January 05, 2003
.01.05.02 - o'leary's [rune-mick-dire-carmen-zoe] *fog

[pine barrens, batsto village]

It's Sunday, the day of the lord, or some such, which might actually cross Rune's mind if anyone in her family had been religious, ever. She might not even notice the changeable weekdays (there is no work, no ordinary rhythm to tie her life to the workaday world of the mundane, no job for discipline, no children for structure, no interruption to the seemless thread of chain-stores or pizza delivery or take-out places or diners open 24-hours a day, and the only time she must stop and think about what day it is is when she wants to buy booze or hit the mall.

Sunday, late afternoon. The sun - barely an impression of light, falling, behind the thick gray clouds now releasing a light fall of snow over the trees and... things. The snowflakes swim in the Beemer's headlights as Rune takes the turn-off toward Bastso, searching the buildings with narrowed eyes for O'Leary's pub.

Considering the crawling pace at which the Glass walker is willing to drive in such conditions (though the snow is light, now, little more than a dusting covering the road, obscuring the double yellow lines, glazing the grass white), it's a wonder that they've actually made it this century.

But they have, and the Beemer's headlights flash across the rambling façade of O'Leary's Pub as Rune pulls into a parking space nice and far away from any other car in the vicinity, imagining pillows - great big air-bags - to fill the space and protect her Z3 from the reckless local drivers. In a town full of religious loonies, one never can be too careful.

Out the car, heels striking sharply on the asphalt, and around, and up the walk toward O'Leary's, pausing just within the door to shake what snow has managed to accumulated on her dark head free before she looks around for Mick.

There's an Auburn haired, well built man in a flannel shirt standing behind the bar. Tired green eyes lift and fix on the door before he looks back to the business at hand ... washing glasses. Business is slow at the bar these days, religious freaks don't care for having a swig of whiskey....or a pint of lager anymore. Mick's been spending his days since Maddie's death trying not to drink up all of his profit, and steering clear of the Garou in the City, and those in the Barrens. He's managed to do so quite well .... until now.

"Can I help you?"

it has been amazing, hasn't it
this.... sedate.... drive
he actually has time to look at the scenery
which is something new in itself

once they've parked
and made sure there's exactly one foot more than the longest door length between the Z3 and any other possible and plausible car that would dare step into their dance space and park nearby
he shrugs the patchwork trench up thick around his shoulders
dreads only do so much to keep the neck warm
and he as of now does not own a scarf
(though surely if Mae found out she'd knit him one poste haste)
tank boots crunching satisfactorily upon the collecting snow
breath fogs in the few paces between the lot and the door
he doesn't bother shaking the snow from jungle vine hair
his hands are still shoved into the warmth of his pockets

Rune knows who they're looking for
he's only got the partial description
but he'll help out where he can
two sets of eyes are better than one and all that junk
and since it's a fairly empty joint on a Sunday
Mick isn't that hard to pick out

one sleek Glasswalker
all primped and painted and trimmed and tucked in and expensively sweatered
one scruffy Gnawer
shoulders low, circles under his eyes, and hasn't shaved since sometime pre-dawn yesterday
table for two, please
he lets his Beta do the talking

"You're Mick, right?" The tall woman asks, offering a casual glance over her shoulder at her packmate, waiting for the blast of wintry air to settle down before unbuttoning her creamy leather coat (black fur, the same inky color as her hair, tickles chin and wrist) to reveal the aforementioned and o-so-expensive sweater beneath. With the high-heeled boots she wears, she's almost a match for her packmate in height, and cuts an imposing figure as she walks (half-way prowls) across the room. "We talked on the phone. I'm Rune."

Dark eyes flicker up, studying him with a sort of careless attention. "Wanted to ask you some things about the religious revival around here." She leans against the bar, then does a half-turn, noting the empty tables and bar. Complete. Empty. "Can we talk here, or do we need to go someone a little more private?"

"We can talk here." He juts his head over towards the one table taken up at the far back corner of the bar. 'That's my father." No introductions given. The glass in his hand is washed and he sits it on the rack before wiping his hands with a worn white cotton towel. "What do you want to know?" He does not look at the fur brushing her skin, or the dangerous lips, or the heels that could crush. He pays them no mind, and his gaze flickers only between the faces of the two newly entered Garou.

she prowls
he strolls
yep, just strolls
that easy ground covering effortless walk
which keeps him shoulder to shoulder
(well, a little bit behind)
with his packmate

where she's coiled steel
he's got this feline repose
you'd have to back him into a corner to make him strike
and until then?
he seems like just one of the pals

there's a slow glance of deep umber eyes towards the corner table
(father, check)
then even keel drag back towards Mick
well, since they can talk here
he's making himself comfortable on a stool

No introductions are given. No introductions are even requested, though they have entered his territory to demand answers he need not give. The Glass Walker lifts an arched, plucked, pampered, perfectly shaped brow and flickers a glance at her packmate (the faint lilt and shrug of shoulders beneath the warm leather coat.) shoulder to shoulder (or just behind) and drags up a stool herself, settling no more than a hip against it.

"Pretty much everything," she smirks, digging into her pocket and pulling out a twenty dollar bill. "...anything you can tell us about the revival. When it began, what's going on, who's been affected, who's leading it, why the hell folks haven't fucking left, yet. Whatever you can think of. Meantime, I figure it's gonna be thirsty work," red nails tap against the cash as she slides it over to him. "and we could both use a beer."

Mick looks at the money, considers being offended, then shifts his gaze towards James. The Fianna's looks are not rude, just .... studious. He turns, getting them both to bottles of beer and sits each before them on napkins. Why? Habit perhaps. "There's something going on. I don't know what. You feel it when someone looks at you ... you dream about it when you sleep...." He shrugs and leans against the back wall behind the bar, towel still in hand. "Why are you city wolves so curious...?"

*Out of the woods..... across the blacktop..... up the steps to the pub the SKald stalks. He's cold and wants to warm up a bit. The door is opened and he steps inside. Closing it behind him he pulls off ther long gray flannel toboggin and wads it up stuffing it into a pocket. He's dressed like normal. Steel toed boots, jeans, a flannel uder the leather coat two sizes too big. His platinum blond hair shines a bit and his icy blue eyes look around*
*As he unwraps he sits the littlee gitl down on the floor and nods to her*

he can dig that
Rune's more than capable of asking questions all by her self
so the question remains of why she brought him along
doesn't it
is it just because they're pack?
or does she have another use in mind

"Thank you."

Momma Ruggs didn't raise an uncouth hound
there's a warmth in his voice
and there's ease in his smile
gloves finally removed, warm palm wraps around chilled bottle
after the first slug he's set the beer back on the napkin
less sweat on the bar means less for Mick to clean up later
and right now just quietly listening until something inspires him to speak again

"Oh, I don't know." Rune says, red mouth curving into a faint, customary smirk. Dark eyes flicker toward the entrance as the Skald walks in, and perhaps her companions can feel the half-breathed curse that spills from between her painted lips " - fuck - " as she quickly returns her attention to Mick. "Kinfolk being blinded after seeing god, some weird religious revival spreading through the ranks, that would draw anyone's attention, wouldn't it?"

