December 17, 2002
.12.17.02. - beemers, hotdogs, and lipstick [rune-decker-dire-carmen]

[north jersey]

[james isn't in this one, was lurking and hoping to join in but never quite got into it, but it leads into the next one, so hell, posting it - dire and carmen are just too cute]

Why Decker decided to come with her when Rune went off to get her fucking. hood. fucking. replaced. (oddly enough, she's not as bitter about that as she would normally be. She hasn't said a word to him about it. She hasn't said a word to him for two days. She hasn't been around to say a word to him. From the Barrens at eight in the fucking morning north and north and north until she found her dealer and dragged him the hell out of bed and bought what she needed, bought what she wanted, and on: one day, one night of debauchery. She came dragging home the next morning, and fell asleep on the couch. The previous twenty-four hours were a fucking blur.

Lost time, baby. Lost fucking time.)

But there he is. Sitting on plush pleather chair next to her in the waiting room of the BMW dealership, looking completely out of place. The be-suited salesman and pretty little cashier have all found their own reasons to go elsewhere, while the two Garou wait ( " - tomorrow, no problem." The manager said. "Today." she replied, with a flat little smirk. He swallowed. Hard. "Today it is.").

Decker? Whittles. Why the hell these two are here together is impossible to tell. Maybe they think he's her boytoy. No way could he afford a truck like that. Must have a big - well, the salesmen don't say it. At least not in front of the dangerous pair. So, Decker whittles. Rune is in the process of consuming one of the complimentary gourmet hotdogs, the first solid food she's had in a few days.

She's fucking ravenous, but she's holding it together. It's a hotdog, afterall, with all the fixings, and she's not about to let it mar her make-up, or - god forbid - stain her clothes.

Decker's been quiet, himself. You'd think the Modi'd be strutting after laying down a smackaround, but Decker doesn't strut.

No, he slouches. And he's slouched down right down, so far down that his abdomen and hips (and all that extra baggy fabric stretched between his thighs, what with those jeans sagged down so far that the thigh pockets were in the vicinity of his knees) make a flat plane, and his head is sunken into the center of the plush leather chair's back.

And, yeah, whittling. With his switchblade. Like owner like blade: both closecut, honed to deadly sharpness, devoid of the extraneous.

Wood chips fall and curl on his abdomen as he turns the little irregular bit of wood - a section of a branch nearly four inches across and two deep that he was gradually cutting into a bas-relief little disc, almost perfectly round, and the size of a half-dollar. What he's carving onto the face isn't clear yet. His eyes are lazy on the little disc, but his hands are deft.

This is probably the only reason he hasn't started bitching about how long this is taking. Sniffing hot dog in the air, he stops briefly and glances at her. "Gonna git me one?"

Rune's long fingers are splayed wide, the tips delicately pressing into the soft hot dog bun. Red nails break the toasted surface, exposing the soft white beneath.

One dark brow rises, delicate and wreathingly amused. The smirk on her mouth deepens, lengthens, and she just stares at him for a long moment.

"I would," she says at last, deliberately biting off another mouthful with a clean, sharp snap of white teeth flashing behind red lips. She doesn't bother to chew the bite. She swallows it fucking whole. After a moment, "...but I'm not your fucking mother. Besides, they're rather phallic, don't you think? Wouldn't want anyone getting the wrong idea 'bout you."

Yeah. That's a grin. That's almost a grin, that smirk on her face. It's the first real expression that has broken through her mask in more than forty-eight hours, and it's a relief to see it.

He looks at her for a minute, and then mutters, snaps the blade back into the handle and sets knife and disc of wood into her lap. "Hold these fer a min."

Getting up, he helps himself to a hot dog. With onions, relish, ketchup and three kinds of mustard. Hm, that cheese topping looked good, too.

While Rune's swallowing down her bare weiner (and she's talking about phallic?), Decker comes back with a loaded dog. Sinks down with a satisfied grunt: starts eating. "Beemer people always treat their customers this good, 'r are you preferred?"

Rune glances down at the knife and the disc in her lap. Her eyes rise to follow the Modi's path through the dealership waiting room. Hot dog. Onions. Relish. Ketchup. Three kinds of mustard. Oozing cheese.

