January 21, 2003
.01.21.03. - tequila complications [tristan-diego-imogen-decker-dire]

[north jersey, cont'd from previous scene]

about three blocks away, the Tacoma rumbles to a stop
dark brow lifting to look at the box that was forgotten down in the passenger's legroom
there's a bit of a chuckle
indicator out
and the Gnawer's flipping a bitch
(no, not you ma'am.... just go wouldya?)

soon enough he's back in the parking lot
the box of food lifted out and propped against a hip
lugged back towards the building's foyer
(HOW could they forget THAT??)
technically, he should have a key to get back in
or at least have to ring the bell to get the resident to let him in
but Tristan doesnt have the phone set up, he bets
so a big ring is pulled from one of the many pockets
a seemingly.... random... key chosen
and boots soon sound quiet in the hallway

then knuckles rap against the door
box settled in place where the welcome mat would be
stepping to the side and leaning back against the wall beside the door

"Alrighty then.." He grins and takes the bottle, looking it over with interest - hell, he's never seen one with an actual worm in it, before. He then just grins, peels the wax away from the neck, and crackes the seal. Three shots poured, one nudged over toward Imogen, the other given to Diego, and bottle set down as he lifts his own... a moment, two... he considers grabbing the salt and doing an official barlike shot - but well.. he has afeling imogen would laugh - and he's already proven he gets far more hungober then she does much to her amusement - so what the hell, shot lifted in toast, and slammed back...
and eyes. water.
and throat burns.
and it warms allllllllllll the way down........ and the poor lightweight pretty boy just makes a face and a coughed out "goddamn...." makes the stuff he was drinking look (and taste) like water...

another blink at the rap on the door - seems he's going to be a popular stop.. a shrug, and he stands.. (wheeeee!) and moves to open the door.At first, no ones seen, a look down finds the box, and a look out finds James, "Miss me already?" as he laughs, hoisting up the box with a sheepish grin.. "Whoops - how could we forget this one? Common in - we just opened the good stuff..."

One has to wonder what she would have gotten more amusement from. Seeing the light-weight do it like a bar shot, or watching Tristan as the alcohol burns it's way down his throat. Eyes watering, the faint twitch of nerves. Goddamn, he says, and her head cants faintly, "Don't say he didn't warn you," she deadpans.

A glance toward the door, and James returning. Another addition to the drinking party. The shot of tequila is shot back in one go, down the hatch. And yes, the alcohol burns, but she was expecting it, and the warmth that came with it. A half cough, a mixture of a smoker's cough with a simple clearing of the throat from the after effects of seriously expensive tequila, she puts the shot glass at her feet, leaving it there.

and good stuff it is the comercial stuff likewater in comparison, this is the sort of stuff you only have one or 2 of before it nocks you for a six. yes its probably illegal they snuck it i through the umbra its the sort of thing that puts hair on your chest or so they would say. he takes his own shot no salt and lemon with this one nope although he does thump his chest as he lets out a wheeeze after throwing it back " my god that hit the spot" in no way wlling to move let alone stand up and walk he can feel it working its way to his stomach anyway. "hello again james" such nice ass watches it move all the way from the couch to the door. yummm

that chuckle is soft and low, and wry

"I know..... our Momma's would tan our hides."

shift of weight begins at his hips
pulling him off the wall slowly
a brow lifting as he looks back inside
nodding up at Imogen, Diego.... and.... no Dire?
well then
coat's shrugged off
and he's found a spot to occupy
tossing a new pack of Camels onto the table, too

"That they would.. we'll keep it our little secret.."
andby the time he gets the box to the counter, there is no doubt that single shot is mingling quite well with the others arleady taken. He grins at James.. notes that look around, and brow lifts questioningly... Only one other person who's bailed -there must be a problem he's unaware of. but! perishables are put in the small fridge, and then he's making his way back to the couch. James on one end, Diego on the other? our pretty boy.. right smack dab in between with something of a sit that's more of a fall really... "hooolyshit. THAT's some good tequilia." Stomach crunches and he's refilling the shot glasses - except imogens, which is still at her feet - though he does offer with a lift of a brow... That means one for Diego, one for James, and..... the bottle for Tristan.

She shakes her head slightly, pale fingers digging through her hair once more, "I've gotta drive 'ome at some point," she says as an explanation. James needs to drive home too, but then again, he could probably get over a buzz in three seconds, if he put his mind to it.

And that failing, she can always drag him, stoned-ass drunk to her car and drive him herself. The kinfolk is familiar enough with James's inability to hold any liquor of any kind.

theres a look of concentration on his face as if the handling of the next shot is difficult, eyes slide from the delicious one to james a slight smile playing on his lips. and then over to imogen. "thats a pitty me i plan on getting well and truly buzzed" wonders if i can crawl up the stairs

he doesn't say a damn word
when Tristan flops onto the couch
he doesn't particularly move
and when the shot glass is handed to him
a brow lifts
looking at the thick liquid inside

"You do know if I drink anymore I'm giving the keys to Imogen."

he's a lightweight, yes
he's a conscientious driver, yes
he's a Garou, but he's not indestructible
a few shots of that, and he's probably not going to be able to make it across the room

that look it returns to james eyes searching his face as he looks at him, the mind that reaches out is buzzed is it a voice whispering in his ear? some who have never felt it before may think so in a way he hopes so ~sooo is the boi yours?~

And tristan? Just grins and reaches out to nudge the shot a little closer to James.. "So give her the keys already - you've got to taste that... it's daaaaaamn good. and we got enough blankets and pillows and shit to make up beds on the floor.. for everyone."
Yes, smiled all the way around - Imogen included though decker would surely kick his ass for that. James won't be imposing.. Diego certainly won't be imposing.. "'sides - who wants to spend the first night in a new place all alone?"

A bemused one sided twitch as she pulls herself to her feet, considerably more in possession of her falculties, but still, damn that was strong stuff. She stops a foot or so before the dreadlocked Bone Gnawer, holding out her hand, palm up, fingers relaxed for the keys.

"There's something fundementally wrong with me being designated driver," she notes, an eyebrow lifting slightly as the woman, who is only a few inches beyond five feet waits for James to either relinquish his keys, or hold back on the drink.

A sideways glance at Tristan at his offer, and she included. "I've got to work in the morning," she answers simply, one of those patented answers that does not come with a smile or commentary. Cool. Inexpression. And besides. Decker would kick his ass.

there's a slide of his gaze to his right
looking past his kin, and to the other
.... thaaaaat explains it
Not in the way you've been looking at him
soft grin working over his lips

"Can't argue that...."

the keys to, well, Decker's Tacoma dug out
tossed towards the firey haired Kin
whom he knows is sure to be amused
cause she's seen him drink
and has outdrank him
... more than once
and he exchanges the shot glass to steal the bottle from Tristan
no fair that he's been left behind - he's gotta catch up
a rogue wink tossed before slugging back a goooood mouthful

and oh. my. god. that. burns

a blank look as heat creeps through him a blush threatenning to stain his skin. that shot in hand goes down so quickly anything to distract himself. a few more of these and he will be crawling up the stairs. wonders if he could convince body corprate to put in an elevator."come guys its not that bad" almost breathless but then again hes been drinking this stuff for a while now"

Her left hand casts out, catching the keys mid-air, shoving them into her pocket to join her own keys. And oh yes, she's amused, in an abstracted sort of way. It's not a grin or a smile, but a flash of dark eyes, a faint twitch of her lips. The subtly of expression.