Her own gloves come off - teeth snagging the tips of the fingers, tugging - and she too grabs her beer and takes a drink. "So, you don't know much - not when it started, not how it started, not whom it started with? What about the dreams?"

She smiles brightly as she's sat down and does a mimic of dire and pulls off the knit green cap thats a little too big but is ok anyway, and the soft rabbitfur mittens come off too and she shoves them in her pocket.
She looks around as her hair does the static flyaway thing and hitches her baby 'manda doll up better into her arms as she reaches up to tuck her hand into the edge of Dire's jean pocket..

*He smiles at her and sniffs the air. He hears Runes aords and his brow arks. He nods to carmen and heads that way. Boots clomping softly on the floor as he crosses the pub.
The Lanky skald moves with a certin grace and flowing effortless dexterity that marks a good gymnist*

She didn't see them at first, she didn't see mis'Rune and da peoples she's talking too...
but then she does...
and dark little eyes absolutely LIGHT UP and her steps near bounce as she follows Dire over there - and she tries REALLY hard to be good and not inturrupt, but she's been waiting forEVer to see Mis'Rune again and she looks like she's near gonna BURST
but she's a good pup
and she promised to be quiet and good and stuffs...
so she does...
but it KILLS her...
but she just.. keeps.. smiling and bouncing, little eyes locked on the lady she wants to be when she gets big.

He laughs, shakes his head and green eyes shift towards the door with a mindful gaze. "When did it start? When these lands began. This place has always been different. I didn't know a kinfolk had been harmed....I don't go out much these days." Another pause, and Mick leans in towards James and Rune.
"I'm telling you this because I think I owe you...." He frowns. "....My dreams are of the blue mountains. And of a woman there. A woman that knows more about this than I think any one would. I know that doesn't make sense....but it's all I can tell you. As for who's running the revival, one of my best customers....Mr. Hutchins. He was a drunk .... until he found ...whatever God it is they're all fawning over."

*He helps Caremn up onto a stoll and geins at her taking the one beside her and nods to Mick, Rune and james. His words strangly melodic and plain at the same time* I was there....

eyes the color of rich, pure earth slide towards the door when the bell jingles
a brow lifting towards the frame of heavy dreads
well then.

still quiet
still drinking that beer
not really thinking about the legalities of a child in a pub
not his kid
not his pub
not his problem.

bit of a nod up to the Skald, probably to the kid, too
but maybe that's just the beginning of another slug from the beer
(deep underneath his skin, some molten sea ripples and swells and settles again)
elbow leaning onto the bar to bring him in respectfully close to the whispering tender
(he remembers who he found..... and who they found she was connected to)

Rune digs into her right pocket and pulls out (those must be deep pockets. wallet. cigarettes. keys. lighter. and now?) a brand new palm pilot. Dark eyes flicker toward the new tech toy - and incidentally, over to Carmen as she pulls it out - and she offers the girl a quick little wink that lightens her somber features.

"You don't owe us," the Glass Walker says quietly, dark eyes returning to the bartender. "...but I appreciate your help. Can you tell me anything else about this Mr. Hutchins? First name, maybe where he lives?" she glances back down at the palm pilot as it boots up, touching the screen with the little attached stylus until she gets to the note-saving feature and writing down the man's name. "It could help me track down his particulars, and we might want to pay him a visit. Do you know if he's been blinded?"

An afterthought, then, a glance down the bar at Dire. Dark brows rising in a slow, questioning arch. "You were where?"

I was there when Zoe lost her sight. * he nods.* And afterwords.

Leagalities smegalities - how bout the fact the four year old has a gun of her own that shee's not even big enough to hold...
Pubs are a small matter.
She smiles brightly up at her Dire - gaze full of a little girls adoration (daddy) before she carefully sets down baby 'manda and makes sure sh'es not gonna cry or nuffin and inturrupt.. binky in the dolls mouth and everythings ok...
And then Mis'Rune winks, and she just all. out. beams.
makes it ever so much easier to wait her turn since Mis'Rune see'd her, and all.
She gives James a somber, closer, look. Wonder if he's as mean as the boogerbreath Dekah.. she scritches her forhead and waits.
And waits.
and waits.
Well, as close to it as a little girl can..

legalities would matter if he cared
and oddly, right now, he doesn't
not enough that Mick's license could become questionable
not enough that CPS would have a heart attack to know about the gun
ignorance is a bliss, right?
under the child's scrutiny a smile quirks one side of his mouth
it even turns into what could be called a grin

but right now pleasentries are secondary
his attention's back on Mick and Rune
... and Dire

"What do you know about it?"

not that the Skald really needed a reason to tell a story, hm?

*he gently rubs Carmens back seeing her be so good and nods to her*

A brow arches as the man with the child speaks. He holds his answer until Rune has dealt with Dire's response, as it could be some importance...."Hungry kid?" He quirks a brow up as he looks at Carmen.

*he raises his brows and nos to James but waits for Rune to ask. He was trying to Join their pack and all. Needed to at least appear formal*

The Glass Walker snorts softly beneath her breath, nostrils flaring with obvious frustration. "Dire, would you just answer James' question?" she says, making an effort not to roll her eyes.

James grins, and she returns it wiht a sunny smile, and then eyes brighten as she looks at Mick, and little voice (sweet enough to make the angels weep) pipes up - since she was asked directly and all.. "yessir, a little, thank you."
All polite and everything - kinda hard to believe she's Dire's hm? She smiles, and still, is very very quiet cuz she promised and as Dire rubs her back she leans into him just a little, and is perfectly content (kinda) to rock her doll back to sleep...
While she studies James' hair...
s'kinda cool, really...
wonder if'n he'd let her play with it... Dire don't gots nuff to play with and all..
but she REALLY wants to play with Mis'Runes...
oh but she's all quiet and doesn't even wriggle...

*He nods* I was there when Zoe lost her sight. Was walking with her and the elder. The sky clouded over... thunder in the winter only days after a snow storm. Cold enough for snow but rain fell instead.... she went to the river. The Mullica... looked like blood same as always. Carmen was with us too. * he smiles to her* She was a good pup. * he looks back to The 3* Gabe said to let her go and was following her. We both felt something... unnatural. * he srugs gently* I'm no theurge but it was hard to place..... we got there and she stared into the waters. Gabe wouldn't let her go in... I told them that river was spooky... when she looked back she was blind. Swares she saw gaia....

"Lovely. Just lovely," Rune murmurs beneath her breath, "Did either of you look into the river? Did Carmen?" Red nails tap an impatient rhythm on the polished wood of the bar as the woman shifts her gaze from Dire back to Mick. "Have most of these happened along the Mullica? Or do you know?"