"You forgot the kitchen sink," she remarks dryly, mouth twisting upward at the corner. "Bet that would taste good. Mmmm. Crunching metal. Faucets. Drains. Deeeelish." - and here she licks. her. lips. (yeah, she's talking about phallic) before flashing him an amused look - "Maybe you should ask after that?"

The faintest of shrugs, a slow roll of her shoulders, mirroring the slow roll of her eyes. "They always treat folks this good, but I'm preferred. Definitely."

Decker shoots her a dark glance. "Don't like metal much," he says, right before stuffing his face. Cheese, mustard and ketchup slides off the dog onto his fingers, and then drips toward his pants until he catches it barely-in-time with the other hand.

Pretty new pants, these. Startin' to look pretty old already, but he bought 'em with the money from the squooshed Ford. Sucking ketchupy cheese off his fingers, the Modi glances out at the Jetta pulling up. Damn. Still in one piece. Dire must be getting good.

Doesn't change that he still isn't supposed to be here on Eagle turf...

"Here comes Dire," mutters Decker.

The Glass Walker gives a sharp glance up, up and around, around and up and so on. Fortunately, her head remains firmly attached to her neck, so she doesn't quite look like Rosemary's baby. Dark strands of fine black hair swing around her arrogant features, and then settle across her pale cheek like some shadow overlying the disc of the moon.

And the moon above - unseen yet, hidden still, though night is beginning to fall - is a gibbous moon, waxing toward full, a pregnant stain across the inner sky of their minds.

"When the hell did he become a preferred customer?" Low, strained, her voice, but still threaded with amusement. Humor - even dry, bitter, edged humor, sharp as a blade - is a defense against rage. The rest of her hotdog goes down the hatch. Yum. There. Delicious.


*He parks and powers down the Jetta. Steps out and locks the door. THe tinted windows saves anyone noticing the sleeping cub in the back. He casually swings bubba aournd as he turns in a slow circle. The rite lead him to this general area but not much more.
One foot goes up to the hood and he hops up onto the roof of the Jetta and looks up and down the street. Useing the hook side of the crow bar he iches his head. Sniffs a few times and slooooowly turns to look behind him. He sees Decker and Rune though the window and smiles. Starts walking that way. Falls off the jetta roof to SLAM into the concreet and rolls onto his back with a groan. Standing he coffs a few times. Snatches up bubba and heads intothe dealer ship. Only after he's though the door does he notice cars are inside. He pauses and looks around. Kinda lost in the surrealty of the first time being in a car show room.*

A shrug. Still had half a dog left himself, Decker, and he was gonna take his time finishing it. Don't disturb the feeding beast. Even as Rune grows alert as a gazelle gone carnivorous, Decker slouches deeper into the oh so comfortable chair. Eats.

These dogs are really fuckin' good. Gonna get himself another. With chili this time, as well as everything else. And maybe the kitchen sink too. A glance up as Dire comes in (the dealer-on-duty staring incredulous at him - is this guy for real?).

"Think he's gonna make you an unpreferred customer soon."

*He sniffs the air smelling food and blinks owlishly as the Dealer approaches him.*

"Good afternoon... Sir, where you thinking of perhaps a BMW for A Christmas present?"
* The man is all smiles. You honestly try and placate the man with the long iron crowbar that just walked into your dealership. AIn't no tellin' what he had in mind.

Dire for his part looks at the man. Noone had asked him if he would like a BMW for christmas. He wasn't quite sure what a BMW was but if it's anything like a KMART he knows he doesn't want one. He slowly shakes his head no. If the Dealer had the power to inflict something called a BMW that might be like a Kmart on him he wanted no part of that what so ever.* I.... was just wanting to speak to them..... no BMWs please. * He seems rather alarmed by the prospect.
The Dealer nods and cautiously backs away. Dire blinks at him and sniffs again. Smells like hot dogs. Ahh more of that later. He heads for Decker and Rune and nods to them. Waiting to be acknledged before speaking*

"No fucking kidding," Rune murmurs, rising slowly in the waiting area and pushing a hand back through her shifting black hair. It falls through her fingers, spills across her cheek. The gesture does nothing to fix the falling strands, for they fall back into place. Nevertheless, she repeats it.

Twice: a sure sign of tension.