A slow turn, and she strides back to her chosen chair, that sturdy box, and sits once more, careful of the shot glass by her feet.

He of course, just laughs as Imogen demands the keys, nodding. "That's more like it. And yes - argue with me more and I'll let imogen hitcha with snow again" idle threat, muttered "HEY!" as bottle is taken, though he doesn't fight it much... he waits a moment, watching that gooooood mouthful before chuckling, clinking glasses with Diego and tossing his own shot back...
holy. shit.
eyes water again and breath held a minute or four before he's exhaling with a whooooooosh and cough.. "god. damn."
shot glass hits thight- with hand still attached of course, and he relaxes back into the couch again, foot proping up on the coffee table.. (on the second try..)
He laughs at Diego's comment and shakes his head.. "So says the boy who probably drinks this shit for breakfast."

that's two down
one to go
but then that's making Imogen the third to blush tonight
and... he has a feeling he will do that before she ever would or could or... yea.
a brow lifts in return of that subtle expression
he may just settle for that first smile (!)
but dammit he knows
it's possible
he'll be able to do that again

he... might have recovered from that first huge swallow
(oh. my. god.)
but in any event, he leans over to refill

"Should I mention I rarely drink hard liquor?"

brow lifted at Diego's comment
looking at the bottle a little warily
but what the hell
lifted in toast
and down the hatch

"noooo neeever breakfast one should wait until noooon at least" his accent is getting stronger with every shot although he holds the shot glass out for another one. they should give the boi the worm the boi needs to have the worm looking at kames for a second "then your screwed"

"James, if you go blind because of alcohol, understand that I'm not taking your ass home to explain things to anyone." Said drily as she leans down, picking up the shot glass, and running it between her fingers, before leaning forward and placing it on the coffee table, a good distance from Tristan's legs. "I'll just leave you here, or something."

He tries to keep the laughter back, but can't.. it escapes until he covers his mouth with his hand and just shakes his head. "I'm beginning to think Imogen is a bad influence on us James... I've drank more tequilia this week with her then I have in my entire life.. And James can stay here....didn't I alrady say that?"
brows furrow a little bit, trying to remeber, even has he refills everyone (cept Imogen of course) and follows james in that down the hatch and how many of these do they need to do until they get to the worm and do people really eat it? and who will do so... all idly mused as he coughs again.... before he just siinks lower into the(his!) couch..

a brow lifts
sliiiiiiding his gaze back over to Diego
trying to, it's through a half squint

"Not if she leaves me here."

any other part of the quip not quite said
he's not that drunk yet
(but booooy is he catching up)
it's a little slurred... already
gesturing with the bottle towards Imogen
sort've generally
and as she gives up her glass
he stretches to lean forward and pull it back over
might as well make the most use of it if she's not
Tristan filling up yet another round
taking it a bit slower now
well.... not really
cause he downs that too
laughing low and warm

"Rune's just as bad.... I didn't drink or smoke at all before falling in with this crowd."

"whosssh rune?"he puts his own feet up upon the coffeee table toes wiggling in those ankle socks as he looks at them grining its amazing what people will find amusing when thier wasted. sinking lower body slumping in the couch ever so slightly. ~hes cute~ was that out loud or was that in his head and even worse was that in anyone elses head.

"Shoulda told you no when you asked to bum a smoke," muttered as she reaches over to pick up the cigarette package that James had left on the coffee table, an eyebrow cocking at him in inquiry, hand pausing inches from the package.

"S'Frigging peer pressure, s'what it was," and if James grants his permission for her to bum a smoke, the eyes flicker toward Tristan, "New home, you gonna smoke in 'ere, or am I goin' outside?"

And james' comment? that gets... all. out. laughter. (yeaaaaaah, where's his mind at...) not if he stays here indeed. Grin is just somewaht.. lingering.. along his lips as he gestures.. "Rune is.." well. pack, but he after a few moments and gestures he settles with "hot. I mean fam'ly. Ya." decisive nod there... kinda.
He looks up at Imogen, lets that question float through his head.. (that. is. potent. stuff.) and then nods.. "Smoke away... even gotta ashtray in that box you're sittin on I think.. too cold t'go outside.."

there's that laughter again
low and thick and warm
veeerry warmed

"And if you did I wouldn't be able to bum one to you now, would I?"

brow lifted in some semblance of mimicry
then all out bursting into laughter at something
obviously it wasn't something said out loud
must have been the totem phone, or something
yeh.... something
he's just too amused
though attempts to contain himself
(it's not working)
gesturing for Imogen to toss him a smoke, too
now pulling off that amusement at Tristan's stumble over words

"Yeh, she's both."

careful what you say there, Jamey-boy

"Well," murmered around the filter as she lights up, using her own bronze lighter if necessary, though she'll take whatever's handy, "There's that."

Cigarette package is slide back toward James, skimming across the wood of the table, and she gets off the box she'd been sitting on, and opening the flaps, she begins rummaging for an ashtray.

This found, she closes the box again, and this time sits on the floor before the table, setting the ashtray in the middle of the coffee table, so as to make it a little easier for the somewhat impaired James to ash his fag.

he blinks a couple of times trying to clear his mind should he have another one just one more the worm the boi has to eat the worm maybe tomorrow night they could finnish it off then. if tomorrow ever comes. james laughter seems to confirm something for him and he trys to sink into the background that blush that threatened before well it is full out now as it creeps quickly up his face flushing his skin till it is a rosy pink beneath that mocha tone. yet he manages to stutter no not slurrr stutter "i... i... i... " just dies wants to crawl over the back of the couch. actually does crawl over the back of the couch face pops up over the back between james and tristan glares at james this is all your fault as far as hes concearned although hes not quite sure how. "sooooo isssss dire family too? " what he was really asking is rune of dires family or wanted to ask anyway

He...... looks at James as he bursts out laughing, and then at Diego's blush and and crawl over the back of the couch and glare at james and holyshit did he hear what he thought he mighta somewhere in some fog and can we put 4 and 4 together and get 2? Sure we can.. there's a lot of tequilia that's been downed after all. and the grin flashed to Diego is one of (thanks man. not half bad yourself) variety, and completely unrepentant to James. And the pretty boy? takes advantage of the suddenly vacant end of the couch and just sorta leaaaaaaaaaaaans over to stretch out a bit more, feet moving from coffee table to couch (and no, he didn't kick James there a bit at all...) braced against the arm comfortablly. But he doesn't say anything (cuz if he did? it might be wrong.. James isn't the only one watching what he's saying.) about Dire, let's James handle it and reaches over for that pack and lights a smoke, offering it to Diego if he wants it.. he'll grab another if he does...