There's a moment of quiet, then, punctuated by the clatter of the palm pilot onto the bartop surface, as Rune digs through her pockets for a cigarette. She has one half-way-lit - cigarette in her mouth, lighter curled in her left hand - when she looks at Mick and speaks around the filter - "Mind if I smoke?" - before continuing with a faint nod to Dire. She doesn't light the cigarette, though, not without permission, anyway. "Do you know where Zoe is now? I want Imogen to examine her. Maybe take her to an eye specialist, too."

*he shakes his head* Carmen and I didn't. I had her, Carmen, close her eyes tight. I did the same. My other sences allwed me to navigate till we were clear of the river. I think gabe did though. I took Carmen and Zoe back to a safe place while Gabe went umbral to look. He came back fine * he srugs gently*

"I closed my eyes tights just likes my Dire tole me too." A nod to punctuate. "So i didn'ts see nuffin.. hided agaisnt his neck n stuffs. Miss Zoe was with Misser'Oak lasts I see'd her... she didn't seems worried, but she was acting kinda funny... but den I trieds Deermeat and it was nummy.."
and whoops - she was s'posed ta be quiet, huh?

there's a.... smile.... at the silence as an answer to his question
(yuff indeed)
just concentrate on that beer, Jamey-boy
he listens quietly and respectfully
being as good as Carmen and not interrupting
not even wriggling

well then.
seeing Gaia was a good enough reason to go blind
all Her Glory, and whatnot
even if it does nothing to make the situation seem any better

"What kind of spooky? What kind of unnatural? How'd it feel? Where on the river? What more about the storm? How did it form? In what part of the sky? What'd Gaia look like?"

he can avalanche questions when he's got a mind to
he knows as well as they do
without it having to be said
Gaia, to Garou, is not unnatural

Last I saw she was in the elders camp. He'd wanted her to stay. Had me howl for that coggie doctor and I took Carmen home. So I suppose he looked at her. Havent seen her since though.
*He beams at Carmen* The pup did good that night.

Mick shrugs. He can get away with things you couldn't in the big city. The child in the pub? Easy, he serves food.....it's not just a bar. Smoking? Half of Batsto smokes...or did. He listens to Rune banter back and forth with Dire, while he leans back against the wall still. ".....I'd have to say near the Mullica...but I could be wrong."

*He looks to James and smiles softly*

An uneasy kind of spooky. I've never liked the place, And unnatural by i'ts' own definition is a bit hard to define. * he srugs* Didn't feel down right wyrmy but then again 'm no theurge, like I said. It felt strange. Made my hackels raise. The eldres too. As to where. (( he tells them exactly where)) The storm came up suddenly, formed out of nowhere and like I sasid it thundered and RAINED when it was like 20 degrees outside two days after a snow. As to the part of the sky... that would be um.... up? And She couldn't describe gaia past she was beautiful. She seemedd to hoinestly belive it. Like a revelation

Ripples. . spreading outward. . .

. . .Nothing new these days. Oh yes, her eyes weren't their usual keen grey, but that only a small thing. . really. Gabriel had helped her in her time spent with the village, after things had been decidedly uneventful. One blind woman alone? Hardly. More to her now then met the eyes, with her staff and talisman necklace, with some sort of serene disposition. The spirits had revealed some truths, but to know it all, or to perhaps bring that bright light out once more, she had come here. The answers lay in the source. They had to.

Memory was a beautiful thing, as was her staff. She could move about with some degree of ease, if more slowly then in the past. She knew where the Pub was, where information gathered most days, where people gathered. . . and her slow steady steps carry her that way. People gave her looks. Whispers. Edged closer or away as their case may be. She was one of those touched, but unlike others, not burned. . merely blinded by divinity. It was the ripples of her presence that preceded her to the Pub. . .

"Mick...good to meet you..." Comes the reply from Mick to Dire.

*he nods placing the mans Scent to memory. THEN adding the name*

"Were there any tracks in the immediate area, human or otherwise?" Granted permission, Rune lights in, taking a good long drag from her pink cigarette and exhaling a cloud of smoke from her nostrils. The beer bottle clanks against the bar as she sets it down once more. Somehow - she didn't even notice - it's empty, now. A nod to Mick. "Dire said it's always been creepy. You've been here for a while, right? Do you know if it's a place that animals have traditionally avoided?"

there's a nod of thanks
glancing to Rune to let her file that information away
and draw her own conclusions for the next round of questions
just as he's sorting it all out
and his gaze slides downwards

"What'd you feel, Carmen, when you were at the river with Dire and Zoe and Gabe?"

empty bottle settled back on the bar
spinning the stool a bit so he can give the little pup his full attention
polite, and all that, included with the easy grin
however polite and easy a full moon suddenly turning his full attention on you and questioning can be, anyway

*he shakes his head* noth8ing out of the ordinary. I often teach Carmen about tracks and such near the river. It's always been spooky. These woods hold an anchient something that doesn't sleep. That much I know.... past that. * he srugs* it was spooky before people started going blind.
I didn't much care till one was a kin. Other than a punch stupid fuckers meandering around in the dark with flashlights makes living out there harder.

He nods. "I don't go around the river....I think there was a spill of some sort through that area....a chemical? I can't recall exactly..." Turning he gets Rune another beer and holds one out for James and Dire, in case they wanted a drink amid the heavy discussion.

He nods. "I don't go around the river....I think there was a spill of some sort through that area....a chemical? I can't recall exactly..." Turning he gets Rune another beer and holds one out for James and Dire, in case they wanted a drink amid the heavy discussion.

*He takes one and smiles* Thank you Mick. * He was taught when just a pup to be respectful to those that gave respect. So far Mick has done so and he didn't stink of the city and stuff. That put him up there for Dire. He feels the door open and his icy blue eyes flicker over and he smiles* Hey Zoe...

Sometimes.. the littlest ones forget when to be afriad.
Though she doesn't forget there was food mentioned and she was hungry and thirsty too. but! she's a good pup. maybe dire'll take her for Pizza, she likes pizza.
Oh. James. Questions.
She studies him a minute.. "I likes your hair.." has to get that outa the way first, and then.. lower lip is chewed a moment and she continues.. "was..wasn't really scary - not likes when dere's monsters unner the bed or in da closet or sumpin... but kinda spooks'the'same.. yannow?"
She ponders another moment.. and then.. "Ida been skared real bad if'n my Dire wasn't with me..."