"Christ." Dark eyes flicker over Dire, watching as he wanders through the showroom to the glassed-in waiting area, then sliiiiiiide on back to the customer service attendant sitting at the desk in the corner of the room. "S'my crazy third-cousin out there. Just got outta the asylum. Mind giving me a little privacy here? Just knock on the glass when my car's ready. Y'all have my information on file, so you can send me the fucking bill. Don't bother with the insurance company, okay? And make sure no one else comes in here while we're talking, I'll make sure he doesn't ever come back."

The red mouth sketches a faint frown. Rune waits until the woman has risen from her desk and skeddadled out the glass door before opening it herself and calling out - "yo! over here!" - and gesturing Dire in her direction.

The dealership staff will have plenty to talk about, come morning. But it might not be that unusual. You know how crazy rich folk are.
*He smiles and nods entering and looking between them with raised brows. The get symbol above his left brow, dark on the pale skin*

Decker finally finishes with his hot dog and sucks his fingers clean. Then he wipes them on his pants and gets up to stand with his packmate. Lets her talk first, though.

Rune allows the door to fall closed. Woosh, the lovely sound of close-to-airlock. Nice mark-up on Beemers, so the dealership can afford a little luxury.

Rune straightens as Decker comes to flank her. He's taller, but slouches, and thus the pair are about the same height. Not particularly imposing, perhaps. Unless you're a woman with a razor-sharp smirk and the full moon behind your dark gaze. Unless a bullish young Modi with hurricane eyes. Dire is Decker's tribemate, but Rune is Decker's beta. She speaks first.

"Some reason you're here, Dire?" The Glass Walker's voice is controlled and calm, pitched low. "Last I remember, you weren't allowed onto pack territory. Now you're barging into a place where I'm trying to conduct business, toting a big-ass crowbar around. And I'm hoping there's a fucking good explanation for why."

*He nods* Goblin queen ate Babe.... Decker was there. He saw it. * He brings the iron black crowbar up and reverantly strokes it* This is babes big brother. Bubba. * he smiles*

I came for two reasons...... I need a pack. I'd like to join yours. I'm a Skald and I fight good. I know my duties and I think I could help.

And I came to ask if anyone knew why there were h9oles in Ms Eliza's place. Quite baffeling.

Decker keeps his mouth shut on the pack request. That's Erik's call in the end, and Rune's if it ain't Erik's.

For the holes, though, a grunt, no trace of smirk. "Settlin' scores."

Rune stares.

She just... stares.

And you'll forgive her if her mouth opens and closes like a fish. She was going to reply, but she just couldn't find the words. She was going to reply, but she's staring at the crowbar to which she has been introduced. It's the other crowbar's... brother? The smile on her mouth is no longer tense, it's faintly queasy, faintly ill. She's not going to introduce herself back to the crowbar, but for a moment she almost reaches out to shake its hand.

Christ. Stop.

Hands sliiiiiiides through fine strands of dark hair.

"I'll tell my Alpha that you're interested in joining the pack." There, she found her voice at last. As for the holes - she glances at Decker, and doesn't make any further reply.

*He nods and smiles* Thank you Rune-rhya. *he bows his head raising it he nods to decker* understood Decker-rhya. * he sniffs the air and looks at the food and licks his lips and looks back to them*

I just secured christmas presents for the pup. I'm not sure if you know but there is a place called a "K mart" out there that seems to be an un-repantant pit of hell and damnation. * he shudders* Be careful.

"It's a store, Dire." She flashes Decker a look - What the hell does your tribe teach its Metis, anyway? - and then glances back at the Get before her. "Not a pit of hell and damnation. It's a fucking store, and a cheap one at that. You don't need anymore Christmas presents, do you?"

She doesn't ask about the pup. She assumes he's talking about Eliza's kids. Or something.

*he shakes his head* It's all she asked for. She's a good pup. * he smiles* Thank you though.
Yes it's a store.. a rather hellish one. I could have swore a formoi was going to fight me for the doll.

"All right then." Rune replies, quietly glancing up as the attendant comes to knock on the glass. The woman doesn't quite look at any of them, but she avoids Dire and Decker the most, rattling Rune's keys gently. The metal scrapes and dances and taps on the glass. "You're still not welcome in our territory, Dire. My Alpha hasn't lifted that ban, and it isn't my place to do so. So since you have your Christmas presents, it's probably time to head back home.