that grin flashed at Imogen is damn well rogue
haHA.... oh quippy one
and while he really knows better than to do this
he takes another shot
feel. that. buuuuuurn

well, not really, at this point

pausing to study the glass
watching the reflection of the remnant clinging liquid
something glittering deep in umber eyes
that smile hardening, a touch


flat enough to seem to answer everything
there's a pulse and roll of latent Rage
but it's quickly enough soothed again
back into some murky flux of volatile water
a stilling pool that could explode at any minute
but we won't think about that
even if it just made his opinion of the Get more than abundantly clear

there's a slow craaawl of body to lean forward again
plucking himself out of the quagmire that is the couch
(since when did couches turn into Alaskan mud?)
aiming not once, not twice, but three times for the two ashtrays Imogen set onto the table

the look at Diego is apologetic
sorta, the tease is there, too
course he isn't arguing it, either
looking to Tristan with a short growl for the not-kick
oh so ferociously bared teeth and all

That's...twice in a week he's been relegated back to the sneaker express. Good reason and all both times, but that doesn't mean he has to like it. The aggravation of public transit (screaming babies. crazy bums. irritable drives. stop and go, stop and go) precludes it as a possibility this close to the full, and walking in this weather - how many degrees below freezing? - is just as unthinkable.

Trouble is, they were supposed to have been back with the fucking truck about two hours ago. Nothing good is left on the tube. Nothing good's left in the fridge. Counterstrike gets boring after the fiftieth red screen of doom, and


Door opens, door shuts. One impatient Modi turned out on the icy balcony, rubbing his hands together for warmth, narrowed eyes scanning the parking lot as though the Tacoma might spontaneously appear.

he leans back from the couch suddenly at the venomous rage that suddenly washes over him his instincive reaction to go fetal even as his own ebbs to life. (hey kin arnt the only ones who have to deal with those bigger scarier and stronger than he) instead he just flinches pulling away in that graceful crawl that all the predators seem to possess even if this one does have its tail between its legs. moving to the other end of the couch the end where james is not down at tristans feet.

finally it is banked that does not make him relax not straight away but relax he does probably the tequilla

*He sits on a bench looking up into the sky. Pondering the nature of existance and interpersonal relationships.
Huddled in his oversized leather jacket he shakes his head to flip his blond hair from his eyes. Watches as the moon travels behind a taller building across the way. After observing the snowball fight eariler, being asked in and then leaving he was just hanging out in town. His car was at Danni's and he hadn't meandered back that way yet.

Born of a MUCH colder clime he just sits here in the New England cold as if it were a spring afternoon.*

It won't be long until this gets a little boring, and she'll either concede to getting at the very least a little buzzed, or will leave.

However, at the very least for the moment there is still some latent amusement in the three of them simaltaneously laughing over what appeared to be nothing, and Diego blushing a bright crimson. Smoke spills from her lips as she exhales.

James had answered, however minimally on Dire. The kinfolk's eyebrow lifts faintly, before settling again. One elbow rests lightly on the coffee table as she inhales once more on the cigarette, the ember flickering to life as she forces poison into her lungs and then exhales again. After a moment, she leans over, plucking the tequila from the hands of whomever had it, gauging the amount of liquor in it's the clear bottle.

That minimal answer on dire explains much.. though the growl at the not kick and snarled bare teeth simply gets laughter again. Diego doesn't take the smoke, and after a couple minutes he realizes that, and inhales.. exhales..slow grayish plume rising from his lips..
Imogen lifts the bottle, and Tris makes a show (not difficult as things are a little bit (lotta bit) fuzzy around the edges..) of trying to see waht she does... grinning unrepentantly.. "Not gonna cut'sss off yet, are ya, Im'gen?"

That's Dire. This is Decker. Dire's from fuckin Canada (what sort of demented idiot would live there, anyway?); Decker? Is from Alabama.

Big. Fuckin. Difference.

Thus, the Modi sucks a shivering breath in between his teeth while he gropes for his knit cap, jamming it down over the tips of his ears. He takes the stairs at a trot, two at a time. One of these days he'll fall on his ass. Not today, though. Skecher ripoffs hit the pavement and he heads for Dire, rage washing a sonicboom cone ahead of him, tapering off behind. A nod up, a brusque question - "Seen my fuckin' truck?"

each word spoken deliberatly no i am not drunk slowly and with a deloicate care to make sure they dont rag or slurrrr "its ok i have more upstairs if she does wont take long to get it"

oh yes
fear him
the big, scarey, Abonimable Snow Gnawer
he will riseth from the great banks of albino brain chiggers and smite thee with packed balls of apocalyptic doom
attempting a glare at Tristan's laughter at his ferociousness
maybe he'll just bite his leg or something

mostly it ends up in another of his easy grins
pointedly ignoring Diego's reaction to that little flare of Rage
(guilt. guilt. guilt.)

"If sshhhe does..... you'll have to get it."

gestured absently with the smoke
a brow lifting in question at Imogen's brow
(damned browful circus in here)
wondering if she is going to cut them off
or if it was something else

* A slow blink and he turns his head to behild Deckers approach. His tranquil moment shattered by that rage wave pressing his way.
For somereason it hits the young Skald wrong tonight and as his peaceful moment of meditation is broken his own rage ripples out in counter to deckers.
The two fronts meet each other and you'd almost feel the crackel of supernatural energies playing off the other. The dull smell of ozone rises seemingly of it's own volition.

Then the Skald stands. Movements liquid and graceful, as if the joints on his body were overly oiled. He's to his feet as Decker closes the last feet feet. THe rage fields over laping. Not canceling out but strengthening the other. Adding exponentially untill that overload is almost palliable.
Shoulders rotated. The gymnistic body even stiffens after 3 hours sitting in the cold. The air sniffed as Deckers inquary was levied. Eyes the color of glacier heart ice flicker around and up to Decker. Just shy of challenge. DIre knows his place. There was no need to Challege Decker. Been there. Done that. Had the marks to prove it. He nods, the tattoo flashing on pale skin. Melodic voice issuing out.* Yeah.

"Yeah?" You'd think the news would make him happier. If anything, it seems to make him angrier, a scowl furrowing his brow, narrowing his hard grey eyes as the air between all but crackles with invisible electricity. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, hands tightly balled in the large pockets of his large coat. Chin up, he manages to look down his nose at everything, everyone - even Dire, two or three inches taller as he was. "Well, where the fuck is it?"

Here comes the partycrasher.