*He smiles to Carmen and nods* You did really good being quiet and stuff that night. You'll make a goood scout one day.

even without directly looking at Mick to see he's holding it out
he reaches back for the beer and grins a murmured thank you
attention turning back to the little girl as she speaks

Think we should get that water tested? an impression of the questioned suggestion across his packmate's mind
living in NYC for awhile
he knows what kind of nastiness comes in chemicals
glancing up as Zoe enters
(speak of the devil)
but he keeps right on that track with Carmen

"Thank you Carmen. Was it liiiikke....." lower lip nibbled in thought "... the get away from here right now sort of spooky? Cause with monsters you just want to hide, right? Without Dire there... would you have run away as fast as you could?"

if they're going there, in any shape or form
he wants to know what he's getting into
and there's nothing better than a child's blatant yelling whisper type of honesty

"Yeah, because religious revivals wherein people get blinded are so obviously natural and clearly not something a Garou should investigate until it starts biting the kinfolk you know in the ass." The Glass Walker mumbles, dark eyes narrowed and sharp, but focused on her beer. "So, it's a chemical spill or something ancient and sleeping, or maybe something ancient and sleeping doesn't like chemical spills. You know if that spill was ever cleaned up, Mick?"

Absolutely. the reply quiet in James' mind. Might be best if we can get the samples. I know a couple of labs that're run by Glass Walker kin that can do that sort of thing, but wouldn't want to expose another kin to this sort of thing.

Her attention shifts, not as Zoe walks into the room, but as Dire says the kinfolk's name. The Glass Walker turns around then, accepting the beer from Mick with a grateful glance, but relegating it to the bar as she walks across the room toward Zoe.

"Zoe?" Rune asks, perhaps a little too loud (it's her eyes, not her ears, that were affected) and touching the kinfolk beneath the elbow to lead her to the bar. "It's Rune. I'd like to have Imogen examine your eyes."

*he srugs at Rune. WHat the hell does he care if a couple more humans get burned and blinded for poking about the woods or what not. It's not like they are superman, or even batman for that matter. They are garou.
He watches Zoe*

She beams up at her Dire for the praise, and then her attention is on the man with da funny hair again. wonder if its like a...a...spring...does it boing? but course, she wouldn't dare (...when he's awake...) and she shifts baby 'manda to her other arm..
She, for a four year old, gives that question a lot of thought.... before finally.. (mere seconds that last forEVer..)
"Not...zactly. It was da kinda scarey that you knowed you hadta look and see waht it was else'n'you'd never ever get ta sleep... like.. ya just gotsta know what it is... even though your scared...hopin maybe its good even if you thinks its prolly not..." she tries to put it into limited words.. and then her eyes lower from his face (hair!) and very very softly, not even the yelling whisper.. barely heard. "likes.. when I hoped momma was sleepin, and poked her, though I knowed she wasn't gonna wakes up.. dat kinda hope..."

"I don't remember. I think some sort of clean up happened....." Mick listens. He was not apart of their pack. He was Garou, and he should care though, right? Right.

*he gently rubs Carmens back hearing that tone.*

. . .Small smile. She hardly seemed bothred by the din, hours and hours and hours of meditations had helped in discerning necessary sounds and relegating the rest to whitenoise. Her face turns to Rune. She knew where the woman was, despite the touch.

"Hello Rune. We've quite the gathering tonight it seems. And please, I hear just fine."

A nod for Dire, his greeting having pinpointed him in the room, mostly, and again back to Rune. . .

"Corran has seen to them already but if you wish."

"Imogen's a forensic specialist. Perhaps something she finds can help us. If possible, we might also have an eye specialist see you. Special equipment and all that," The Glass Walker's heels clatter on the polished wood floor as she steers Zoe back toward the bar. She even manages to pull a stool out for the kinfolk, before returning to her own. Her eyes flicker over Zoe and Mick, as she asks a general question. "...anyone know whether there's a specific time of day when these things happen? Was it day or night when you went, Zoe?"

sometimes, adults just don't hear things
like warnings, for instance
maybe it's pride, or logic, or misplaced heroic rationale
but adults sometimes question the things they shouldn't
kids, though, tend to take things at face value
until someone teaches them otherwise
until someone teaches them that bias
and he's hoping, for now, that Carmen's still unbiased
his head tilting, dreads swinging across shoulders, at her tale

off the barstool he slides
right on down into a crouch infront of her
Rune's taken care of Zoe
so he'll concentrate on the kid

"I know that feeling, Carmen." there's a lingering sadness in his eyes, in the softness of his voice, and it shows he appreciates the thought she put into answering the question, things like this aren't easy for a four year old, or anybody, for that matter "Sorta like when you watch a scarey movie? You cover your eyes with your hands because you know it's gonna be scarey, but then peek through your fingers cause of the curiosity?" trying to help as he can with her limited vocabulary

he wants to make sure he gets this right
nodding towards his recently vacated stool

"Wanna hop up and tell us all?"

Mick may not be pack
Dire may not be pack
but this is important to them all

*Dire watches James talk to Carmen with raised brows. Not mad at all just curious. He'd put her on her own stool but if James wanted her to move he guesses that's cool too. He gently rubs her back so she'd know it's ok to talk if she wanted to*

"It was a beautiful sunny day, Rune. Then I heard the voice, which called to my weeping soul, and the sky wept too."

. . Really an odd way of phrasing that, with her soft smile and calm composure. Seating herself as Rune assists, she sets her staff aside, picking out other voices. Carmen, Dire, Rune, and others she did not know. In time, introductions perhaps.

"If you feel it necessary Rune, but I don't think this is a physical problem with my eyes. Its spiritual. Are we alone enough to discuss this? Rhya has shed some light on things. . ."

Letting her words trail off because while she might know people were about and who they were, the room was not an open vista to her. No idea how truly close others might be or how secure things were for speech. . .

She glances up at her Dire, and then back to James who comes down a bit to her level - cuz, even on a stool, she's pretty short. Maybe he ment put her on da bar, cuz she is da littlest one here... and she looks into that sadness, and little fingers reach out to touch his cheek..
understanding of what it means to be so terribly sad about something even though ya gotsta move on.
She listens.. carefully, to that.. and giggles.. "nots'posed ta watch scarey movies... but I see'd one on holloween once.. wit'th'mummy... and... yeah. dats how it feeled.. an I was so scared it was likes I couldn't breath but I wanted to looks really bad - but I'ma good pup and dire tole me not too..."
She nods... and looks at the bar, and shrugs lil shoulders a lil bit.. "if'n ya want me too..cuz, yannow, I's not shy.." Grinned, brightly, if briefly..

"Where were you when you heard the voice, Zoe? Is that why you started walking toward the damn river?" There's an undercurrent of tamped down frustration in her voice - a response, no doubt, to the Kinfolk's serene response and the religious mumbo-jumbo she's spouting. Half-a-glance around the room, taking in the whole of the space, before the Glass Walker returns her attention to the kinfolk. "It's just Garou and kin, here, Zoe. You, me, Dire, Mick, Mick's dad, my packmate James, and Carmen. So you can talk freely.