Erik'll let you know about the pack thing."

Her arms settle across her abdomen, easily crossed. Her chin rises, and she watches him. "Good night."

*He blinks quite perplexed* Ok.... um... would you tell me why I'm not welcome? WHat have I done?

"You were there, Dire. You heard my Alpha clear as the next person. He said you weren't welcome. You wanna discuss it with him, I'll let him know. He can find you pretty easy." One shoulder rolls vaguely upward, but the even tone does not leave her voice. "He can find pretty much anyone."

Shit. Keys. They were leaving. Decker heads to grab up another hot dog (ketchup, 3 mustards (deli spicy and regular), onions, relish, cheese and chili) before it was too late. Heading back with the steaming dog, he butts in on the conversation. Like a ram. In mating season.

"Pissed Erik off. Put yer nose in pack business where it didn't belong." A shrug, as he pushes the end of the dog into his mouth. "The Blood Eagle holds a long grudge. But I'll ask 'im fer ya."

*He blinks at Rune.... he knows he's a bit ... troubled at times but he's never met their Alpha. He turns to Decker and nods* You know me Decker. You know I'd stand with you. * He nods to them both* I"ll leave..... I'm sorry.

Just a nod up.
And a pause.

"Who's feedin' yer pup these days, Dire?"

I am. * he smiles* I found some money in a bag in the car.... some plastic bags of grean herbs... stinks but I was wondering if I could cook with it. WOuld you like to come see? * he jerks a thumb* it's in the car.

"Bring her a dog." A tilt of his head toward the hot dogs, light catching on the bristly tips of his short-short-shortcropped hair. "Getcherself one too."

He's real generous with food that isn't his. Then, a frown. "Herbs?" - blank.

*he goes to make them* Thank you. * he nods* Yeah... little plastic bags of stinky grass like stuff. but it's not grass.

Decker and Dire have their tete-a-tete while Rune swings the door open, steps out into the showroom. She takes the keys from the customer service representative, and glances back at the glassed-in room, then walks over toward the cashier, waiting for her bill. She might as well pay it here. She preferred it that way. Less of a paper trail if things went wrong.

More blankness. Then: fiat fuckin' lux, baby. Light dawns and Decker lets out a single, short bark of laughter.

"Oh Jesus Christ Dire...that ain't herbs. That's pot. You smoke it. 'R you kin sell it fer good money. But don't you feed none o' it to that pup, y'hear?"

*he blinks at him* I have money there was some in the same bag. You want the pot? * he blinks. he thought a pot was something you cooked macroni in*

That's about when Rune walks back into the room, keys jangling in her hands. She just signed someone else's name to a credit card receipt. The dealership will get their money. Some big multinational corporation will eat the loss and never notice. It'll disappear into cyberspace.

Her eyes flash over Dire. "I'll take the pot. But it's not something you should talk about publicly. I'll give you money for it too."

She stopped by the ATM on the way here. She was going to buy some anyway. Might as well help the freakish, crazy Get Metis out.

Turning so her body blocks the view from the showroom, she pulls out her envelope from the ATM and counts out some money. Hands it to him. "Put that away before someone sees it. Let's get the hell out of here."

*he smiles and takes it and nods* it's in the car outside. You can meet the pup too. * He hangs bubba on the crook of his arm and carrying two hot dogs he walks out. Sets them on the top of the Jetta and unlocks the back door. He opens it and gently touches her8 Carmen? Wake up. * he grabs the bag and offers it to Rune*

The bundle of clothing and stuff in the back of the jetta stirs. She taked a nap agin! she's too old for naps she IS. she sits up and dark eyes blink and little fist rubs in order to get the sleep from her eyes before a smile slides over her features and she beams at Dire, scootching out and sliding her arms around his neck for a hug "Dere you are!" Only four, she's all dark hair and dark eyes and cute smile complete with dimples.. she looks at Rune and just.. blinks a little and whispers - loudly, because kids her age haven't learned whisper means soft and all - "Whodat?"

Rune follows, long strides carrying her casually in his wake. When Dire offers her the bag, she snatches it from his grasp and stuffs it into her pocket - hissed " - you know this stuff's illegal, right? - " under her breath.