*The young skald tilts his head. hand escaping pocket to come up. Heavy sap glove on tonight. Powered lead sewn into the padded knuckels. He wipes his nose. Frowns and wipes the fingertips on his jeans. He turns and nods and starts walking. Directions in the city he wasn't too good at but he'd walked there he could walk back. Long legs stride. His stance tall and proud. He was Fenrir after all. One of the greater tribes. His blood even doubled as it was ran with a purpose and dedicaton of mellinia. His melodic voice comes out a bit more heavily accented than normal. Teeth gritted as his own rage and Deckers just expound on the others. Not AT the others but off the others.* Tristans.
* Evidently he was heading that way to show his better. If he follows that is*

Guilt. guilt. guilt.
That? brings another bout of laughter as he looks between them and peers over the couch at Diego and arches a brow.. "don'thin' he'd make it.. so much for drinkin this all the time, eh?" Teased with that all too boyishly goodnatured grin.... that trails to a "shit! as he knocks the cherry off his fogotten smoke onto his belly - semi-cordinated slap and rub to get it out and off, before he reaaaches.... and finds the ashtray (third. try.) with cigarette to stamp it out...

"No," she says a smirk sliding across her lips as she holds out the bottle toward the couch of tequila drinkers. "Though I'm fucking appalled. You all still have a quarter of the bottle left." (( sorry so short))

His better...or so the rank proclaims, right?

Tribemates, then. They're Fenrir, after all. Rage ricochets back and forth, a resonance wave building with each echo. Dire leads the way; Decker trails behind, fists in pockets, cap pulled down low to the grim line of his eyebrows, his lowslung slow swagger keeping pace.

A grunt as the location is named. It's very nearly growled insofar as human vocal cords can growl - "Boy been spendin' a fuckin lotta time 'round her lately..."

a brow lifts
yeh, lifts even higher and it's gonna crawl right. off. his. head.
half distracted by Tristan's sudden spazz
growling again at the not-kick that came from -that- too

"That a challenge, Imogen?"

he crawls up onto the couch he doesnt care if the other two are taking up the entire space well he might worry about james. it is that blend of respect and weariness. like the puppy thats been kicked too many times but still wants the hug the pat the knowledge that its welcome. lifting his legs he slides into place before lowing them again so close to james so close to tristan soo close to both of them.

*He grunts and nods with out even looking over. His stride eating up the pavement as they go. HIS voice answering back in total non secquator* I was having a beautiful conversation with one of our mutual ansestors Rohl. Had to go back over 345 generations to find one but... * a grunt and srug* Vikllum. Feasts Fast.... You heard the name before? * he grunts and shakes his head* They watch us still you know. * The Skald pauses to boot a goblin across the street. Not that Decker would see. Then more walking*

Yeah.... and he checks out her ass too. * he snorts*

He... just... looks at Imogen... and yup - mimics James' search for the ever elusive brow crawling away prize, and then just reaches out to grab the bottle - and almost falls off the couch as Deigo picks -that- minute to slither back onto the couch between him and James... which involves sliding under Tristans legs and that? just gets a boyish grin.. once he rights himself wiht a hand on the coffee table and a puuuuuuuuush and the bottle is actually swiped, a grin for James, bottle tilted, biiiiiiiiig swallow, and he passes the bottle to Diego.. "Can't let her be disappointed, now......."

(annalia chastain)
North Jersey was a long way from Newark. Then again, anywhere was a long way from Newark. She doesn't quite remember how she got to this side of town.. Everything seemed a blur to her. Of course, that was becoming a common thing nowadays. She buckles down into the long, thick, black wool trenchcoat, trying to conserve body heat against the blistering cold. A small wind, beating down upon her back, to tease long, black lanky links of hair away from the nape of her neck. It only sent chills down her spine.

The thick-layered soles of her combat boots, kept a steady rhythm across the frozen pavement. Her skin prickled, as the tiny hairs rose up her skin, cold, as she was pale against the black wool. Violet-hued eyes lazily drift up from beneath dark lashes, casting a glance around at the street.

"most definatly not" and prehaps if he gets so drunk he cant seee he will stop reacting so badly to james. large mouthfuls of the tequila slide down his throat one thne another a third swallow. before he finally hands the bottle on to james

She simply stares at James. Almost expressionless. Only the most astute (and lord knows NOBODY astute now, after three quarters a bottle of tequila) would notice the amusement. She had opened her mouth to say something, either a denial or an actual challenge, before Tristan swipes the bottle from James (and nearly falls over himself and Diego).

"Go right ahead."

he makes room for Diego
well, as much room as possible
and as much as his body will respond to the command to move over
which isn't much
pre-flight preparation and actual take off are two different things
so... they're nice and cozy
damned pile of puppies on the couch

it's a casual hand that reaches for the bottle
still watching Imogen
(he's so going to pay for this)
because even if he has completely removed himself from astuteness
(and common sense)
he knows the firey woman well enough
and knows she's damned amused
(deep down, where nobody can see)
and tips the bottle back
and swallowing
and keeps swallowing
(ho. lee. fuck.)

there's a shot left in the bottom with the worm
and that's handed blindly back to Tristan
at least where he remembers the Kin being
he can't see right now
nor can he smell
or even taste anything
coughing hard

Mutual ancestors? He's related to the psychopath Skald? Decker's not sure how to take this. Decker doesn't give a shit right now, either. "Ain't never heard of 'im."

Decker doesn't see the goblin, but he sees Dire pantomime booting...something. A snort blasts steam into the frigid air. "Ain't you takin' care o' Carmen no more?"

The wind beating down Annalia's back is the wind blowing in the face of the two Fenrir. Narrow-eyed against it, Decker's glance pauses on her a moment in its steady radar-sweep, side to side, instinctive, alert. "Damsel waitin' fer you to rescue," a caustic mutter to Dire, smirking -

- and then not smirking anymore. At all. A hard stare shot at Dire - "The fuck?" Garou nosing around her condo. Garou giving her talens. Kinfolk staring at her ass. Jesus fuckin Christ, he should've picked a dullwitted, personalityless babymaking matron to get all complicated with.

*he snorts and nods* Yes. She's somewhere warm with somone warm. I take care of her fine. I just get restless after sex so I went out walking. * He jerks his head down the street they are passing to the Jetta parked infront of an appartment building* She likes Danni. I'm kinda fond of her my self.
*He tilts his head. Scraching his ear with his sholder instead of wasting energy to pull a hand allthe way up ther. Nods to Deckers words * 'll be waiting a while I imagine.
*A few more steps and Dire nods and srugs* Not that I know of. Might be.

James is lucky Tristan stole the bottle. Imogen had been about to bet him ten quid that he couldn't swallow the entire quarter by himself.

Worm included.

"That's going to hurt in the morning." A sideways glance at Tristan, a mobile eyebrow raking upward, "I should have boughtcha a bigger bottle of Advil."