"What did Rhya say?"

there's that moment of drawn out silence before she answers
one lost a parent, the other lost a child
the loss isn't exactly the same
but there are commonalities in the savagery of grief
and his cheek curves into a little bit of a smile beneath her touch
yea.... he understands what she felt, allright
for that long moment there's no question between them

"Whatever makes you more comfortable telling us everything you think we need to know about what happened, Carmen, because what you know is just as important as what Dire and Mick and Zoe know, in order for us to figure out what's happening."

he's halfway listening to the other conversation
his head filled with the information that Rune's gathering
just as he's sharing what he gathered with her
that draw
that irresistable pull which has lead to what some call a revelation, an epiphany
and what others see as harm
(ain't that always the way)

"And you're right, you're a good pup for listening to him, because it kept you from getting hurt. He's teaching you well." Yes. That was a compliment on Dire. Who'da thought? "Is there anything else we should know?"

with Dire's touch at her back
and the way he asks the question
it's obvious whatever she feels she needs to say is allright
a flickered glance up at the Skald, and the Fianna
free for all, folks, add in when appropriate

We were between the village and the river, about to head for Rhya's camp, when I heard it. But more then that, I felt it, like the pulse of the Earth. I followed it, to the river. . ."

. . .And the rest was history, so to speak, but she lets it trail off. Had thought Gaia had shown herself that day. She knew otherwise now, but still, it had been so, well words didn't describe what the eye couldn't even comprehend without failing.

"The spirits of this area are wary, very quiet about whats happening. From what he tells me, there are two spirits in this place. He is concerned that it struck me because of some ancient animosity against the garou, having heard my dream. I cannot truly say, but I've heard a name numerous times, which might be who it is that is working here."

Letting them digest that before continuing. So muich she could say, so much left unsaid. No, Rune's frustration not unnoticed. But what could she expect? Rune had not seen the light, the images, the beauty. . maybe not Gaia, but still so powerful it befuddled the senses. . .

*he smiles to James and to Carmen listening to them all. Learning what he can*

"Christ." The Glass Walker mumbles beneath her breath, as she absorbs Zoe's statement. Like her packmate, she's paying some attention to the other conversation behind her, and much like her packmate, she flickers a glance around the assembled Garou, inviting further questions beyond her own. "Didn't it bother, you, Zoe, hearing a voice in your head that you'd never heard before? Did you feel the eeriness of the place?"

The spate of questions is interrupted by another long drag on her cigarette. The Glass Walker closes her eyes as she feels the thread of nicotine - calming, so faintly calming - spreading through her system. "What name did you hear?"

A glance is spared mis'Zoe - cuz she really likes her, and brows knit, and she shakes her head..
"wasn't pretty and stuffs.. not da feeling.. it wasn't. Not all the way.. nots likes that - leastwise, not for me...."
And then eyes widen...
You know how it is when you're trying so hard to remember, you forget one little tiny detail that mights be important? And then it all floods back, and she looks up at Dire, then back to James.. "I forgots to tell yous bout da voices... was silly.. cuz it wasn't like I heard you guys talking.."
gestures a little, her brows knitting agian in order to make the distinction.."out here but it was in here" she points to her head and whispers. "kinda silly huh?"
But then she swings her legs just a little bit.. but not enough to hit him. He understands, he smiled, and he's not no meany boogerbreath like dekah.
"da words didn' make no sense atall... they was all bungled up funny and not even likes it was a different kinda words, like whens you from another place? but like.. all jumbled up together... I only member one word tho...."

*he looks down at Carmen. she hadn't mentioned voices before*

Mick watches the happenings as if someone had invited the whole insane asylum into his pub. Quiet curiousity flickers over his features as he tries to keep track of both conversations.

. . Long minutes she is silent after Rune asks her first quetion. The personal whys and whatfors not something she wanted to delve into again. That pain had healed, mostly. Finally, with a deep breath she nods to Rune.

"Normally, maybe Rune, but this voice whispered to the deepest part of me, the part that hurt and wept, and soothed it. It felt so. . powerful. .I could see why they claimed it was God they saw here, only I thought perhaps Gaia was touching me. It rained when I cried that day, and drew me to a place where the worst of my pain was salved, by seeing what I did in the Mullica."

Sad, serious note in her voice, even saying this much of her soulfelt pain. She wasn't one to bare such things for public light, and especially with people she knew somewhat or not at all. . .

"The name I heard. . . The Song Maker. . .The Blue Mountain."

he can't help but grin
not at the sudden enlightenment spreading over the child's face
not at that sudden brightening as things fall into place she's been searching for

"Silly? Nah." chuckled "I? For a fact, know that's possible."

a little of the streetcorner performer showing up in his words
the way they roll off his tongue to snag attention and keep it
entertainment is his lifeblood

"Will you tell us the word, Carmen? Or if you're not comfortable saying it can you write it down for us?"

some four year olds can write - some can't
and he's not sure which category she falls into
but the invitation to show off her writing skills is there if she has them
because he knows sometimes it's easier to write or draw something than it is to say it
and frankly?
he's not sure if whether or not saying it versus writing it would give it more power
he knows with some words and things they gain power through transformation
or you can gain unwanted attention by the simple utterance of a name
and right now that's the last thing he needs
(especially coming from the mouth of babes)
so let's play up her showing off

besides, you can burn a piece or paper or a napkin
you can't un-say a word

*he raises his brows looking over at Zoe and then to Mick... hadn't he said those same words? He looks back to Carmen*

Oh yes, eyes widen and she looks absolutely thrilled with the concept. "is possible? can you do it? cuz I thinks.. if its not all garbled up n stuffs, it'd be pretty cool.. like a secret code.." She nods.. and then...
he asks the other questions..
and she can right a leetle... but she's not really sure how to spell it...
"was kinda a funny word.. buts I kin try to writes it.. not sure I could says it.."
not sure she should either.. that's kinda obvious... and James is given a nod and she shifts on her stool to sit on her knees and then she looks at Dire.. and hands him her doll..
"hold 'manda please? and does you gotsa pen n paper?"
the last directed at James...

*He takes the doll and smiles patting his pockets and comes up with a dollar and hands it to her to write on*

Mick slides paper and pen across to the girl.....listening now with more curiousity as Zoe speaks of the Blue Mountains...

Rune stares at Zoe, speechless for the moment. Perhaps it is merely the skeptical Glass Walker's thoroughly modern mindset, perhaps she simply lacks some natural level of empathy which is usually attributed to most women, but she cannot imagine following such a voice. Even still - even when voice gives voice to what it said, and how it touched her, perhaps especially now that Zoe has given voice to such - the Glass Walker cannot begin to imagine following such a voice, prefering her pain (if indeed, she feels such) unsoothed to strange revelations.