And lo and behold, there's a child in the backseat. Rune blinks hard, shaking her head (flashback? Nah.) before focusing on the child. Some tight approximation of a smile comes to the woman's face - she's never been comfortable around children, but the idea of Dire raising one - dear. god.

"Rune." Flatly stated, flatly spoken, matching the flat graze of her dark eyes.

*he watches her snag the gym bag and srugs* So is casually killing people that we know to be evil. We're kinda abive mortal laws. * He hugs carmen and stands with her holding her with one arm and handing her her hotdog. Rune tells Carmen her name and he smiles*

(carmen)She tips her head a little, eyes locked on Rune's and that odd little almost smile that isn't quiet but its painted bright red and she smiles prettily "you wears makeup... s'pretty. I likes makeup too, but momma alwas said I gots to wait till I's older. Rune is a funny name. Short too. I'm Carmen Elizabeth Juanita Maria Lucia Santos. I gots lotsa names. Are you a friend of my Dire?" She beams as he hands her a hotdog and takes it carefully, bite taken ant "tank'oo" mumbled through her mouthful.

"Yeah," Rune snaps, rolling her eyes. "that's also why we don't do it in broad view of everyone who is mortal, and might try to kick our asses over it."

Rune snorts and looks back to the brat, and the odd, flat smile grows wider. Make-up. It's a universal ice-breaker.

"That is a lot of names. I'm an acquaintance of your Dire. Rune's a nickname, but I can't tell you my real name because it's a secret, and I can't let anyone know. I don't think you're too old for make-up. You want my lipstick?"

She'd tried to offer her lipstick to Eliza's daughter the other night, figuring it as a natural bridge, but the child hadn't responded. Now she offers it again, fishing through the contents of her pocket to find the tube and holding it out, open-palmed, to the child.

*he smiles* Caremen knows about secrets. SHe keeps ours well. * he nods and looks to decker* I checked. She is kin.

"Oh yeah?" Still eating, Decker. Free food's always good. Chew, swallow. "Ours?"

She giggles and her eyes widen a little as she's offered the lipstick and she looks at her Dire "can I?" Before she wipes ketchup off her hand and little fingers pluck the tuve frome Runes hand "oh Thank you! Will you helps me put some on so I's can be pretty too? I likes secrets, and knowssometimes you cants tell them to nobunny, s'why they's secrets. I bets its as pretty as you are though." and she just now notices decker and nose wrinkles a little - she still thinks he's a boogerbreath. but she smiles like all good cubs right before Christmas "hi decker!"

*he nods* Now, anyway.
*He smiles to Carmen* Yes... Rune is special. Even I have to listen to her. What ever she says, we do.

Grunt. Chew. Swallow, so as not to treat everyone with a view of his food. Not that he really cares, but it's hard to talk with so much food in your mouth, and anyway Decker is the quiet type.

"Sup, Carmen."
Oh, now he talks to her.

Rune lifts a dark brow, mouth widening into a faint, smirking grin as the child takes the lipstick from her hand. If a man were to compliment her looks - pretty! - he might earn a swift kick in the balls. The little girl gets one of her rare grins.

"Sure," holding her hand out and accepting the lipstick back from the girl. She unscrews the cap and applies the lipstick carefully to the child's little bow-mouth. "Now go like this - " - Rune makes a face and blots her lips together - " - and you're good to go."

*he watches them and gently strokes Carmens hair* I'm teaching her things all pups should know... Carmen. Tell them some of the stuff I"ve taught you

A snort from Decker, who's finishing up his second hot dog. Christ. Rune was teaching his four-year-old kin to apply lipstick If this kept up, the girl would be a heartbreaker by the time she hit thirteen.

And knowing who - or what - she's related to, that's not necessarily a good thing. "Quit that, Rune," he says quietly. "She's too fuckin' young."