He. just. stares. as James keeps swallowing.. (ho.ly.shit.) and tries, really hard not to laugh as the coughing starts. DOens't work much as he reaches and takes the bottle before Deigo gets smacked in the head with it and just... stares at the last shot and the worm and stage whispers to Diego.. "whatdoidowithTHAT?" jusssssst to make sure and all - he's heard stories, but still... never know what someone will tell you when you're jurgement is impaired and tonight? it's been completely obliverated. com. plete. ly.

((adds... sorry mei! *L*))

and he just flat out looses. it. at Imogen's comment. People think she doesn't have a sense of humor? the girl is a riot.. specially now in his current. ahem. state. "We'll make do.." all he can stutter.

Restless after sex. That earns Dire another glance, not so much furious as ...baffled. "Uh," is his comment on that matter.

A single, snapped Ha! for the second comment, and a perplexed frown for the last. Whatever. Not like Dire ever makes sense for long. He keeps his mouth shut, flexes his shoulders back under his coat, and relaxes again.

Glance sideways at Dire. "How much further?"

*He walks on a few steps. Sniffs the air and then he nods* Right there. *It's about mile off. The glacier blue eyes are sharp. Even in homid. The truck picked out as they approach at their stride. About 5 minutes walk. "Were passin' round that foul brown stuff we drank at Eliza's that one night. WHen you stole her bottle and she was feelin' your leg up under the table and I was acting like I didn't know. They were drinking that. Tastes like ass but I had some. Didn't want to offend the "host" and all that happy horse hit.

what do with what? eyes stare at the bottle stare at the worm stare at the last of the liquid. "well you swallow it down of course" yup thats what you do with the worm it is the worm where talking about now. "you have to take it

Oh yea, damsel in distress was stamped all over her forehead alright. She was too dazed to even realized, the exact location of where she was going. Two instincts were running through her brain. Motion and Warmth. Motion usually generated body heat, so by moving she was managing to keep warm. Somewhat. At least, she wasn't lying in an alley somewhere, frozen to the brick wall, like the poor schmuck, she'd seen the other night. Ah, well, survival of the fitest. He didn't need his wallet on him anyway. Words drift on the wind, faintly pricking at her ears, it was better to listen to that than the chattering of her own teeth. A pierced brow arches upward, flicking a glance over to two guys chewing the fat out in this weather. Their words, never quite made out, their mouths, moved to quickly for her to really want to read, or at least concentrate on reading.

She manages to free a hand from beneath one arm, flexing the gloved fingers to circulate blood through the veins. It curls into a small fist, lifted up to cover her mouth, coughing harshly into it. A sour taste filled her mouth, along with flem. She just turns her head, spitting it out a good distance away from her. The spittle, frozen as it hits the ground. It was just that damn cold.

*He grins a bit and nods with his head. The tattoo over his left brow indicating direction when he sees Annalia's piercing. Just a grin and he looks to Decker. To see if the Modi remembered that other night with a lady in black with piercings*

breath, Jamey-boy, breath
ignore the burning sensation of the alcohol fermenting your lungs
just suuuuuuck in that oxygen
or even the Camel smoke
something, anything, just keep breathing

oh. he is so done
not even gonna stand
just gonna melt into the couch
heavy lidded gaze watching the contemplation of what to do about the worm full of amusement

She'd been sitting smoking her cigarette rather religiously, and now as Tristan bursts out into a fit of giggles, she simply stares at him, deadpan, both eyebrows lifted.

"You swallow the worm too, Tristan," she clarifies at the end of Diego's wandering explanation, and at the tail end of Tristan's laughter.

Ain't so bad once you get used to it. That's what he'd say to Dire, if he was feeling talkative.

Which...he's not.
Which he's damn well never.

Five minutes off? Let's cut that to three. He picks up his pace a notch. The pointing of Dire's brow draws the attention of the other, and now there's two angry (let's stress that: angry. ragefilled, no matter how goodnatured Dire might seem.) guys staring at Annalia.

Lucky for her, the second looks away soon enough. Girl with piercings looking like she shot up with too much H. So what? Two minutes. Move along.

"wheres that other bottle" he trys to turn his body only his neck rolls one side to the other staring at james ~HELLO~ then the other ~oh look its the cute one, shhhhh they might hear you, noo it doesnt matter your not speaking outloud, but your thinking outloud oh crap, sooo cute ~ "i need more tequilla"

Swallow. the. worm.
He just looks at Diego with a silly little grin and something completely unreadable (ok. maybe. not.) by the other boy before gaze kinda sliiiiiiides back over to Imogen... and her complete deadpan.
Dare he trust them? Dare he not?
"swallow. Well - done worse..." grinned in that wicked way that means he's done BETTER (bigger) too, and bottle tips up, last swallow is taken and worm? swalloed in one big gulp before it's his turn to cough - though not quite as hard as James did.. fist striking own chest a couple times as it feels the worm is gonna get stuck but don't and he just inhaallllllllees before a littel cough and shake of his head. "ho. ly. shit." wonder how fast that worm is gonna hit and he needs MORE? though yeah.. there's a lopsided 'i heard that' grin before his head turns in search of the other bottle.. arm floaaating falling over to point in some vague direction that's supposed to mean the counter.. "soverthere..."

*He increaces his pace, as much out of instinct than anything else. WHne one of yur kind did, you did too or you were left behind. To be left behind was to die.
So Dires pace speed up with Deckers. He's not in his normal rather mellow mood tonight. He's a bit crunchy at the entire evening the more he thinks about it and the more he looks around he's discovering that the goblins are taking on a bluish tint. Cammoflague no doupt. Sorry ttle shits.*

the look
on Tristan's


that just gets him laughing again
not sure if he's melting or floating above the couch
but it's enough for him to not really pick up on that niggling feeling of pack beginning between his shoulderblades

Lucky for her, she wasn't to close to them. Bad for her, that she apparently aroused their attention, to a small degree. Dark lashes lift up, widening slowly, to blink owlishly, over violet-hued eyes. She stares right back at them, one glance at the faces, then down to their chests. Not making direct eye contact. Her steps slowed, her body felt weighted now, something crawled up her spine and it wasn't the cold weather. She felt her skin prickle from the tiny hairs on the nape of her neck, to her shoulders, and down her arms. She breathes in the cold air into ther lungs, wincing at the stinging ache in her chest, which produces another short cough. Dire raised an eyebrow at her, she raised both of them at him, and that odd tattoo on his face.

*he gets TWO eyebrows and she did have pretty eyes. He tilts his head at the woman and takes in a steady breath though his nose. Never new these days. He found carmen waddeling around on the street. So he scents her. Nothing clear or retarded looking. Just a long inhale though his nose as he and decker trot on down the way

She stares at the three immobile on the couch, and just... watches.

One of them will have to get up and get the second bottle of Tequila. And by god, it won't be her.