After a moment, she draws a breath and flickers a glance toward Zoe. "You still feeling better, even now that you know what it wasn't?" Then she looks toward Mick and Dire, dark eyes falling briefly on Carmen as she hands her doll to James (the ghost of a smile, barely seen, quickly gone). "That ring any bells for you, Mick?"

good, the kid caught on
she's as sharp as Dire's made her out to be

"Some people can do it. Mick, may we borrow a pe...."

glanced up at the Fianna as he's already on the ball
at least he was making the attempt to be polite in another's territory
there's a bit of a chuckled grin, there
returning his attention to that all but forgotten beer, too

"Give it your best shot, it's okay to spell how you think it sounds, too."

yes, we're adults
between us all we'll be able to figure it out

"Yeah. The mountains anyway...." He says quietly, not liking the idea of sharing his dreams with anyone it would seem.

"Whatever the reason why, Rune, I would still have followed it. I learned something that day, and gained something, despite my eyes. It could have been so much worse. I don't expect anyone to understand, as I barely understand . . ."

Slightest edge of frustration, as if the right words to explain just won't come. How do you tell someone that you would rather find some divine power to cling to in your lonliness then continue to walk it by yourself? You don't. You just leaveit be.

"I'm not sure about the mountains, but in my dream the battle I saw created mountains, and within the earth was locked one of the combatants."

A tinge to her voice now, like pain. He had been so. . breathtaking. . she still did not understand why the garou had been attacking him. . .

*He sniffs the air and looks over to Zoe and Rune* Seems like the answers might be out there in the Barrens underground some how... You've both mentioned mountains..the river flows red like the blood of a combatant.... Perhaps in a warren or a ... lair... a cave? Sounds like mayby we should look for those?

"You saw a battle in your dream?" Rune snuffs her cigarette and drags her palm pilot across the bar, frowning as she checks the battery level. The stylus dances as she makes a few quick notes for later review. "Were you dreaming before, or after this happened, Zoe? And can you tell me more about the battle?"

Dark eyes rise from the little tech device to fall on Mick. "This sound like your dreams, too?"

She's a good pup. She smiles at James (and sun breaks through the clouds) before she takes the dollar - and briefly considers saving it for candy bar later, but she puts it on the bartop and things. real. hard. for a moment or two.
A scratch of her temple and then she starts to write. Shakey at best - she's just learning and all.
Little tongue sticks out of the corner of her mouth, little brow furrowed as she consentrates, and she does her best...
backwards L...
Shakey circled O...
Frustrated sigh as she tries to member... "h is likes a ladder right?" and she does so - somewhat lopsided H
not quite even M

She points to it and looks at james and then clearifies.. "buts not all smooshed together. likes dis.."
She points to the L (el..) she points to the O (oh) she points to the HM together (him)... "See?"
She's really trying hard to make sure James understands...

*He watches her intently and tilts his head a little. Smiles and nods that she did right but it's not a word he knows.*

"I didn't see any battle. I saw the Appalachian mountains...I know they were the appalachia because I lived there once....not in them but close....." he shrugs looking from Rune to Zoe to Carmen to Dire to James.

One contained in the earth..... deep in the bowels beneath the mountains, a river of blood pouring from its wounds. there's a bit of a smirk edging the words in his packmate's mind Doesn't that sound... peachy. and too damned fucking familiar Who were the combatants again? he's only been paying half attention to their conversation, at best, and making sure he didn't miss something

then back to watching Carmen write
lips moving in semblance of sounding it out
as she points
el.... o.... him
..... oh.
and a brow lifts

"Yeh, I see, thank you Carmen."

*He looks to James and raises his brows to see if it ment something to him*

It means nothing to Mick....he just stares.....

"The night I was blinded is when the dream came. Before that, the only thing I had even felt was a strange melancholy around Batsto. I was going to investigate, but well, it seemed I was going to become involved instead."

Deep, relaxing breath, recalling the details of that dream. It had been so. . .well unlike other dreams. Her mother had been one to have dreams, in their family. She had never seen anything of any importance in hers, until that night.

"It was darkness, like I see most of the time now. But eventually I start to see what appears to be a man, in the distance. Of him all I can say is he was so incredibly beautiful, only that word doesn't seem to quite cover it. Something beyond even merely beautiful. He was thrashing, and I was slowly able to see someone attacking him. It was a Garou, in his warform, at least as a manwolf. Earthquakes spread out from the battle, which left devastation and mountains in their wake. I wanted to do something, stop it maybe, but it felt old, like something that had already gone by and all I could do was watch. Eventualoly the beautiful one was trapped in an abyss within the earth, locked beneath geological locks of plates and such. Another man joined the Garou and they chanted a binding which was when I heard that name. . the name was so intense, like it had to be known. . . The Song Maker. . The Blue Mountain."

Yes, she's told this story a few times it seemed, but still a soft pain as she speaks. For what its unclear. . .

"What'd she say? Elohim?" The old man in the back of the bar says in a scruffy voice.

She lets out a sigh of relief and smiles at him. "Oh good.. cuz I don'ts think I spelled it rights but dats how it sounded..."
She nods, and then reaches back for her doll from Dire with a bright smile of the "lookit i HELPED!" varity before she turns back to james...
and stops.. looking around, little curls bouncing over her shoulders as she searches for the voice.. "that's it! what he said! dats da word!"

*He blinks looking up*

. . Herself listening to the strange word. . . was that an angel from the bible . . .

even without the benefit of the totem phone
the look at Dire is all he needs to answer the browed query
brows furrowing through search of memory

Gaia bless the Frankenweilers.
though the revelation isn't a pleasent one
his voice but a murmur

"That's the name of the one true "God"... not Gaia."

and he doesn't mean the forgiving loving God, either
Elohim the Judge, Jury, and Exocutioner

*he nods a bit* I think I remember a story about angels or something from my puppyhood... now that you mention it James yuff..... Wasn't there a Michael and a Gab....rie....l... * his brows raise* Ok... that's creepy

SHe's not sure about all this god and gaia stuffs, so she is quiet again.. only adding.. "was da only word dat wasn't all jumbled together with da other words.."
She's never heard speaking in tongues. Never been in a church, never had any of that kind of experience to fall back on. she shrugs tho, and looks up at Dire.. "you thinks I kin have a soda?" all dis talkin and thinkin is thirsty business...

The Glass Walker watches Zoe patiently, and takes down some of the particulars on the palm pilot, easier to remember that way. Spirits and mysteries and... well, ancient battles are not exactly within her realm of expertise. They're more within the realm of the stories she sort of crossed her eyes and drowned out, when they were told (rarely, if at all) back home.

Real peachy, another few words, totemphone and all, threaded with sardonic amusement. Combatents were a Garou and someone else, then they bound the spirit beneath the earth. Just, lovely. Know anything about appeasing spirits with a big old axe to grind who were bound beneath the earth, say, thousands and thousands of years ago?

The Glass Walker's eyes flicker back toward Zoe, then - refocusing distinctly, as she returns her concentration to the kinfolk. "Can you describe the Garou in his warform? What his fur looked like, and so on? And just to clarify, the titles you spoke were refering to the captured spirit, right?"

