks" and thats a plus

Silence now...was it an uncomfortable silence, or did some people just have the ability to shut the fuck up and enjoy silence for what it was...
either way...there was silence now.
Another opportunity to take another drink from the bottle, and a glance around.

rather than the affirming nod that includes a drop of his chin
he, too, has the Eagle Pack habit of nodding up
Continental works for him
there's a little amused grin creeping over his features about what to not worry about
(at least there's something to not worry about)
and the partial wonder if she will be added to the list of people that can drink him under the table

then there's that silence
he's actually the type that can sit comfortably in silence
he's proven that with his pack
he's proven that with the kin he already knows
at least this is one list she'll be added to
because he's quietly enjoying draining 5/8ths of his beer in said silence
and it's broken idly, not forcibly, as if he were looking for something to say and finally found it
it just took that long for the thought to work its way out of his mind
strange, for a full moon to have a voice so soothing

"What kind've club?"

She smirks..."old school its more that trendy band shit that all the locals and nationals wanna play...ya know..the cookie cutter punk wanna bes" she shrugs..."but iggy used to play there, and the ramones...nashville pussy" she smirks..."aint pretty, smells of beer and vomit on a good night...and hotter then Vegas in August" she shrugs..

She wasnt a good smalltalker--didnt bullshit, but if the topic didnt suck, she could hold up a conversation, just dont toss smalltalk at her, cause she wuldnt know what to do with it.

Another pause...
"So how man of yall actually shack up here?" she looks around..."seems like ya got like 20 of ya shoved in here like sardines"

there's a thoughtful nod
old school punk he can do
no worries about blending there

"Old packmate got me into the Ramones and the Clash.... I can dig it."

but the next part, that gets a laugh
that's what he thinks about it sometimes, too

"Rune's technically the one that should be here.... but Decker's got a room, Luc too, I'll crash here when applicable." careful how you phrase that, Jamey-boy "but she's trying to get the majority of the pack out to the 'house and outta hers."

She nods and finishes the beer..settng it down on the table and leaning back..."Ramones and Clash..good shit" she nods..."frankly i tend to migrate towards the loud music bars--if i bar-hop at all which is rare. Dont toss me in a dance club" she shakes her head..."that thumping music that sounds like its all one song...I dont do 'E' and have no desire to look like a fool on any dance floor...can ya picture it, me...dancing along with the glow-stick freaks"
freak not used derrogitory...not at all, but more in the way of ~explaining the ravers~
Lots of words from the mostly quiet blode...maybe it was cause there werent a ton of them there...
or maybe she was just in the mood to chat
probably the first
"I dont mind crashing at Eriks pad...better then the fucking barrens were...i mean i can mesh into the woods, dont hate it, but would rather have the luxuries of TV, hot water, and a stereo...but im more of a social chameleon...can stick myself anywhere and get the job done"
business as usual
Always proving herself...
"Not scared of shit, not time to be...yeah im fucked cause i havent changed yet" (shes 21--obvioulsy isnt going to) "But fuck it i live life like i have, i mean I should be fighting for Gaia, i should have been given the gift" curse to to others
"just means i have to work twice as hard, use my strengths, and outthink sometimes...but i aint worried...when i go, its gonna be with a fuckin boom they can see from that fuckin statalite int he sky" she grins...."i think shit out, i watch my ass...and my mouth...and im not scared to fuck someone up first...and ask questions later...not to mention, Erik has equipped me with good fightin tools" like shed actually mention the silver bullets

"So whattys do around it mostly drinkin beer and smokin pot?"

there's some laughter there
easy going, downright amused

"I'd personally prefer to stay away from the rave clubs. More of a dive bar kinda guy, myself."

he's a fucking Bone Gnawer
never even been inside a home this nice until he met Rune
he's used to living in, or even under, said dives
never had a roof over his head this consistently save once before in his life
but as she prattles on - proving herself, or just talkative - he maintains that easy grin
welcoming the change from the brooding Modi or chattermouthed Skald
attentively listening just as long as she chooses to talk
and if she didn't? like before? he'd be cool with that too

"I think we'll get along just fine, Lexi." flat out grinned, then he's gesturing towards the paused game on the screen with the empty bottle he's climbing out of the recliner to refill "Play games, smoke, drink, fuck, and fight the Wyrm wherever it breeds."