Rage in motion: like a nighttrain blasting past, the two Fenrir go by. One's curiosity is piqued. The other is deadset on his destination, and his pace propels the other along. You move or you get left behind. You get left behind and you die.

He can see his truck clearly now, a little after Dire's sharper eyes. He can feel, also, the sensation of pack. James. That much was expected.

Gated community. Damn nice place for the violin-toting street musician. Decker goes right up to the fancy-ass gate and looks in, wolf behind bars, wolf at the door. One hand comes up to grip a bar, then trails over them as he stalks left, eyes still fast on the Tacoma, then on the condo behind the Tacoma. Number 221. Right.

Eyes fall away, fix on the little intercom set at driver's window level. He leans down and pushes a button, dialing 221.

he? just.. still has that.... look.. on his face. though he too is laughing until the buzzer sounds "th'fucks'that?" one would almost think he's realated to decker with such a slurred halfassed sentense... then! oh yeah! buzzer!... and he looks aaaaaall the way over to the door. fuck. fuck. fuck. he looks to Imogen and practically begs that she get it... "please?"

*Dire walks along with him. He saw the gate. The thing had rather offended him. He looks up And was about to just go over it when Decker paused.
Dire pauses. Looks at the 12 foot gate and back to Decker. He doesn't get it but what the hell. He watches.*

She couldn't shake off the shivers that raked across her skin. She murmers under her breath, blaming it on the weather. She blinks a few times, making sure both guys were actually there and not figaments of her imagination.

She slows down again, only to cover up another coughing fit. Both hands cover her mouth, eyes still on the guys, curious as to what they were up to. Nice gated community. They were hanging out by the fence. Could be friends of someone.. or something else.

damn incoming air attack
sometimes you just can't continue to ignore things
and soon enough, that itchy feeling comprehends through tequila haze

"Ya boyfrien's here."

murmured and mumbled
barbarian's at the gate
deep umber eyes lifting slowly to look at Imogen

*Those blue eyes. Unconcerning because the mind behind them was indeed cracked come around to land again on Annalia. He tilts his head. She smelled of ciggs and stuff just like the Nicotene pack. He watches her watch them. Some of his rage repressing. The woman hadn't done anything wrong. He smiles faintly and nods. She's a good 40 feet away but Dire seems to be looking right into her soul* You have nice eyes. Havent seen that color before. * Then he looks around the street. The unknowning wouldn't think a thing about it. Those in the know would know his placement, about 7 feet from decker and to the left was perfect overlaping flanking positon if they were backed to the wall and surrounded. He does it natural. He wsn't born human and never had been. He just fakes it now and again*

A look at all three, and yeah, she'd better go get the door buzzer. Otherwise, Decker might be the first person in history to get an "obscene intercom answerer".

A flickered glance toward James as he speaks, and she gets to her feet, walking over to the intercom. "Which one o' these..." another glance over her shoulder, "Oh, never mind..."

Either having found the button she wanted, or having decided that any of the three would be .no.help.at.all., she presses the large button on the intercom.

And the gate swings open for Decker and Dire to enter.

Two men. Trailing that aura. Coming down two miles. In the middle of the night. In the freezing cold. On foot. To visit a friend? Stranger things have happened. Still. Might wanna call security.

A minute goes by, no reply. He's just raising his hand for another impatient buzz or ...ten, twenty... when the gate clicks open, and swings inward.

"Hate these fuckin posh places," he comments to Dire, and moves swayshouldered through the opening gate. Doesn't bother to wait for Dire. If the gate shut while the Skald was talking pretty, he could probably flip over it or some such crazy acrobat shit.

Passing his truck, he scrubs a speck off the hood with his elbow. Nevermind that the sides were flanked with sludge. It's the principle of the thing. Then up the stairs he goes, two at a time (one of these days...), to hammer on the door.

He? doesn't even realize she's asked a question, just griiiiiiins as she gets up and walks by and rather snuggles closer to Diego in that slow melt to the couch. Wait - maybe Decker will grab the other bottle for them since its...
ho. ly. fuck.
it hits him like a freight train, the rage of Decker outside the door and the moon just barely starting to loose her swell, and on top of that there's this little worm in the belly thing that's starting to roil and our pretty boy? is beginning to look a little pale... just a little though... right?

Her head turns, looking to the left, and then the right. She wasn't quite sure who Dire was talking to. He could be telling his buddy, he had nice eyes. She found it amusing, the thought made the corners of her mouth, twitch upward into a slight smile. She cants her head to the side, staring back at them. Decker shuffles off into the gate, automatically she assumes Dire will go with him. Her attentions, drift away, as she realizes she'd been standing there and the cold was starting to nip at her again.

something in him bristles
feeling Tristan react
feeling the atom bomb that's his packmate hammering on the door
there's a low groan somewhere deep inside the Gnawer

he was chillin' here to AVOID remembering what was in the sky

dark eyes slide towards the door
this isn't bound to be good
glancing towards the (his) kin

"Lookin' a little green there, Tris...."

concern... or hint...

*He sees her indesision and nods to her. One gloved hand coming out to point to her* Yeah. You. * he turns as the gate was clacking shut.* motherfucker. *Yep. Dires hands come up. He crouches a bit and then launches upwards. The sap gloves come down on the top of the gate. Dires then pulls up in one fluid motion. One hnad staing locked on the horizonal as his body inverts perfectly and then he gives a slight pop. Lets go and flips. Landing in a crouch he looks back though the gate and winks one of those blue eyes at Annalia and turns to catch up with Decker.
Did... he...

Motherfucker. He just went over that thing with a grace that would put one of those little oriential prepubesant teen gymnists to SHAME, in the cold.
He catches up to Decker shortly there after. Long legs of the 6'3" Skald coving ground when noone's looking.*

Hammering on the door. She glances down at the deadbolt, before she simply reaches out, and turns the knob, pulling the door open.

Her hand runs through her hair as she looks upward at the face of the six foot tall Fenrir.

"HOLY ...Shi...t"
She stares, her mouth, drops open, watching, dumbfounded. She didn't just see that. She knew.. She didn't just see that.
"oh.. fuck me..running.."

She blinks, several times. Dire's little stunt reminded her of something out of moive, and with that thought, perhaps it was time to move on. She coulduse a good sobering up, right now. She turns away, wrapping her arms back around herself, tucking her hands beneath her arms for warmth. Her boots pound out quick thuds on the concrete, as she crosses the dead street, away from the complex. Annalia's head bows forward, spilling lanky black hair around her face, hiding her baffled expression. Time to get the hell out of Dodge.. or the neighborhood at least.

arm wraps around tristan pulling him closer is it sheild or protection probably a mixture of both even as he sinks futher against james. he wants to run tail between his legs from whatever is on the other side of that door. "hey mattee prehaps we shold get to you the bathroom dont want to ruin your new flat and all"

A little green...
That may be an understatement as he gives James a weak grin. There was a reason they fed him the worm, isn't there? One must always break in a new place with a shitload of booze and the groaning hurling aftermath of drinking it far too quickly, far too completely and good god he's getting paler by the minute and he looks over the couch to see Decker and Dire and (shit..) a glance at james and Diego (cuddled all nice and close under his thighs in the puppy pile of the couch) and that little movement of Diego's pulling him closer? (though oh my it gets a grin - no matter how.. sickly...) was just one bit too much movement and after a numb nod, he's up... and.... a completey unsteady weaving scramble toward the bathroom, door pulled open and the poor kin all but diving for the porcilain god to pay the appropriate homage to his new home...