*He nods to her and smiles* Yes, and some food too.

"Rhya asked me too, but I can't seem to recall. . . like maybe it wasn't important or wasn't something I was supposed to see. It was the name that was important, the name they used to bind the man."

. . .Dear Gaia, how did a self proclaimed pagan become one of the focal points of a christian religious revival? It did not make sense that "god" would touch her, when she reverred another deity. . .

Not off the top of my head, sadly.... shall we just throw Decker and his big axe and attitude at it and call it even? she can feel the grin, even if it doesn't show on his face, trying to find something humorous in this sudden... dire... feeling that's spreading over him

"Yeh Dire, the ArchAngels. Michael is judgement's sword. Raphael ... God has healed.Gabriel is the power of God. There's others but those are the top three."

his gaze flicks back towards the old man in the corner

"There anything else you can add, sir?"

he is, after all, the one that spoke the name aloud

She smiles brightly up at ehr Dire, and listens to the others as the conversation works around her.. at least, until Mic remembers the promised food (helped by another loud whisper) and her soda, and that consumes much of her attention.

*he nods* ANyone find it weird that the elder that lives in the woods is named Gabriel?

Rune absorbs the information quietly, red mouth set into a casual line. Think throwing Decker and his attitude at it would be considered cruel an unusual, even for whatever it is. The words are accompanied by a flickering glance, appreciative of the attempt at humor. Shame it's not female, or we could send Luc to seduce - or at least ogle - it.

Rune runs her hands through her hand and shifts her hip against her barstool, rising to sit on it at last before lighting another cigarette.

"Had anymore dreams since then?" Dark eyes encompass more than Zoe - Mick, the old man at the table, Carmen.

Mayby it's something HE battled in the past.. or an ansestor did... I'm very connected to my ansestors.... sometimes they peak though me.. perhaps....?

"No, Rune, I haven't, only had this one reinforced. Its the name, I tell you. . I hear it often."

. . Not all she heard, but she hadn't been able to understand, not like Carmen. How very very interesting. . .

She slows down after the first few bites, and even ofers Dire one-a her fries, and then almostly shyly (but she's not shy) offers some to James too... she can'ts eat dem all by herself.. but she's making fast work of that burger, though.. A smile is offered mis'Rune too, and she makes sure that baby'manda gets some of her fries.
She doesn't make much of the rest of the conversation.. gods and angels and misser'oak whos name is likes one, or that she 'membered da name and not mis'Zoe..
All things are new to a little girl.
All things are bright discoveries..
All things are always just as they should be... cuz she don't know no different.

*He smiles to Carmen and takes the fry and nods sagly to her. whispers8 Your the best pup ever. So smart. So observent. Gaia loves you.

Mick's eyes slip back over to his dad as well, a brow arched in surprise that the old man even spoke a word to the strangers. In the meantime, Nicholas O'Leary peers at them all with green eyes like his sons. "Well, Elohim are the fallen angels, pretty much what that boy over there said....ain't heard nothing called Elohim referenced with Gaia...."

*he arks a brow.*

"Now? No. But it's just figuring out the connection... if there is one, Dire."

Will Gabriel become the power of this God?
Will Gabriel become the power of their God?
Will Gabriel sit happily in his camp and let them deal with this?

when she lights up, he steps over a pace and snags the pack before she puts it away, brow lifting quizzically Maybe Livingston can just show up with some good weed and chill out it's perma-PMS? chuckled across her senses, but it shows how close their pack is, to be able to joke like this in times that don't exactly look too... peachy. Thanks. lit smoke waved in gesture before he turns back to the elder Kin

yes, a Garou called a kin "sir"
what next?
a Garou munching on a Get kin kid's fries, that's what.
far be it from him to turn down food
making sure the cigarette smoke stays as far away from her as possible

"Thank you Carmen. And the fallen angels? Will you tell me more... uh.." realizing he doesn't really know the kin's name, he'll stick with "sir?"

*he listens leaning on the bar for the story*

She smiles up at Dire, and practically GLOWS under his praise , whispering "n'I loves you." before she turns back to her food, and flashes a grin of welcome at JAmes, and half listens to everything around her..

"Why a fallen angel would touch me. . . "

. . . Devout pagan, as far as Christians were concerned. She reverred Gaia after all, served her. Listening to the strange man, even more curious and wondering if any new revelations had yet to be seen. . .

More important, if a fallen angels tries and touches others... can we kick it's ass? * a soft grin lets them know he's kidding..... mostly* I didn't see anything touch her.... I was there... she just looked into the river.

An aimless nod of welcome in James' direction as he lights up - when did you start smoking? - and but this time, she doesn't ask.

"I don't know, Zoe," murmured, the most faint of shrugs accompanying the words. "Maybe it's just the spirit - or whatever was bound - picking up on threads of thoughts in those in town. Finding a name amidst the many that pops into their head when they think they see god. Maybe it's more specific, but I can't say that I really believe in the bible or its angels." None of this really makes sense to Rune, and for the moment all she can do is compile the data and find someone who can - perhaps - shed a little more light on this. "Mick, did you dream of a specific place in the Appalachians?" Dark brow rising as she shifts her attention back to the Fianna.

The Fianna runs a hand through his auburn hair while his eyes finally leave his old man. "If I had to guess...I....I'd say it was closer near the Black Mountains....."

"I can't say I understand near half of this, but I was hoping to find the others who were blinded. I wanted to compare experiences, see if there were common threads and such."

. . . Black mountains? She had heard Blue Mountains in the dream. But could mean so many things.

"That or visit the Mullica again."

Al this talk of mountains and angels and gods.. well, its kinda big for the little girl to handle, so she falls back into the promised silence, between bites, and little coos and conversation for baby'manda. She does keep a close watch on Dire, and james ('s hair..) and mis'Rune mis'Zoe..She's gots sumpin to tell mis'Rune too.. but still, she's patient, cuz grownups stuffs gotsta be talked bout first. yup.

when I ran out of things to do with my hands
it's in the grin, but not said, either
and his voice drops to a chuckled muse

"Why would the Fallen reach out and touch someone, promise them the absolution of all their pain if they'd just take that sweet step over.... whatever the cost is can't seem too much when it's compared to taking the lonliness away, can it, Zoe? How sweet was temptation's song in your mind...."

there's an edge to it
way down deep
he's heard songs like that before

"I'm not familiar with this coast." Rune responds with a faint, lifting shrug. "Can you tell me where the Black Mountains are? Couldn't hurt." The palm pilots batteries were going dead, so she saves what she has thus far and turns it off. There's a glance for Zoe then, sharp-eyed and hidden from the now-blind woman. "I'd rather you not visit the Mullica again, at least not until we have a better idea of what the hell is going on."

"Who knows - " oh, that. The sharp look slides toward James. The edge in his voice. The implications she had never quite considered. Nostrils flare in a half-breathed snort. " - what it might say to you, this time."