She actually smiles. brightly. at Decker as he calls her by name and then watches rune with the lipstick and holds real still and imitates her face and then smacks her lips together a little to test out the feel of the makeup before declairing. "I's pretty now! tank you, Rune."
It is rather hard to resist that cute factor, isn't it?
She cuddles close to Dire (they are quite the odd pair) and then nods, curls ( recently brushed even!) bouncing. "Dire's a good teacher. I knows dat da snow dats lower den da rest makes trails, and game - dats stuffs we eat - follows dem to water and water runs down hill and if'n you don't wants anmules to smell you you gots to stay down wind so's its pushing your hair backs from your face and not into your face and den dey can'ts smells you... and you can surprise dem and eats em." a decisive nod, before she sticks her tongue out at decker "boogerbreath" before she whispers (again, loudly) to Dire. "I gots ta go potty...dey have one in dere?" A point to the dealership "I can go by myselfed."

*He smiles at the things she says and blinks and looks around and to the dealership* I'll take you... last time you went running around in the city a goblin queen grabed you.

Rune flashes Decker a brief glance, then looks back toward Carman, offering her a wink as she deposits the tube of lipstick back in the girl's hand.

"You're very pretty, and you've learned alot. You keep that head on your shoulders, and you'll be fine." Her gaze lifts to Dire. "My car's ready, so we're heading out now. Meant what I said about our territory, 'til you hear different from Erik, at least."

Keys jangle in her hands as she steps back, heading toward her car. If things went badly in the dealership's bathroom, she didn't want to know about it. She really didn't want to know. And - a glance at Carmen, she talks, likes make-up, but she could still be in diapers, right? - the moment of make-up bonding did not lead to Rune offering a trip to the bathroom with the child.

"Coming, Decker?"

*He nods* We'll leave after she uses the bathroom. * he leads her inside and looks around till he sees one of the little signs and walks her too the door and guards it like a secret service man as she goes*

A roll of his shoulders. "Yeah, why not."

He follows Rune out to her car, gets in, doesn't buckle up, leans the seat back a few notches. When they're a distance away, he glances over at the sleek Walker.

"Y'know, you keep that shit up 'n she's gonna be ripe fer matin' by the time she's thirteen."

"Maybe she's a fucking Ahroun, and she'll change and claw the balls off the first guy who tries it." Rune replies. The faint grin has long since faded. Decker's presence, or the general state of the world, or her natural self. "Nothing wrong with little girls playing with make-up anyway. I did it all the fucking time."

Rune also had orange and pink hair when she was four, but she doesn't mention that.

"Doesn't mean shit. S'not about mating, it's about - " Rune snorts, frustrated, weaving the Beemer through the late evening traffic, heading toward the condo a short distance away. So short, in fact, that the sign is already flashing in her headlights as she continues. " - women don't put on make-up for men. They do it for women. Long as it's warm and wet and basically willing, with boobs somewhere above the waist, you don't tend to notice the rest."

"Yeah," smirk, "'n look how you turned out." Real fuckin' comforting, that: a kin just like Rune. Donates her eggs for infallible birth control. That'll go over well...

Another snort. "Now that's bullshit 'n you know it is."

*He gathers her up when she comes out and exits the dealership. giving the guy the ol hairy eyeball as he does so. Puts her into the Jetta. Buckels her in and gets in himself. Starts the car and pulls into traffic waving his fist at the people around him.
Gaia looks after children, lunitics and Get Metis it seems as he's not been killed in a fireball as of yet*

"I don't see anyone complaining, Decker. You got a problem with how I fucking turned out?" Rune replies, smirking again.

Speedbump. Speedbump. Speed. bump.
(She fucking hates speedbumps.)
Parking lot.

"It's not bullshit, Decker, and you know that too. The right plumbing in the right place, a couple of places to put your hands," shoulders rise and fall in an amused shrug as she pulls into her parking space. "...that's all y'all need."

Then, quietly. "For the most part, anyway."

For the most part, anyway.

He could ask if that's how she thinks James is, or how she thinks he is even, but it's too damn melodramatic a topic for him for him to broach. Suddenly remembering, though, he sits up as they slide to a stop. "The fuck didja do with that thing I gave you?"

"It's in my pocket, Decker." Rune replies, as she swings out of the car. Booted feet, the pavement, the usual clatter. The door not quite slammed closed behind her.

"Don't worry." An amused half-grin as she produces the disk and his knife from her pocket. Were she any other woman, the items would be produced from a purse, but no matter how girly she is, purses have always seemed a little impractical to the Glass Walker Ahroun. Thus: pockets in every coat. Big ones. "I've got your back."

Posted by james at December 17, 2002 12:00 AM