And six feet of Fenrir looks back at her, an animal sort of arrogance in his down-the-nose gaze. What with everyone else cringing from his rage, you had to wonder how she put up with it. Or how she managed to keep the pretense, at least, up.


An acknowledgment and a greeting both. Grey eyes flicker over her shoulder (over her head, really) at James: "Want my fuckin truck back," over Diego, and finally to Tristan in time to watch the Gnawer kin dive into the bathroom.

even with what's outright roiling inside of him in reaction
there's a slow nod.... yeh... it's up... at the two Fenrir
he's not cringing, but he can't damn well ignore it
a hand lifting to gesture absently towards Imogen
watching rather cooly from where he's molded into the couch

"She's got the keys..... figured..... not a good idea to drive it... home right now."

(he's plastered, allright)

Rage and fury, a sear of heat that runs across her flesh. She had to open the door, so the idea of cringing was not an option, even if she considered it. And she stands there still, and give her credit, when Tristan goes running for the bathroom, she doesn't even turn her head to watch, because, well. We all knew (except Tristan) what was going to happen, anyway. Eyes on him and his animal arrogance, his down the nose gaze.

James speaks behind her, as both hands slide into the pockets of her jeans, slender fingers slipping through the fabric in search of the keys, "They've all had rather a lot to drink," she notes unnecessarily before coming up with the Tacoma's truck keys and holding them out and up to him, the tip of her index finger put through the keychain, the keys dangling.

at 5'5" he is the puppy that was kicked way to much. he recoils from decker hey he found james freaky but decker sends him packing. "i'lll ahhh just um go check on the kid " he rolls over the couch once more tristans probably older than him... pushing to his feet. slowly delicatly one step pause the second much steadier the third flows. yeah hes walking away very quickly. yup tail between his legs. and hey look the 5'5' figure can hold his liqour a lot better than the other 2 or prehaps its just he grw up on the shit they where swilling.

Oh we're just not even gonna discribe the sounds coming from the bathroom. Oh nope. Not at all. We've all been there at some point or another.. suffice it to say, the worm is making it's reappearance. violently.

A snort-turned-scoff, hissed through his teeth as he takes in the glorious view. "Yeah. No shit. Yer rubbin' off on 'em." He takes the keys from her, dropping them in his pocket. "Forget 'bout the business trip, James?" Glance at the nearest clock. "Four hours."

At least the Gnawer was riding in Rune's car. Meant he wasn't gonna be throwing up in Decker's.

*He stands. Turning half away to watch their backs. Purple eyes girl had departed. A shame really. She was pretty cute. One of the sap gloved hands come up to run though his blond hair and he listens.

"No." rather.... dryly, in it's slur "I'll be fine....."

note he's not getting up to go home
because if he moves right now
he'll be shoving the poor kin out of the way
but there's a question in uncoordinated gaze
Decker outranks him in the pack
if he's told to go home now, he'll move

he doesnt knock on the bathroom door he just steps inside. closing it firmly behind him, eyes darting to the mirror, so easy to get away. before sliding down to tristan. his is the supporting hand on the back that rubs gently. holds you through the convulsions as stomach tries to claw its way from your body and out your mouth. awww poor baby. in here for now we can both hide.. he however fumbles around at his jeans pocket.(oh look it really was something in his pocket) the teaser sitting within hands reach now on the ground as he continues to comfort the boi praying to the porcalin god

She arches an eyebrow faintly at the commentary, but doesn't bother speaking on it. A slight sidestep stops the two Garou from holding a conversation over her head. Shoulders and hips rest against the wall, as her hand digs into her pockets again, coming out with her own set of keys. The other hand reaches out picking up her jacket from the boxes, where she'd left it.

If James is told to go home now, she'll be driving him. So, it's waiting a beat or two, now.

He doesn't notice Diego's entrance at first, he doesn't notice much of anything except how nice and cooooool the edge of the toilet seat is against his forhead, a groan born deep in his throat... but the worst is over it seems, and he slides over a little to just curl up against Diego... (oh there you are) and murmur.. "yur drink's evil..." through a lopsided - somewhat sickly grin..

Decker's narrowed grey stare stays on James for a long minute before the Fenrir shifts his weight slightly, leaning shoulder against doorframe and pawing his knit cap off his head. "Whatever. Come gitcha at a quarter til nine. Best be awake." His eyes skate toward the closed bathroom door, come back. " 'N tell pretty boy to keep his eyes where they belong."

Guess Decker's not stooping so low as to drag 'pretty boy' out of the bathroom for a beating. Either that, or he doesn't wanna upset the good doctor - frail, shrinking violet that she must be, looking at mutilated bodies day in day out. His attentions falls on said woman now, inquiry raising one eyebrow. "Need a ride?"

"toldya it was" his walk may have been steady but his voice is much more slurred. he can still feel the big bad on the other side of the walls, on the other side of the door. fingers still hold the teaser even as he holds the pretty boi close. there there your ok

Whatever reaction there might be to Decker's order to his packmate is silenced and stilled and the kinfolk simply regards the Fenrir for a moment before she shakes her head, answering the question.

"Drove up 'ere. May as well drive back." Leaving a car in visitor's parking for too long was asking for trouble. She begins to slide into her jacket as she glances across the living room at the Bone Gnawer, "You're stayin' 'ere, right? I don't need to worry 'bout you bokin' in my car?"

there's a slow nod
fair enough
quarter til nine

"I seriously doubt you've anything to worry about, Decker."

cool and calm, mmhm
big bad Fenrir vs pretty boy kin
is there really a competition?
and since the couch has been otherwise vacated
the Gnawer slinks and slides and sliiiiithers down to stretch out on it

"Truck's gotta full tank...."

he wasn't about to use it and return it empty
a bit of a grin offered Imogen, with a nod
he'll stay here, he'll be fine

he chuckles, a little, ruefully "will believe ya next time... hella housewarming, huh?" and he just sorda.. relaxes into that hold for a long moment, breathing deeply of his scent, before he manages to pull himself away (not. an easy. task) and stand, rincing his mouth out, twice.. before he wipes the back of his hand over his lips, and runs fingers through his hair, grinning a lil weakly... "think... i'm allright...." for now...