. . . How could they understand? They didn't know her, anything about her really. Gaia, they shared a pack with Decker and he was part of her pain. Falling silent on her stool, the soft serenity has been lost somewhere, and she is just silent. . . and sightless. Turning thought s over in her head. Maybe she had done this to herself, but even so, there was littel else she could have done. That was the problem. Nothing she could do, and no one to turn to. . was why she had been ready for anyone's comfort in that time. Let them judge her. It was nothing new, stargazer, fool, pathetic. . .a number of things they might think. Luc had said some of them, as well. She just listens, offering nothing more. . .

" It's one of the higher parts of the Blue Mountains...it's in North Carolina east of the Mississippi River....." His arms cross over his chest as he watches the lot of them in his pub. He's quiet, speaking only when spoken too ....

She tips her head - slight, but there, as Mis'zoe goes quiet. And so does Dire, who listens and tries to put it together in his own mind, and she finishes of her burger and lets James have the rest of her fries as dark eyes go from one to the other to the other to the other and back again...

there's much he could say to her silence
it's shown in the beginning curl of lip over teeth
but he'd be no better than the revivalists in their righteous "glory" damning them for not coverting
if he damned her for what seems so far an honest mistake
(be careful of how things appear, Jamey-boy)

"You may find safety in your silence or help us, Zoe, but I agree with Rune. Stay away from the Mullica..." wait, he didn't include a preference... that was more of a firm suggestion "..next time you may pay a dearer price than your sight for your... angel's.... touch."

it's a flat statement
openly implying death may be an option
though he doesn't say whom it will come from

"You think about that, next time you're feeling it's gift of serenity."

okay, now is a good time to concentrate on that cigarette, James
that.... pink?.... cigarette
he stole it, he can deal with it
a glance to Rune
noting Mick's silence
he doesn't want to overstay their welcome
(if they haven't already)
but it's her decision

"If you ever need to go, I know the area pretty well..." He shrugs, cleaning up the bar in quiet thought once more.

"I know the area well too, when I could still see it."

. . .Weeks and weeks of time spent wandering the wilds and lonely stretches of the Pine Barrens, for meditation, quiet, or merely exercise. Her head turns, sightless eyes falling on where james voice came from. She did not know him, except as Rune's packmate. Had seen him once (in rage go figure) at Eliza's after the debacle. . .

"I've given you what I know. Rhya brought me here because it was our hope that my presence would perhpas jog new pieces of the puzzle. That perhaps the spirit would speak once more. It was not malevolent last time. Unlike the others, I was only blinded, while they were burned for their sins."

Pink cigarette. Hot pink. Bright pink. Strippa pink. The cigarette in James' hand draws a sharp smirk from Rune, when at last she realizes which color he stole. Of course, it wasn't that hard. She smokes everything else before deigning to smoke the pink ones, so odds were he'd end up with one, particularly in a pack that's been mostly smoked.

"Where are you staying, Zoe? I still want Imogen to examine your eyes, when you're available." The Glass Walker's mouth flattens into a faint, narrow line, and her shoulders rise and fall, gently, beneath her warm coat. "The offer's appreciated, Mick, and we might take you up on it, since that seems to be the only firm connection we have right now. If you or your father want to get out of here for a while, I could find you a place to stay. It's not exactly someplace I'd want to be, with these things going on." From within the folds of her wallet, tucked inside her winter coat, Rune pulls a small card. It does not contain her name, but does hold her cellphone and her email address. She hands it to Mick, offering, by way of explanation, "...if you need to get in touch with me."

The Glass Walker's eyes fall upon Carmen, then. "You know that you should let Dire know if you hear voices again, and that you shouldn't follow them if you hear them, right?" Her eyes flicker up to Dire. "The same offer goes, there. If you live too close to Batsto, I'll find you someplace else to live."

...and then, at last, back to James. Want to try to get some samples of the water, tonight, before we go home? her mindvoice is somber, and stark. ...maybe Mick has some old bottles or something we can use. Probably not sterile, but could be good enough, if they're looking for strange chemical residue rather than biological material.

Mick nods, takes the card...."I think we'll be okay....we have been so far. The only ones I've seen effected thus far are the drunks and hags around here...." a pause...." I mean.....not that you're that of course Miss...." he offers apologetically to Zoe.

She pushes her plate over to Mick as he starts cleaning the bar, and finishes off her soda as well..
She tries to hold back the giggle at the pink cigarette, looking up at James again and just grinning before spinning on her stool a little..
And staring at mis'zoe.. burned for being bad? dats not good at all.. she's glad she's a good pup.. she'll be even better now! even though she's always trying to be good..
She nods as Rune speaks to her, vigorously, hair tumbling cascade over little shoulders. "I will mis'Rune.. I'll do just likes you n my Dire says.."
Dire said she should anyway, cuz Rune is that silly word.. ri-ah.. and eventhough she's sometimes mean she's never been meaned to her so she's gotsta be cool.
and then there's da makeup. Rune's just perfect in her gaze...
wonder if she getsta play with James' hair...

in rage
against his packmate
the one that causes a part of her pain
go figure.
even if she can't see his wry grin, she can hear it

"Any idea what it is you're being kept from seeing, rather than what not seeing has opened your eyes to? I don't customarily doubt when I wasn't there, but I hardly find blinding someone benevolent. Blinded, burnt - they're both methods of distraction and harm. Just like you... I'm only trying to understand."

weren't you supposed to be holding your tongue, James?
pinning it with smoke?
or something?
he shakes it off
damn tiny crescent moon in the sky
and already his temper's beginning to niggle upwards
can't wait for a week and a half from now

Yeh, I could use a walk. Time to process this.

Dire nods, and adds something of a gruff thanks "We're ok where we are for now, but thank you, Ryha"

"Rhya has been caring for me, when I am not here."

. . . Implications being she stays with him at his camp, voice quiet. Rhya was already a bit miffed at the number of people visiting out there since he took her under his care.

"But he prefers his privacy. Perhaps I might meet her here whatever day she wishes."

Eerie how she follows their voices, watching them like she could still see. This time Mick earns her gaze and she softly smiles, gentle, knowing. . .

"No offense taken Mick."

"James, you seem to lack faith in any sort of higher calling. Let me see if I can break this down for you."

. . .An edge to her voice now. Blind leading the blind truly.

"What do you think would happen if a purely human mind was confronted with something so utterly above human? The mind cannot comprehend, cannot process what it sees. My belief. What I saw was so beyond my ability to realize, so profound, so beautiful, that it blinded me with its light. It felt divine, and whatever it is now, it has not harmed me beyond this? Is being blind so terrible? Its made me see in other ways, and reevaluate myself, and the world around me. Does Eliza find life so terribly unbearable for not having eyes?"

Falling sile

Posted by james at January 05, 2003 12:00 AM
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