She laughs...."sounds like a helluva life" Not that she could fight the wyrm like she would like to..but she keeps from letting that show on her face...."not such a bad life"
and the silence sets in she looks to the paused games were not her thing...unless they involved lots of killing...grand theft auto..sure, any sports game or one of the mindless cartoon animals collecting coins or lucky charms, and she was bored...
Legs pulled up to indian style...long legs..damn did they end? That was what gave her her height....
she remains quiet now

"There's CounterStrike, if you want to blow things up."

called out from the kitchen
it's almost like he knew
(hey, it's the pack's favorite game)
and the way he said it, she's welcome to turn his game off

"It's not that bad a life, really." that's offered along with another beer creeping out of the darkness at her "Not like I know any other." such wry laughter "What I was born to do, and I'll do it until I die with a fuckin' boom they'll see from space." winked over another swig of beer

He repeats her comment on the way to go out...and she merely looks towards the floor...the room is quiet now...she doesnt reach for the controller, couldnt really care less about playing the game.
Other things on her mind.
Quiet from her lips...but her mind racing--twisting--a whirlwind of thoughts, doubts and disappointments...

Hearing the fridge open...and hoping another beer is coming her way...
Not such a bad life

Yeah if she could relate...
She got to play the kinfolk..the lesser of the true warriors.
lifes not fair and forrest gumps mom was NOT like a box of chocolates...

(and she got the beer, smiled, and started slammin)

his head tilts
heavy dreads spilling over muscular (scarred) shoulders
quietly regarding her for a moment
slowly sinking down into the recliner
studying the beer that's suspended between his knees
cold bottle twisted around in his hands a few revolutions

"You can tell me to fuck off if you want." softly ventured "But I say something wrong?"

She shakes her head.."nope" simple answer
nice of him to offer to allow her to tell h im to fuck off...she makes a mental note of the permission case she needs it later.

Hand moves through her mane..."its all good"
not a good lier, but also not one to spill least not after 2 beers...and she was not the whiny kinfolk ~oh woe is me~ can i please be barefoot and pregnant type wasnt her style...Shed go beat someone up on the way home...that would suffice...

this time, his chin drops in an affirmation
(alllllrighty then)
he's got a pretty good idea of what caused the sudden turn in conversation
but, unlike other Garou, who would suddenly assert their dominance of the kinfolk that should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitch, cooking and cleaning and carrying the next generation of warriors, suddenly demanding some explanation - he quiets down himself, and gives her space
it all isn't good
but what the hell can either of them do about it?

nothing more than they have been, really

there's the slow stretch of torso
the reach of one arm that pulls the scarred skin of his shoulders a little further out from beneath the wifebeater
snatching the controller from the floor
(where'd that coffeetable they had go?)
starting up his game again
when she wants to talk again, he figures she'll talk
otherwise, he's just as comfortable in silence

Sounds of the game now filling up the room
~good thing too~ that she could handle..and much better then chatting about the only subject she couldnt control.
Couldnt control
and she LIKED to be in control...
she would have been an ahroun without question...
Eyes flicker from the TV screen to the beer..watching it as the level begins to go down...
Now what?
Comfortable with silence, that wasnt the point...but slightly more confotable with the fact she could talk to him--
which was odd enough.
A quick glance to her watch...Erik would be wondering where his damn car was...
a shift in her weight...and another look to the game...watching him emersed in the world of fantasy....

"any good at it?"

he seems fairly absorbed in the game, too
beer's settled comfortably between his thighs
dark brows have drawn together and low on concentration
darker gaze flickers to his right at her question
and it's followed by a grin that begins at the corner of his mouth and works its way across

"Depends on the game. I suck at CounterStrike.... but can outdrive anyone on GT3."

there's a longer look towards her as the game loads the next level
he's using the time to swig another swallow or three from the bottle
he was assuming she was talking about the game

she was talking about the game.
She gets up abruptly--as if she was getting ready to go.
Long legs, jeans fit -just-right- The baby t clinging perfectly under the denim coat. Shouldnt she take it off if she is gonna hang out...maybe she just always was ready to go if needed..
Instead of heading towards the door, she rubs her face with her hand for the moment...
"gotta piss...can you point the way...would hate to walk into the room where someones soundly sleeping"
like any of them soundly slept

there's a faint chuckle
not a good idea to go barging into rooms in this condo
especially as the Get were the ones taking over the first floor
and his chin jerks up towards the hallway shrouded in shadows

"First on the left, Decker's.... so no promises on how clean it is." he has a feeling as long as it functions, she's good to go "Hallway light's on the right wall."

Posted by james at May 22, 2003 12:00 AM
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