*He sniffs the air. Frowns and rotates his shoulders in the oversized leather jacket.
Head turns back. Blue eyes meet Deckers and he nods.
Turns and heads down the stairs. One at a time but in a blurred roll where your not 100% sure his toes even touched them. The boy was smooth if nothing else.
His Better had asked for a location.
Something the Skald knew.
The Skald took him there. Now he was leaving. Still some snuggly time with A warm body if he chose that sort of thing before this trip.

Danni smelled good.

Something of a rare find around the people he socializes with. Long leag eat up the ground as he makes his way out of the community. Back tot he gate. Doesn't jump it. He pauses by the box on the inside and just hits the little button. Watches as the gate opens and he exits heading back up the street.

A mile to his turn then a block to Danni's place.

Pausing just outside the gate a hand lashes down. Grabs something and tosses it back. The gate closing on the goblin and sheering it in half.


Might be a good night after all.

The feet fall as the Skald is gone.

"sure you are," he holds him for that second longer than probably needed. raising to his feet slowly. following the other one staying away from that door against the far wall even as the pressure decreases ever so slightly i promise to bring the good shit next time""

Eyebrow cocks up. Cool and ...simply cool, "I ask fer yer fuckin' opinion?" James gets two guesses and the first one doesn't count. A returned nod for Dire, his eyes tracking the Skald just for a moment before they're back where they were. Nudging off from the doorframe, an easy motion, the Modi takes a lazyjointed step back from the door. "You just tell 'im what I said."

If the conversation is continuing or not, she casts faint flick of her fingers in farewell in James's direction before stepping past Decker as he steps away from the door.

It's far too late, and it's best all good doctors were gone to bed.

"Like I said."

(feel the booze James, feeeeeel it.... relaaaax)
arm thrown up over his eyes to block out the light

"Don't worry about it. Eight forty-five. I'll be up."

He... chuckles.. and nods a bit, looking at Diego, back to the door, and to him again.. "gettin to ya, are they?" a quick wash of his face, and he wets down those unruly curls and offers a still somewhat pale smile.. "good... an you're sure as hell not getting me to swallow that worm again.." A nod toward the door, the rage lessoning as first Dire then Decker steps off, and he nods toward the door. "common... couch's more comfortable then the floor in here.."

"no" hey look hes leaking too just no where near as bad as the others "ok maybe a little bit, not so sure about this the floors cold and smooth and cold" hands running over the floor over the tiles before he moves to the door and pushes through it eyes travelng slowly to the couch "your right it might be more comfortable"

Decker nods, a wordless, slow tilt of his chin up before the pulls the door shut between he and his packmate.

Alone on the porch, then, he takes the time to roll himself a joint. Takes the time to let Imogen get a good head start, really, because it's far too late and he had a thousand miles to drive in four hours. Joint rolled and twisted off at the end, he ends up tucking it behind his ear for later. Keys are fished out of his pocket, and he heads for the Tacoma.

Nice to get off his feet, after all.

He chuckles, and nods... following Diego (slowly, wobbling, weaving) out to the living room as decker takes off... an unsteady walk to door throws the deadbolt again, and then he kinda collapses against the back of the couch to look at James... "well shit. I'm guessing we should get the blankets and pillows and hit the floor." just grinned up at Diego... "james looks like kinda a lumpy pillow."

"I am." chuckled from beneath that light sheilding arm "Want me to move?"

not like he missed the vibes or anything
two on the bed and one on the floor far more comfortable anyway

he grins at james "as long as the lumps are in all the right places i am sure your more than comfortable." and he watches as tristan closes and deadbolts the doors hey my flat is that way i need to get out there lateer. leaning against the wall to stoop himself from falling over. what he wants to do is go upstairs to his nice queen sized bed. but its tristans first night in his new flat cant be sleeping over elsewhere

He laughs and considers poking james but instead he just shrugs. "move long enough for me to pull out the bed for ya, allright?" or for them. or for something. and he looks over at Diego and arches a brow - not like he can't unlock the door.... but will he? he pushes up and moves over to the wall to lean against it next to Diego.. murmuring.. "you gonna stay?" its clear he'd like him too.. but he ain't forcing him.. but the vibes are there, and the tall lanky kin is more then willing to explore them a bit with his new neighbor... unless he's headed up to his own bed..

"Never had a complaint yet."

yeh.... real glad he's still behind that sheilding arm
not for long, though
and soon enough he's peeeeeeling himself off the couch
none too steadily

have you ever noticed that when you move around you really realize how much alcohol is in your system?

he's half standing
half falling and stumbling over a few feet

he turns to you the look is considering the grin slowly spreading across his face as he watches tristan. "i dont think i could make the trip up the stairs" that grin grows wider again as he looks at you eyes darting to james but mostly they stay on tristan "sooooo... i guess i am staying"

That? gets a laugh as he looks over at James again. "From the sounds in that damn condo - the only compaints you get are from the neighbors..." oh yes, boyishly teased, with half of his stomach emptied, hes at that comfortable drunk again (lil queasy, but allright)
Then he's looking at Diego again, that slow smile creeping over his features as he lifts a hand, finger sliding along his jaw as he chuckles softly. "I guess you are.." A wink, and he turns and weeeeeeeee lookit the room spin... steadys himself, and then cushions are pulled f the couch, tossed aside, coffee table moved, bed pulled out.. then! its the search for blankets and pillows in... that box over there...

he's something of an assitance
at least with wrestling one pillow away from the couch
the momentum from that sends him towards the box
so he just gives up on rebound and grabs the bedding
mooooostly holding it out towards Tristan
but if he extends his arms too far
the weight is gonna take him right over
(and it's beginning to already)

that finger runs along his jaw and he sighs ever so quietly an outbreath "on complaints from me" that fingers so close he turns his face to touch it with his lips sucking it into his mouth rolling tongue over it delicatly before letting it slide out again. tristan pulling away to unfold the couch he wonders who needs more help him or james.. he watches them both deciding it will be best to take the bedding from james dumping the blankets he helps pull a sheet over the matress before throwing pillows towards couch end

Oh. my. god.
That little tongue trick just gets a flat. out. moan..soft, but certainly there..
before he does turn away again and he's just laughing at James though he is not in much better condition... he manages to grab bedding, as well as James as that weight threatens to topple him over.. "whoooooo now.. gonna pull us both over..." With a grin at Diego.. he makes sure James is steady before he situates couch cushions on the floor.
Room for two in the bed.
Comfortable cushions for one on the floor. blanket and pillow placed atop them and he nudges James that'away.. "unless you want to share the bed with us.." offered with an oh. so. wicked. grin... just how drunk is James?

luckily, Tristan is one of the larger Kin around
and he's not taken completely down by the Garou's weight
cause James? Is. Trashed.
that little nudge sends him towards the makeshift bed and down

shaking his head with a soft chuckle
looking up from this rather comfortable sprawl

"Don't think I'd be able to drag myself back up there."

nice dodge around the "want" issue

Posted by james at January 21, 2003 12:00 AM
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